Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 898: Fanwaiyan Reading the Husband (3)

However, he urgently needs to take a shower in the rest room and take care of it.


Yan Nian returned to the office and called Ding Baoyi.

It's noon break, and Ding Baoyi happens to be free.

Yannian feels that the anger in her heart must be confided to someone, otherwise she will feel uncomfortable!

Quietly listening to the complaint of a good girlfriend, Ding Baoyi dragged a long voice.

"Suo Huan was rejected?"

"Do you want to be so blunt!" Yannian rolled her eyes speechlessly.

"Hehe, in fact, you should think better of this kind of thing!"

"What do I think?"

"Hey, although your husband has amnesia, the righteousness in his bones and the obsession with women are still there. He doesn't like you, so he won't touch you. Even with you, there is no need to worry about other little fairies hooking him. He doesn't like you as a big beauty, and he won't even look at other women!"

"But... do you think I'm still beautiful?"

Although Yannian said she was inferior, she was very confident in her appearance.

Before Jiang Beiyuan praised her for her beauty.

Now that she was hit by him, she felt that she really had no merit.

Ding Baoyi snorted twice, dissatisfied with her self-doubt, "When we started in junior high school and went to high school and university, which year is not a class flower? Now you are only 26, and you are not an old lady in fifty or sixty. Why is it not beautiful? ?"

"I'm almost the mother of three children..."

"What's the matter then? When you walk down the street now, there are probably many young men sneaking at you!"

A word made the words and thoughts amused.

"Why are you so comforting?"

"The only thing that is necessary is to enlighten others as far as an older single is left."

"Pull it down, don't laugh at yourself, when will you fall in love? Don't you marry forever?"

Upon hearing this, Ding Baoyi on the other end of the phone was silent for a few seconds.

"After all this time, you accompany me to the hospital."

"What's wrong? Are you sick? What's wrong?"

Yan Nian now hears the word "hospital" and her scalp is numb!

Like Jiang Beiyuan, who has amnesia, she also has hospital phobia!

Ding Baoyi smiled, "It's not an important matter, a little problem."

"Don't scare me Ding Baoyi..."

"It's okay, I'm going to be seriously ill, can I still call you here? Okay, let's not talk about it. I'm going to be busy and hang up."

Hanging up the phone, Yan Nian was worried.

Could it be that she hasn't had a man for a long time, is it suffocated? Oh, she really doesn't worry about it.


Jiang Beiyuan finished the meeting and walked towards the office.

Where the light and shadow meet, I can see the words and thoughts leaning against the wall from a distance.

She dangled her hair and looked at him with bright eyes.

Jiang Beiyuan dismissed his assistant and left and entered the office. Yan Nian also hurriedly followed in and stood behind him.

"I'm sorry about the matter at noon, I won't...then...I'm impatient..." Yannian said embarrassedly, with lowered eyebrows.

Jiang Beiyuan leaned on the desk and glanced at her with his arms folded.

The woman in front of her who was a head shorter than her had red eyes and a red nose.

Did you cry for a long time after returning?


Jiang Beiyuan retracted his gaze and said lightly.

Yannian stood there, pursed the corners of her mouth, and didn't know how to answer the call for a while, just like chatting on a mobile phone. When others said "um" or "oh", the topic was suddenly ended.

But she didn't want to leave so quickly.

"This is the first time I have been like this. I was very reserved before, because you can't remember anything, and you are very cold towards me. I was too anxious, that's why... Don't you think I'm not serious, I'm just right You are not serious by yourself."

Her voice was soft, Jiang Beiyuan glanced at her again, his deep eyes moved.



"Then go busy, I must be busy too."

"Oh, OK!"

Yannian scratched her hair, turned around and left, thinking of something again, and turned around again.

"Can I still come to your office for dinner?"

Before Jiang Beiyuan could answer, she folded her hands in prayer.

"Please, husband! I promise, I really will never chew you and kiss you casually again, don't ignore me!"

If she was deprived of the benefits of eating, she would really kneel down!

Jiang Beiyuan sat on the chair and lowered his eyes, "Go out, I'm going to work."

The voice is still light.

Yannian sniffed, thinking that he shouldn't annoy him, and then turned his head and left decadently.

Hearing the closing of the door, the man at the desk raised his eyes and stopped his gaze in the direction where Yannian had left.

He played with the signature pen in his hand, and there was a shallow line on his lips, not obvious, but with a soft arc.

For some reason, he suddenly felt that Mrs. Jiang was quite cute.


Just like that, a few more days passed.

Jiang Beiyuan's memory has not progressed.

Yannian was anxious and helpless.

What is anxious is, when will he change back to the original Jiang Beiyuan!

Unfortunately, Xu was very busy these days because he had just returned to the company, and he came back late at night.

