While counting the supplies in the mountain and river map, Chen Xiao returned directly to the RV.

The people at the Lotus Terrace base were left sluggish, messy in the wind.

Chen Xiao’s appearance made the girls feel relieved.

Huang Yiyi was a little confused and asked weakly: “Did you really steal the Lotus Terrace base?”

In her eyes, Chen Xiao didn’t even bring a bag, how could he commit robbery?

Chen Xiao chuckled: “Of course, the Lotus Terrace base will be disbanded soon. Dr. Jiang should thank me…”

Jiang Chuxue laughed and said: “My brother is so angry. He has just been busy with the refugee wave in Dachang, and this time he is coming again!”


Ouyang Miao honked the horn twice: “Are you leaving, dear boss? Or do you want to camp in the Liangzhou base?”

Chen Xiao was in a good mood and jumped to the co-pilot: “Keep going, the next camping spot is Daping City!”

Ayao shouted from behind: “The next porcelain touch point will be refreshed, Daping City!”

Chen Xiao warned: “Don’t slander me, I’m just collecting debts normally!”

Accompanying the chat with Chen Xiao and others.

The heavy truck RV starts up again.

Heading all the way towards Cangzhou.

What made Chen Xiao feel pity.

When passing through Daping City, we stayed for three days.

But… no one came to touch the porcelain.

Chen Xiao once wondered, is Daping City dead?


Or is there someone in Daping City who has SSSS-level investigative skills?

Has your strength been discovered?

Anyway, Chen Xiao couldn’t think of a reason.

In desperation, he could only choose to go to Cangzhou to join Zhao Huan and others.

After all, the week is coming soon.

After a day’s drive, we arrived in Cangzhou.

Cangzhou at this time was completely different from the early days of the apocalypse.

The momentum of development has become much more intense.

The reason is that they are the first major force to merge and cooperate with each other for win-win results.

This base management model has also received a lot of public support.

In addition, the Yakuza Base is an organization that emphasizes democracy.

Many powerful awakened people are unwilling to succumb to others and choose the freer Yakuza base.

These reasons have allowed the Jida base to develop rapidly.

And tomorrow will be the biggest event since the end of the Sanjiang Basin.

Yakuza election!

More than a dozen candidates are ready to go, the winner takes all!


The Yakuza base.

Front entrance.

Lanterns were decorated, crowds of people were surging, and there was great joy.

The city wall covered with gold paper shines in the sun, showing its solemnity and majesty.

A pair of huge couplets hang high on both sides of the gatehouse.

“When dragons and tigers stride, heroes compete for the pinnacle of the extreme realm; when phoenixes and luannas fly, animals are full of ghosts and monsters.”

The words are powerful and full of passion.

In the square in front of the gate, the red carpet for receiving distinguished guests stretches from the base gate to the distance.

Around the square, colorful flags were flying, flowers were clustered, and lights were bright.

Various lanterns are hung high, lighting up the night sky like stars.

On the city wall, the candidates’ presentations and campaign manifestos were scrolling on a huge electronic screen.

It can be seen how much the Yakuza base has paid for this election.

It was a grand event where almost the whole city mobilized its efforts to assist the Yakuza base!

At this time, six people were wandering outside the city, waiting anxiously.

“Sir Zhao, the power exchange meeting is about to begin…”

“In my opinion… Crazy Ghost Rentu simply forgot about it!”

“How long have we been waiting? He hasn’t come yet!”

“I should have persuaded Chief Ayao to stay in the first place!”

The speaker was Wang Yan, who brought four elites from the Jiangbei Military Region and followed Zhao Huan to participate in the Yida election.

We obviously agreed to meet here in a week.

But now not even a single figure was seen.

It was impossible for him to not receive the invitation as a mad ghost and Rentu.

He must have known that there was a power exchange meeting the day before…

“Yes, Sir Zhao, I think everyone in the Dachang Military Region has entered.”

“If we keep waiting like this, it will be over for everyone!”

“When we agreed to meet here, I really thought he was willing to save the military region!”

“Forget it, just stop saying a few words. Helping us is just a matter of love but not our duty…”

Seeing that everyone was also filled with resentment, Zhao Huan sighed.

It seems that the Jiangbei Military Region cannot escape this disaster.

He said helplessly: “Since the exchange meeting will start soon, let’s take our seats first. If the crazy ghosts and Tutu come…”

“Ouch, Teacher Zhao?”

A loud voice came.

Zhao Huan turned his head sideways and looked a little ugly.

Because the visitor is from the Jiangnan Military Region.

The city that was completely shattered by nuclear bombs was still protected by a military district.

And they are developing very well.

Because of the existence of the Jiangnan Tang family, the Jiangnan ArmyDistrict’s situation is similar to his own.

But now, the Tang family has been destroyed, and the Jiangnan Military Region has not only built a radiation-resistant safety zone.

It also attracted all the talents nearby and quickly rose to prominence.

It has become the veritable number one force in Jiangnan!

If that was all, Zhao Huan’s expression would not change.

But the first executive officer of Jiangnan Military Region was once his apprentice!

Moreover, he was a disciple who had a big quarrel with himself and did not know how to respect his master!

A total of ten people came from the Jiangnan Military Region this time.

These ten people were dressed in uniform clothes, with hunting clothes and flashing epaulettes.

Each and every one of them walked steadily, looked energetic and heroic.

Undoubtedly the best among the best in the military!

The leader was actually a young man.

He smiled and said hello: “Teacher Zhao, you’re fine!”

“Bad luck! Chief Zhao, why did he…”

Zhao Huan waved his hand and interrupted Wang Yan.

He said coldly: “Chang Xiangyang? You finally got your wish and became the first executive officer.”

Chang Xiangyang chuckled: “Teacher Zhao, why don’t you look… very happy?”

Zhao Huan smiled slightly: “How could it be? My apprentice’s career is going smoothly, and it’s not too late for me to be happy.”

Chang Xiangyang laughed loudly and said to Wang Yan: “Hahahaha Brother Yan, you think my master is still so hypocritical at his age?”

Wang Yan’s face looked a little ugly: “You know best how Chief Zhao has taken care of you since the end of the world.”

“What did you do in the end? You’re not that good at killing a donkey, right? He’s your master!”

Chang Xiangyang shook his head and said with a playful smile: “Hey, Brother Yan! You still think things are so simple and stubborn! I did that for the sake of China, and even more for my master himself!”

“Teacher Zhao’s idea of ​​crazy ghosts and human slaughter is too scary. He is always timid. How can he achieve results?”

“If I hadn’t contacted the capital and arranged the transfer of people, Jiangbei would have been jointly guarded long ago, right?”

Wang Yan was a little angry, and his face was extremely dark: “Chang Xiangyang! You still have the nerve to mention it? I haven’t even seen a shadow of the people you arranged to transfer, but Jiangnan transferred people so quickly? Do you dare to say that there is no one like you? Hands and feet?”

“And the most important thing is, don’t tell me about the stupid things you did in the future! If you hadn’t insisted on making trouble in the capital, your master would have been promoted, did you know!”

Zhao Huan shouted angrily: “Wang Yan! Back off!”

This sentence seemed to be a stern statement, but it was actually a form of protection.

Wang Yan is now only the third executive officer, even though he once held the same position as Chang Xiangyang.

But now it is no longer the same as Japanese, he is the first executive officer.

Wang Yan is guilty of the following crimes.

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