Chang Xiangyang didn’t care about Wang Yan’s words.

Instead, he laughed: “Teacher Zhao, Jiangbei is full of talents, and you only brought a few people. I believe they must have some outstanding qualities and strong combat effectiveness, right?”

Zhao Huan was unhappy, but he couldn’t show it.

Because today will determine whether the Jiangbei Military Region will be jointly protected.

Once it is jointly protected, the other cities in the Sanjiang River Basin will definitely be infinitely infiltrated.

This is not what Zhao Huan wants to see.

At this point, although the chance is slim, he also wants to try.

If Chang Xiangyang is angry, he will propose a competition, which will ruin the big thing.

Zhao Huan slowly said: “These are indeed talents from our Jiangbei Military Region, but we have internal activities, so we didn’t bring many people today.”

Chang Xiangyang snorted coldly: “It’s really a coincidence that there is an activity today…”

Zhao Huan didn’t care whether he believed it or not, and said to himself: “Yes, it’s a pity…”

Chang Xiangyang’s eyes flashed with disdain, and he gave a look to the person beside him.

The next moment.

A straight figure stood out.

It was a man who was more than two meters tall and had a burly figure.

He laughed: “Everyone in Jiangbei, I have heard that Jiangbei is full of talents. Even Crazy Ghost Slaughterer was born and raised in Jiangbei.”

Zhao Huan and his group of people were shocked when they heard this.

It seems that it will eventually come to this.

The people in Jiangnan are not fools. If they can confirm that Jiangbei is weak, with Chang Xiangyang’s thundering means, they will definitely take action at the speed of light.

The man introduced himself: “I am the captain of the anti-radiation team of the Jiangnan Military Region. My name is Li Yuangang.”

“I have always been curious about what means you have just across the river… Can you let me see one or two?”

As expected, Li Yuangang’s goal was to find a reason to let Jiangbei take action.

In the crowd, a young figure was about to move out.

But he was suppressed by Zhao Huan.

The young man was Wang Hao, who was arranged by Zhao Huan to fight Chen Xiao a week ago.

His talent is SS-level power type [Ant God Descends]!

He had already decided to join the Jiangbei Triangle, but the attitude of the Crazy Ghost Man-Slayer towards the military region was very ambiguous.

In addition, the former leader kept him and made empty promises.

He was willing to accompany the Jiangbei Military Region to fight again.

“Commander Zhao, I really can…”

Wang Hao frowned slightly, not knowing why Commander Zhao wanted to stop him.

Zhao Huan felt bitter.

Wang Hao, as the strongest in the Jiangbei Military Region…

He can’t make a move yet!

Once the highest combat power is exposed, the follow-up will be even more uncontrollable!

Zhao Huan had a gloomy face: “The Jidao election is imminent, what do you mean?”

Li Yuangang had a stern face: “In the doomsday, strength is the most important. We just want to see how strong the Jiangbei Military Region is, and learn from you how to develop talents… You won’t refuse, right?”

At this moment.

In the Jiangbei Military Region, a middle-aged man stood up.

“I am the captain of the Jiangbei Military Region, Hu Dayi.”

“I came to learn the methods of the Jiangnan Military Region.”


Zhao Huan and Wang Yan looked at each other, feeling helpless.

Hu Dayi’s strength is second only to Wang Hao, and he is considered a figure in the Jiangbei Military Region.

The SS-level magic talent [Evil Sheep] is also quite impressive.

It is a good choice for him, the second best player, to take action in the first confrontation in Cangzhou.

Li Yuangang snorted coldly: “Please!”

The next moment, he flew out!

His figure drew a magnificent trajectory in the air!

As majestic as a mountain, he rushed forward with unparalleled power!

With an extremely strong oppressive force!

“Dayi, be careful! He should be a power talent!”

“Since Chang Xiangyang dared to let him take the lead, he is probably not a good guy!”

“If you lose, you must save your life.”

Zhao Huan and others were a little worried and spoke up.

Although it was just a competition in name, there was no guarantee that the people in Jiangnan had martial ethics.

Not to mention that the two forces had some grievances.

It was even more impossible to gamble easily.

Hu Dayi nodded, his eyes firm.

At this moment, his clenched fists were filled with black magic.

The magic was like a vortex in the dark night, flowing around his arms, gathering into a shadow tornado, stirring up tiny ripples in the air.



The collision of flesh and magic!

But when Hu Dayi really felt the huge force, his mentality collapsed instantly.

Because this force was too strong!



The sound of bones breaking rang out.

It chilled the hearts of the people in Jiangbei.

Just a face-to-face, a deep red blood mist unfolded!

Hu Dayi flew out!

He fell heavilyIt fell to the ground, stirring up a cloud of dust.

His entire right arm burst completely under the violent impact, and blood and flesh flew everywhere.


Hu Dayi curled up on the ground in pain, and his arms were bleeding profusely, forming a shocking pool of blood.

His face was as pale as paper, and painful growls could be heard intermittently from between his clenched teeth.


“How are you doing, Dayi…”

“The one who holds the grass-treading mother is so cunning!”

“This kid Chang Xiangyang doesn’t care about old friendship at all. He is driving us to death!”

Zhao Huan took three deep breaths in a row, trying to adjust his mentality.

The overall situation is important, the overall situation is important…

Wang Yan had a ferocious face and stared at Chang Xiangyang.

“Hey! Li Yuangang! Who told you to work so hard?”

“When this Yakuza election is over, let’s see how I punish you!”

Chang Xiangyang spoke calmly, without any fluctuation in his expression.

Li Yuangang smiled: “Sir Chang, I didn’t control the intensity well, I’m sorry.”

punish? That’s the reward!

The tacit words between the two sounded cruel to everyone in Jiangbei.

It’s even more obvious mockery.

Chang Xiangyang looked at Zhao Huan: “Teacher Zhao, blame me… I really didn’t expect that the elites of your Jiangbei Military Region would be so vulnerable…”

Zhao Huan gritted his teeth: “Okay, okay, okay, Chang Xiangyang…”

Before he could finish speaking, Chang Xiangyang burst out laughing: “Okay, Teacher Zhao, the power exchange meeting is about to begin. If we don’t go in, it will be too late. Come on, come with me!”

After saying hello, Chang Xiangyang led everyone from Jiangnan towards the door.

Now that the temptation has come to an end, there is no need to continue to dwell on it.

At the power exchange meeting, he had plenty of opportunities to sanction Jiangbei…

Zhao Huan looked at Hu Dayi who was being helped up and sighed: “Dayi, when we return to Jiangbei Military Region, I will definitely find an opportunity to help you regenerate your flesh and blood…”

Hu Dayi was a little hopeless and his face was dull: “Ahem… then thank you, Chief Zhao.”

But he understood in his heart, how could it be his turn for a baby like that to regenerate flesh and blood…

He will be a cripple for the rest of his life.

A powerless sadness surged into my heart.

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