Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 481: Each using his special ability

The team continued to move forward. When they reached 100 meters from the ruins of the bombed building, Xiao Qiang could clearly see that there were still many zombies on the main road. The zombies launched a crazy attack on the troops led by Wu Ze and Wu Shan on both sides of the road. From time to time, the sound of tank shells came out. However, due to the large number of zombies, they could not move forward and had to stop and attack the zombies. [】

"Da Da Da", Jiang Kai quickly commanded everyone to stop 20 meters away from the zombie group and parked the trucks to aim at the zombies.

"Throw grenades." Jiang Kai stood in the middle of the crowd and shouted to everyone.

The first round of more than 100 grenades instantly passed over the zombies' heads, "bang bang bang", and instantly exploded in the zombie group, blowing the zombies into chaos. Immediately afterwards, more than 100 bombs were thrown over, and a large number of zombies standing in the front fell down instantly.

After the zombies were blown up by Jiang Kai and his grenades, nearly 10,000 zombies rushed over again.

"Shoot, strong firepower coverage, and be ready to evacuate at any time." Jiang Kai stood in the front and kept issuing orders.

Hearing Jiang Kai's order, the truck changed direction again, ready to evacuate at any time. At the same time, the grenades were put away, and the machine guns and heavy machine guns were all set up and aimed at the direction where the zombies came. This time, there were no high-level zombies, and under heavy firepower, it was easy to kill these zombies.

At this time, Xiao Qiang roughly calculated that, plus some zombies killed by the explosion of the building just now, a total of more than 100,000 zombies have been killed, and there are still 200,000 zombies left, crowded on the road.

If the current situation is the same, as long as everyone has enough ammunition, it is only a matter of time to kill the remaining 200,000 zombies.

However, Xiao Qiang knew that it might not be so easy to kill the zombie group here.

"Brother Qiang, something is happening!" Xiao Qiang was standing behind and watching the battle. Wang Peng, who was observing the situation in the air, suddenly flew down and said.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Qiang asked quickly after hearing Wang Peng's words.

"Just now in the air, I found that the zombies began to move. Except for two small groups of zombies that attacked us and Wu Ze, the others all rushed to Wu Shan's side quickly." Wang Peng reported to Xiao Qiang.

"What? It seems that there are at least ordinary level 5 zombies inside." Xiao Qiang fell into deep thought and began to think.

"Let Wu Shan fight while retreating, and never fight to the death. In addition, let Wu Ze follow us to break through the defense of these two small groups of zombies and kill the zombies." Xiao Qiang thought briefly and said.

"But in this case, if Wu Shan doesn't defend, these zombies can easily run away." Wang Peng asked, a little confused.

"No, if there are level 5 zombies in command, even if these zombies don't run away, it will be difficult for us to deal with them. So, I decided to rush in and kill those level 5 zombies first. In this way, if there is no one to command the zombie group, it will be much easier to deal with." Xiao Qiang expressed his thoughts.

"What? You want to rush in among so many zombies, it's too dangerous. You know, there are nearly 200,000 zombies in it." Everyone around gathered around and said after hearing Xiao Qiang's words.

"Yes, it is obvious that there are still level 5 zombies in it. If we don't deal with him, it will be very difficult for us to attack the zombie group. Don't worry, if you encounter danger, I have engraved a mark on Bingyan, so you can come at any time, and I will leave it to you outside." Xiao Qiang said to everyone, saying that there was a mark of the Flying Thunder God on Lin Bingyan, and he also wanted Lin Bingyan to go to a safe place to protect herself.

"Then you should pay more attention to safety, brother Qiang, leave it to us outside." Jiang Kai stepped forward and said.

"Yes, Wang Peng, I remember Yang Xue developed a few arrows for you that can release smoke. You will shoot arrows at the zombies in a while to release the smoke, so that I can rush into the zombies under the cover of the smoke. Everyone, cheer up. Those two small groups of zombies are not easy to deal with. Everyone, pay attention to safety." Xiao Qiang nodded and said.

Hearing Xiao Qiang's words, everyone acted quickly. Under Jiang Kai's command, everyone quickly arranged defenses, replenished ammunition, set up machine guns and aimed at the gap in the building, and put grenades aside. Wang Peng used the aircraft again and flew into the air. He held a crescent bow in his hand and put the smoke arrows made by Yang Xue on the bow. After Xiao Qiang was ready and gave the order, he shot at the zombies.

Soon, the small group of zombies coming over here had already rushed over. There were about 30,000 zombies in these groups, led by two large level 4 zombies. When they reached a place more than 50 meters away from Xiao Qiang and his group, they paused for a moment and threw iron rods, stones and other things in their hands towards Xiao Qiang and his group.

"Damn, the zombies have become spirits, and they can even throw things."

"Who said they have no intelligence and can only charge forward blindly."

"Hurry up and hide, these zombies are quite strong. If you are stabbed by the things in the zombies' hands, it will not be a joke."

... . . . . .

Xiao Qiang noticed that these zombies should have obeyed the command of the level 5 zombies and thrown a wave of items here. Now, without the level 5 zombies here, they should throw the items in their hands and then launch an attack towards this side. However, this was enough to disrupt the defense that Jiang Kai and his team had arranged before, causing everyone to dodge in a hurry. It seems that his countermeasures are correct. If you want to kill these zombies, you must first kill those level 5 zombies.

In an instant, the stones, iron bars, and even some broken table legs in the hands of those zombies were thrown at Jiang Kai and his team. Although the power was not as great as bullets, they were more numerous. Looking up, full of items were thrown at the top of everyone's head.

"Everyone, hide quickly, hide behind the truck." Seeing this, Jiang Kai also reacted quickly and shouted to everyone.

"Earth wall!"

"Ice wall!"

"Double speech!"

... . . . . .

While talking, several psychics on Xiao Qiang's side had already used their special abilities to defend against the zombies' throwing objects.


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