Do not die

Chapter 421 Two Models

Meng Zhou already had some rough ideas on how to get through this "dead end road".

Now, because of what he saw "before his eyes" and what he felt in his heart, the idea became much clearer.

And specifically at the moment, what he had to do became very simple.

I saw that his "vision" seemed to be moving forward as a whole.

Meng Zhou had experienced a similar experience once with the help of the golden armor spirit insect.

The difference was that while the "vision" was advancing in depth, the "vision" area was also becoming more and more concentrated.

As the "vision" continued to advance in depth, the "vision" was also constantly focusing on a certain "line segment".

In his feelings, it was like a microscope that was constantly magnifying.

As the vision inevitably became more and more concentrated, it also allowed him to glimpse deeper truths that were more difficult to perceive under normal circumstances.

This is not only a process of constantly "understanding the way", but also a process of constantly climbing up, getting closer and closer, and even touching the laws of heaven and earth corresponding to the way he was walking.

But the current situation is that although Meng Zhou had "understood the Dao" when he was overcoming the "Dao Heart Tribulation", the problem was that the Dao he understood was his own fabrication, and there was no corresponding law in the real laws of heaven and earth.

This brought about a wonderful effect, that is, although his "vision" continued to advance, the field of vision did not become more and more concentrated, but more and more loose.

As the "vision" continued to advance, the dense and criss-crossing vision gradually turned into a faint light mist of different colors.

The effect they presented in Meng Zhou's "vision" was like the stars in the night sky.

Each group of light mist corresponds to a "star".

Meng Zhou's eyes fell on a group of golden light mist. The reason why he paid special attention to this "star" was because the law power represented by this group of golden light mist happened to be the law power imprinted in the deep blood of the golden armor spirit insect.

This strand of law power gave the golden armor spirit insect a true spirit blood with clear characteristics.

But at this moment, in Meng Zhou's "vision", this is just an inconspicuous point among the stars in the sky.

Moreover, as the "vision" continues to advance, the texture of the golden light mist and the law aura revealed in it easily surpass the little point that the golden armor spirit insect finally touched after exhausting all its "action power".

"I can also take the path of the golden armor spirit insect."

"Moreover, with my strong physique and bones, I have other advantages that far exceed the golden armor spirit insect.

For me, this is an inconspicuous one among many optional paths. The achievements in the initial stage can leave the golden armor spirit insect far behind."

Thinking of this, Meng Zhou felt the disparity of the world more and more.

If he really made this choice, it could be said to be extremely unwise and self-degrading, but this was already a height that the golden armor spirit insect could not reach even if he stood on tiptoe.

The "vision" continued to advance, and those "stars" became bigger and brighter.

In the next moment, several "stars" disappeared suddenly.

The laws corresponding to these "stars" are the ones that Meng Zhou has dabbled in along the way, but he has relatively little experience and relatively little understanding.

For example, among the "stars" that disappeared first, there are those related to the laws of poison and blood.

This means that Meng Zhou's current accumulation in these fields has reached its limit.

This does not mean that his achievements in these areas will stop here, but if he wants to achieve more on these roads, he must accumulate again.

This is like a signal. From then on, every time the "vision" advances further, the number of "stars" will decrease.

As the "vision" continues to advance, the number of "stars" continues to decrease.

The "stars" that remain at the end, which are almost completely substantial, are basically closely related to the Five Elements Universal Body, the Green Lotus Sword Body, the Clear Dao Body, the Spiritual Master, and the Knot Master.

But in the end, as Meng Zhou's "vision" continues to advance, these "stars" eventually disappear.

In the end, only one large green star exuding vitality is left, hanging alone in front of Meng Zhou's "vision".

Those "stars" that disappeared as his "vision" continued to deepen did not really disappear.

When the first "star" disappeared, somewhere in the vast waters of the "inner world" that was completely created by Meng Zhou, a strange-shaped "reef" suddenly appeared.

Because it was completely submerged in the water, it was not different from the water surface.

As Meng Zhou's "vision" continued to advance, the "stars" disappeared one by one, and in this vast waters of the law in the "inner world", there were more and more "reefs" that were completely submerged under the water surface.

And the later the "reefs" appeared, the larger their scale was, and the closer they were to the water surface.

Finally, the first "reef" that emerged from the water surface appeared.

If you focus your mind on this "reef", you will feel that this is not a reef at all, but a condensation of various winds.

Breeze, light wind, gale, hurricane, tornado, strong wind...

In the waters of the "inner world", it is clearly a steady and heavy reef, mostly submerged in water, with some parts exposed above the water. But once you completely immerse your mind in it, what you feel is a world that is completely moving to the extreme and composed entirely of "wind".

After the first "reef" emerged from the water, more "reefs" emerged from the water.

And these "reefs" that appeared later also followed the previous rules. The later they appeared, the larger their overall scale was, and the more parts that were exposed above the water naturally became.

If you explore them with your heart and soul, you can find that among these newly appeared "reefs", there are some that are completely composed of various "thunders", and some that are composed of various "ice", "fire", "earth", "wood", "gold", "swords", etc.

The later they appeared, the larger their scale became, and gradually they could no longer be called "reefs", but should be "islands".

However, these "islands" are still too small compared to this vast water area, and the scenery on them is also very monotonous, all bare.

The difference between these "reefs" and "islands" is that in addition to their size, their colors and appearance textures are also different.

The last "island" that appeared was much larger than the previous one, and its color and texture were most similar to this vast water area itself.

If you don't look carefully, you may even mistakenly think that this largest "island" is part of the entire law water area.

If you explore it with your heart, you will find that this "island" is like a collection of various "waters".

From water mist, water drops, to trickling streams, to rushing rivers, to huge waves in the sea...

