Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 900: Fanwaiyan Reading the Husband (5)



Its daybreak.

The biological clock made the man on the left side of the bed wake up at seven o'clock.

The sunlight came in obliquely through the window lattice, Jiang Beiyuan propped up, one arm propped his head, and looked at the little woman sleeping beside him.

Her charming and charming sleeping position fell into his eyes.

A fair face, two delicate eyebrows, and long eyelashes curled slightly, casting small shadows under the eyelids.

Jiang Beiyuan looked at Yannian for a long time, put a hand into the bed and rubbed her back.

His black eyes flashed with distress that he hadn't even noticed.

The phone rang.

It's his. It's a call from the company.

Waking up by the phone's ringtone, Yannian rubbed her sleepy eyes and opened her eyes in confusion.

"Sorry, I woke you up." Jiang Beiyuan hung up the phone.

"It's okay... what time is it now?"

"A little more than seven o'clock, if you are tired, you can sleep again."

Tired, tired, but Yannian is not sleepy now, those clear eyes looked straight at the man sleeping beside her.

"Is this in the master bedroom?"


Jiang Beiyuan's ears were scarcely red. Without reading Yan Nian, he was a bit embarrassed and flipped through a magazine.

Yan Nian saw Jiang Beiyuan's ears red for the first time. It turned out that he was also a shy man!

She kept staring at him, sensing her gaze from the corner of her eye, Jiang Beiyuan finally closed the magazine and turned his eyes.

"Mrs. Jiang!"


"...Don't look at me, I'll cook."

He hurried out of bed after speaking.

Yannian stared at his broad and straight back, and he rarely called her "Mrs. Jiang", making Yannian a little flattered.

Finally there is progress! ! !

She hid in the quilt and snickered like a spring girl, smiling, but her eyes were a little red.


Yannian fell asleep again, and fell asleep until half past nine.

After waking up, the sun was shining, and there was no one in the bedroom, except for a note by the bed.

"I went to the company, the rice is ready in the pot, remember to eat."

Although the tone is still a bit rigid, but compared to a few days ago, this is already very good!

Yannian held this note, looked at the powerful writing on it like a baby, and finally put it on her lips and kissed it carefully, and put it in the bedside table carefully.

It's sunny and golden outside.

Today is really a beautiful day!

Today is Saturday, Jiang Qingchi doesn't need to go to kindergarten. Yannian comes out of the room, wearing a puff sleeve chiffon shirt and a pair of black leggings. It's not cold to wear like this at home.

"After eating, my son, your father made breakfast today."

"Mom, I have eaten it long ago, do you think I am so lazy with you!"

Jiang Qingchi was serious about playing Lego on the sofa and hurting his mother.

"Okay, what you say today is nothing, I don't care about you."

Yannian hummed a small tune, with her eyebrows bent, she could see that she was in a very good mood.

Jiang Qingchi is playing with toys, Yannian is eating, the two people don't communicate much, but the whole picture is still very warm!


"What are you doing?"

"You are in a good mood today, just as the sun came out from the west!"

"Yes," Yannian raised his chin proudly, "Your father slept with me last night, can I be in a bad mood!"

"Wow khaka, great mom, dad is in love with you again, right?"

The little guy stopped playing Lego all at once, and ran to Yannian with his hand.

Yannian stirred the porridge with a spoon and snorted, "Your mother, I look so good, and I can go to the hall or the kitchen. Sooner or later your father will fall in love with me again!"

"Awesome! The miraculous medicine and fruit my godfather gave is really useful!"

Ok? ? ?

The corner of Yan Nian's mouth that was still arrogant just now solidified for a moment.

There seems to be something wrong.


"Jiang Qingchi, what kind of magic potion?"


The little guy hurriedly covered his mouth with his hands.

"I didn't say anything, Mom didn't hear anything!"

"Give you three seconds to recruit truthfully! Otherwise, I will tell all the kids in the kindergarten about your bedwetting the night before!"


Mom bullies people.