Even when he came back, he still didn't sleep in the master bedroom as always. He either went to the guest room or slept in the same room with his son.

Made Yannian quite depressed!

I am afraid that Jiang Beiyuan will be able to restore his memory when the twins in his stomach are born!

Just thinking about it, the phone rang suddenly.

It was Ding Baoyi's call, saying that He Huaiguang had returned from abroad. Today is He Huaiguang's birthday. Let the big guy celebrate his birthday.

"You take Qingchi, at six o'clock in the evening, at the Royal Hotel, as for your can figure it out!"


After hanging up the phone, Yannian contacted Jiang Beiyuan.

His side is a bit noisy, and it should be in a meeting again.

"He Huaiguang has his birthday today. I want to take my son over to celebrate his birthday tonight. Will you go?"


Yannian pursed her lips without hearing the answer from that end.

"He Huaiguang is Xu Kuangjie's cousin and son's godfather. He rescued me once before. He is not an outsider. The Royal Hotel is near the company. You can drive there directly without much trouble."

"I'm not going anymore, I haven't finished my work."


Yan Nian's heart was still excited, but it fell to the bottom in an instant.

In the past, Jiang Beiyuan heard that she was eating with other men, either she was domineering not to allow her to go, or she followed along, even ordinary friends must follow.

It's better now...

Where is the jealous man?

"Be busy, take a break, goodbye."

Yannian sighed after hanging up the phone.

This scene was seen by Jiang Qingchi, and the little guy sighed.

I'm so worried!


He Huaiguang invited few people for his birthday, so he only invited Yan Nian, Ding Baoyi, and Xu Kuangjie.

Xu Kuangjie was very busy tonight. After eating two bites of food, he left on the phone, saying that he had a contract worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

Ding Baoyi also left soon. She followed Xu Kuangjie's forefoot, not sure why she went.

So after ordering more than 20 dishes, only He Huaiguang, Yan Nian and Jiang Qingchi were left to eat.

"I have opened a flower shop abroad and a pet shop. The pet shop mainly raises dogs, and then I am usually very busy, but I feel very happy and fulfilling."

"Really, it's good."

There was a lack of interest in words and thoughts, and he chatted with He Huaiguang on one and the other.

Friends for so many years can tell that something is wrong with her at a glance, He Huaiguang is puzzled, "What's wrong with you, why didn't Jiang Beiyuan come here today?"

"He is busy at work... I'm sorry, I'll go to the bathroom."

Yannian finished speaking and left.

Staring at her lost back, He Huaiguang hurriedly hugged Jiang Qingchi onto his lap.

"What happened to your mother today?"

"Um... godfather!"

The little guy hugged He Huaiguang's neck and started crying.

Jiang Qingchi was born with a lovely little white face, with delicate skin and delicate features. Now the golden peas is constantly falling, He Huaiguang wipes his tears, but he wipes more and more.

"Don't cry! If you have something to tell your godfather, did your father bully you?"

"My dad has amnesia, forgot me, and forgot my mother... My father is not good to my mother at all now, he comes back late at night and does not sleep with my mother. My mother is very sad. I often see my mother alone. Secretly shed tears, but I can't do anything! Godfather, I don't like my father now!"

"Ah... so it is!"

If it was said that Jiang Beiyuan had lost his memory before, He Huaiguang would be very happy.

Because he has the opportunity to be good to Yannian, he can't see others bully Yannian.

But many years have passed, and time has finally diluted his feelings for Yannian to the point that only a thin, insignificant shell remains, like a sandy beach after waves have accumulated.

For the woman he once liked deeply, he naturally hoped that she would live a happy life.

Moreover, He Huaiguang knew better than any other that only Jiang Beiyuan could give this happiness.

"The person I love is Jiang Beiyuan, it can only be him, and the rest are not good."

Yannian once told him that.

This sentence, word by word, was engraved deep in his memory.


"Godfather, tell me, what should I do? Can you let Dad recover his memory quickly?"

The little guy's words brought back He Huaiguang's thoughts.

He Huaiguang patted his head to tell him not to worry, and then took out a small bottle full of colorless liquid from his bag.

"Now, this is the magic potion my godfather brought from abroad. Remember, tonight or tomorrow night, when your father comes home, you will pour this potion into the cup and let him drink it, and then he will Fall in love with mom again!"


The little guy blinked suspiciously.

He Huaiguang coughed twice and nodded seriously.

"I won't lie to you, I'm an honest person, remember, you must drink it for Dad, you must not drink it, you know!"

"Why? I can't take a bite to try it?"

Children have curiosity, and this curiosity made He Huaiguang shiver fiercely.

"You can't drink half a mouthful! Because you are too young, if a child drinks it, he will die!"

"Oh oh oh."

Jiang Qingchi is sensitive and taboo about the word "death".