He is still a child, so how can a child not wet the bed?

Under the threat of his mother, Jiang Qingchi was reluctant to confess his agreement with He Huaiguang.

Yannian rubbed his forehead, from the initial curiosity, to now I don’t know what to say for a while!

So Jiang Beiyuan was so abnormal last night. Didn't he restore his memory? !


Yannian hadn't been screaming for a long time, and she was really dumbfounded, and only then vented.

"Mom, mom, are you angry, but don't dad fall in love with you?"

"That's right, he is now holding a pigtail by me, there is no reason not to go to sleep in the master bedroom!"

Thinking of this, Yannian hooked her lips and smiled at Xiaoqingchi.

"Thank you this time, but don't do this kind of thing in the future."

"Why? I'm still going to ask Godfather for more magic potions!"


A gust of wind passed by Yan Nian's neck.

"Son, don't ask for it, your father will be unhappy, he doesn't like others to calculate him!"

"Oh, I got my mother."


Jiang Beiyuan returned at 5:30 in the evening.

Yannian secretly joy in my heart.

Today, I didn't need to call, so I came back on my own initiative.

"Aren't you busy with work today, don't you need to work overtime?"

Yan Nian asked while taking over Jiang Beiyuan's briefcase.

Jiang Beiyuan: "I remember that my clothes were not washed yesterday."

The cleanliness in his bones is still very heavy!

I didn’t have time to wash the clothes I changed yesterday, and I have been thinking about it.

Then he went to the bedroom and saw that all his clothes were washed and he was drying on the balcony.

"From now on, I can wash my clothes myself." Jiang Beiyuan coughed, standing at the door of the kitchen, and said to Yannian.

Yannian was washing vegetables and wearing an apron.

"I'm your wife, what happened to me doing the laundry for you? Besides, last night, you are now very different from me, not hypocritical?"


"What are you? Do you want me to sing for you a wild wolf disco for you!"

Jiang Beiyuan looked at a loss, frowned and pursed the corners of his mouth. He was so cute that he was so speechless.

Yannian glanced at him secretly and smiled crookedly.

Take her out of it.

Jiang Beiyuan's two perfect lips pressed several times.

"Last night, I didn't know what happened to me."

"Oh, anyone can pretend to be innocent after the fact, or because you are my husband, I have called the police now to let the police take you durian!"

Saying a mouthful of words, like a chain of pearl cannons launching an offensive, does not give Jiang some retreat.

"I don't care, you will have to sleep in the master bedroom anyway. I am afraid that I can't sleep alone. I am pregnant now and my calf is always cramping. You have to rub it!"

"OK then."

Jiang Beiyuan rubbed his forehead and could only nod in agreement.

Who made him lose it last night?

Seeing his compromise, Yannian finally smiled contentedly, her clear eyes filled with the cunning of a little fox.

Seeing her exuberant smile, Jiang Beiyuan felt nothing.

How do you feel like being on a thief ship?


Yannian feels that her happy life is at its peak!

From then on there is no need to stand alone in vacancies!

The night was already deep, Xiao Qingchi fell asleep in his room.

Jiang Beiyuan took a shower in the bathroom of the master bedroom and walked out strictly in black long clothes and trousers.

Seeing Yannian want to throw him to the South Pole!

Check it out, now, what is this, do you want to prepare for winter?

Although she admits that it is winter now, the temperature at home is like spring all year round and it is not cold at all.

"Do you want to wipe your hair for half a year?!"

Yannian couldn't help it anymore, and shouted at a man who was standing upright.

Jiang Beiyuan's lip line was pressed, Shi Shiran put the towel in his hand aside, and the half-dry black hair on his forehead fell on his forehead, looking very docile.

When he got into bed, Yannian drilled into Jiang Beiyuan's arms.

He was cold, very comfortable, and the smell of mint familiar to her, really good.

Jiang Beiyuan gave her a push.

"You go wear pajamas."

"My husband and I are in the bedroom, why do you want to wear them?"