Thinking of the dead Yuli, he finally dispelled his curiosity.

"Daddy rest assured, I won't drink it!"

"That's right, remember, this is the secret between us. You can't tell the third person, including my mother, understand?"

"Understood, godfather, let's pull the hook!"

Jiang Qingchi grinned with a mouthful of white teeth. Although there were still a few teeth that were missing, they did not hinder his cuteness.

He Huaiguang smiled and pulled the hook with Jiang Qingchi. This really followed Yannian. Yannian liked to pull the hook with people because she was insecure and was afraid that others would regret it.

"Godfather is the best, I like godfather the most!"

Similar to this, Classmate Jiang Qingchi no longer knows how many people have said this!

Soon the words came back, Jiang Qingchi secretly put the magic potion in his pocket.

"Let's eat."

He Huaiguang cleared his throat and greeted Yannian as if nothing had happened.

Jiang Qingchi was covering his mouth for fun.

Just look at this magic potion.


He Huaiguang sent Yannian and Jiang Qingchi back to the villa, until they returned home, the smile on Yannian's face finally dimmed.

The house is empty and there is no one.

So a certain man still did not come back.

She went to feed Yuli's three children, squatted on the ground, and dropped two tears.

Mom is crying secretly again!

The little guy felt very distressed, so he took his children's mobile phone and handed it to Yan Nian.

"Mom called and asked Dad to come back!"

"He should be busy."

"But mom misses dad, doesn't it! Tell him if you want him!"


Yannian wiped the corners of his eyes, then looked up at his son.

The more I grow up, the more I lack the courage and innocence of the child.

Jiang Nian Group.

The night was already deep, and seeing the caller ID, Jiang Beiyuan, who was busy in the office, answered the phone.


"it's me……"

"Well, what's the matter?"

His voice seemed to fade in an instant. It was so cold that it was not obvious. The woman was serious, and Yannian never denied that he was serious, and he felt that he was very impatient.

"I had a drink tonight."

"Don't drink while pregnant." Jiang Beiyuan frowned and said.

"It's a fruit wine with a very low alcohol. He Huaiguang brought it back from abroad, saying that pregnant women can drink something and nothing will happen."

"Well, don't drink it anymore."

"My heart is bitter, I just want to drink it! Otherwise I feel uncomfortable!"


There was silence on the other end of the phone.

Yannian shed tears again, took a deep breath, her voice suddenly softened a lot...

"I miss you."

I just miss him.

It's that simple four words.

Jiang Beiyuan didn't speak, his fingers trembling slightly while flipping through the documents.

For some reason, the heart suddenly missed a beat, and even her teary face and those clear and eye-catching eyes could be seen in her mind, which was as appealing as weeping.

"I still have work to be busy, so I will go back later."

"But I miss you. I just miss you Jiang Beiyuan. I especially miss you. I want you to come back and accompany me quickly, can you?"


Are you crazy?

Every time she said something about him, his heart jumped like a heart attack.

Jiang Beiyuan rubbed the position of his heart and sighed almost inaudibly.

"I see, I'll go back in half an hour."

Knowing that she was playing, he still wanted to compromise with her.

He didn't know what was going on with this feeling.

Even today, I heard that she was going to take her son to find another man for dinner, and she was inexplicably irritable. She could only use work to paralyze herself, thinking that she would not care about it.

However, he was distracted three times during the meeting, and he would think of her acting like a baby in his mind. I wonder if he would act like a baby to other men.

The more I think about it, the more annoying. In fact, he is already busy at work. He just doesn't want to go back. He doesn't know how to face her, and doesn't like the feeling of being led by a woman.

What now?

When she said pitifully, "I miss you", all the previous worries were wiped out. What kind of emotion is this eagerness to go home?


"Mom, Dad is back, in the study!"

Jiang Qingchi came to Yannian's room to report to Yannian.

Yannian had just taken a bath, and her heart sank when she heard this.

I came back but didn't come to the master bedroom. Was it intentional to go to the study? !

But that's right, he hates staying in the same room with her anyway.

"Mom won't go to the study to see Dad?"

"What's so interesting, I'm a little tired, so I will go to bed first."

It's not so much tired, it's better to be in a bad mood.

What she wanted was the original gentle and considerate Jiang Beiyuan.

It was Jiang Beiyuan, who was cold in front of outsiders, and only subdued herself to herself, and would call her "daughter-in-law" cutely, especially sticking to her, and pestering her to sleep every night.

Everything has changed now, she is an outsider in his heart!

Jiang Qingchi looked at his sad mother lying on the bed alone, and clenched his small fists.

It seems that it is necessary to use the magic potion that Godfather gave him tonight!

I hope my father can fall in love with his mother immediately after drinking, and don't make her feel so uncomfortable anymore!


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