"Yan Nian."

"I don't want to hear you call me Yannian, I want to hear you call me Mrs. Jiang!"


Jiang Beiyuan's face turned dark, "I see, forget it, I'll go to the guest room to sleep!"

He said that he was going to get up, and he would take it when he was right. He quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, can't I stop harassing you!"

Seeing that she had retreated, and distanced herself from him, Jiang Beiyuan lay down again.

He folded his hands on the back of his head and stared at the ceiling, not knowing what he was thinking.

Yannian lay on his side, staring at his profile for a moment.

Her husband is really handsome, with exquisite chin line, high nose bridge, thin lips and clear chin, perfect side face.

It was those peach eyes that were already ruthless, and their eyes were all clear, just like wine.

"Mr. Jiang...When will you fall in love with me again? You won't wait for me to fall in love with me, right?!"

"It's not that your calf hurts, rub it for you?"

Jiang Beiyuan changed the subject obviously.

"I don't hurt today, so I don't need to rub it."

Obviously sleeping on a bed, no matter what, there is still a half-person distance between him and her.

The previous closeness is no longer there. I thought he could change his attitude towards her after experiencing last night...

Yannian sniffed, turned around and turned her back to him.

Without holding her to sleep, she will ignore him today.


Yannian woke up very early the next day.

It was still early, Mengmengliang, Yannian had a nightmare, awakened from the nightmare, and couldn't sleep anymore.

She dreamed that she had a miscarriage and she shed blood all over the place. She was crying weakly and crying all the time. There was no one beside her. Jiang Beiyuan ran away with other women and said she didn't want her.

She was particularly uncomfortable. When she opened her eyes, she saw the man sleeping in front of her.

The restlessness and anxiety in my heart calmed down a little bit.

Just staring at him.

Through the air, she stretched out her hand to paint the outline of him.

Two slender and flat eyebrows, thick curled eyelashes, high nasal bones, and two upper and lower lips were painted bit by bit by raising her hand.

that's nice.

He is still there.

Especially want to hug him, leaning over and arching into his arms.

The man in his sleep hugged her, Zhan Qing's chin rested on her forehead and rubbed.

Like a subconscious action.

In the subconscious.

But this subconsciousness caused Yannian's heart to explode the fireworks in an instant.

So I still love her.

"Jiang Beiyuan, I love you so much, don't let me go, you know?"

Hearing her voice, Jiang Beiyuan slowly opened his eyes, and his slightly distressed eyes met a pair of narrow eyes.

He was taken aback and let go of her, feeling a little at a loss.

"Sorry, I didn't do anything to you anymore?"

"Can you stop saying sorry to me, I am your legal wife, I don't mind!"

"Me, I go to the gym."

It was half past six, half an hour earlier than he usually wakes up. Looking at his fleeing figure, Yannian was so angry that he took a pillow and threw it directly toward the door.

He is cute when he is still asleep!

Especially the moment she hugged her, it made her heart fascinated!


After taking a shower, Jiangbei Yuanjian went directly to the locker room to change clothes.

Facing the floor-to-ceiling mirror, he was buttoning his white shirt, and his slender fingers were illuminated by the sunlight outside, making them transparent.

Until the hand was suddenly held by a soft little hand.

"I'll fasten you buttons, I'm good at it."

Yannian leaned on his back and she buttoned him.

There is a woman's fragrance in the air, faint and sweet.

Jiang Beiyuan tilted his head gently, and as soon as he lowered his eyes, Yannian found his lips.

His heart skipped a beat, and he raised his head hurriedly.

Yannian laughed, "I have made breakfast, and I will go to the company with you after dinner."


Jiang Beiyuan pushed her away, hurriedly fastened the buttons, pretending to be calm, and hurried out.

Yannian snorted, this hopeless man.

She shouldn't be passive, she should make Jiang Beiyuan fall in love with her quickly, otherwise, when his belly grows big in the future, if other little fairies hook him, then it will be just like in the dream, it will be too late.


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