And corresponding to Meng Zhou's "vision" exploration, it happened to be the moment when the "stars" disappeared, and only a large green star full of vitality was hanging alone in front of the vision.

These hidden "stars" and the laws of heaven and earth associated with them are just like being imprinted in the deep blood of the golden armor spirit insect, and are imprinted one by one in the law water area of ​​the "inner world".

The difference between them is still very big.

The blood of the golden armor spirit insect is, after all, a real substance that exists in the real world.

And everything in the "inner world" is not a real existence in the real world. In the final analysis, it is all the result of Meng Zhou's thoughts.

However, Meng Zhou's thoughts were washed clean of all the turbidity and filth under the heavenly tribulation, and the originally illusory thoughts began to possess real power;

Then, under the "Dao Heart Tribulation", an indestructible core was forged, and the feat of "creating the world" was completed;

And both of these are still the foundation.

More importantly, this piece of law waters purely created by Meng Zhou's mind, "the sea embraces all rivers and embraces all things" is one of its most core and important characteristics.

It is for this reason that this piece of law waters successfully received all the law imprints represented by those "stars".

This allowed Meng Zhou to successfully receive these complex and varying degrees of law imprints, allowing him to mobilize, touch, and more deeply comprehend the corresponding laws of heaven and earth. These benefits are not to mention.

This pot of "hodgepodge" was successfully contained in this piece of law waters, which itself became the most powerful proof of this piece of waters!

What is true?

What is false?

If there is no corresponding law of heaven and earth, it is false?

But the role it plays is real!

Therefore, Meng Zhou was not obsessed with "true" or "false".

Even if it was "false" now, Meng Zhou was confident that one day he would be able to turn false into true.


The last green star full of vitality finally disappeared as the "vision" continued to advance.

And at this moment, a corresponding huge change occurred in the "inner world".

This time, there was no new, largest "island".

Instead, the vast waters throughout the "inner world" were suddenly covered with a layer of vitality and creation that seemed to be born with it.

This mysterious change made Meng Zhou's heart uncontrollably generate many inspirations.

However, Meng Zhou quickly took the initiative to suppress these thoughts.

Focusing on the "vision" in front of him, which had become completely empty.

As the last big star in the "vision" disappeared, Meng Zhou was surprised to find that he did not withdraw from this wonderful state.

Successfully surviving the unprecedented and unheard-of 108 heavenly tribulations gave Meng Zhou a "mobility" far beyond the golden armor spirit insect.

Although, Meng Zhou, who has come this far, has walked much farther than the golden armor spirit insect.

But his "action power" is still not used up.

Although his "vision" has become empty, Meng Zhou found that his "vision" can still continue to move forward, or to go deeper.

"Do you want to move forward?"

"Is it necessary to continue?"

Faced with this emptiness with nothing, some thoughts naturally emerged in Meng Zhou's mind, and he wondered whether it was necessary to continue.

But at the moment when this question arose, it was eliminated by Meng Zhou.

Why not continue? !

Even if there is really no gain, before the "action power" is exhausted and before he goes deeper into his limit, he can't take the initiative to withdraw from this state.

With this belief, Meng Zhou's "vision" continues to advance.

In this process, his thoughts can't help but spread.

"The levels of what I saw along the way are very clear."

"The first thing I saw, which was relatively shallow and closer to the 'real world', was the 'Imprint of Heaven and Earth', or the 'Archives of Heaven and Earth'."

"They come from different times and different lives, and are the brilliant moments 'captured' by the world.

As long as the world does not perish, such records will not stop."

"In a sense, they represent the 'past and present' of this world."

"Specific to each mark itself, it is completely independent."

"Each mark can only represent itself."

"This is one 'point' after another."

"Countless marks from ancient times to the present have formed countless, almost infinite 'points'."


"Those crisscrossing lines are probably the natural sublimation based on those huge, almost infinite 'points'."

"From 'points' to 'lines', This is a very natural process. "

"From different forms and sources, various 'mark points' become one after another 'line' with little difference, from 'concrete' to 'abstract'.

This should be the inevitable process of 'precipitation' from the 'shallow layer' to the deeper and more real world. "

"Following this process, continuous 'precipitation', continuous 'sublimation', and finally, naturally, all point to the laws of heaven and earth. "

When Meng Zhou reviewed the process he had personally experienced from beginning to end, a simpler model was presented in his mind, and there was almost no need for too complicated intellectual activities. Just from this phenomenon itself, he naturally emerged in his mind such a change context.

It looks really clear at a glance.

But this context has once again overturned many cultivation concepts that are regarded as iron rules by the cultivation world.

According to the line that Meng Zhou sorted out in his mind, those "heaven and earth marks" that are closer to the real world and at the "shallowest layer" are the cornerstones of everything that follows.

Everything that follows, including the laws of heaven and earth, will eventually fall on this cornerstone.

But the concepts followed by the cultivation world, which are regarded as iron rules, have the opposite model structure.

"Tao" is the source, and different laws of heaven and earth are different aspects derived from "Tao".

And different laws of heaven and earth are further diluted and derived, and finally give birth to the world of heaven and earth, everything.

The process of seeking Tao and practicing is a process of "going upstream and returning to the source".

As the cultivation level improves, the realm and vision will also improve. Touching the real world little by little, going deep into the real world, touching, feeling and even controlling the laws of heaven and earth is a process of "approaching Tao" step by step.

This is consistent with the actual experience of practitioners.

Therefore, no one has ever doubted this model.

This has become the most basic common sense in the cultivation world.

But now, the model that Meng Zhou naturally generated in his mind based on his own experience is exactly the opposite of it.

And the "emptiness" in front of him, which has nothing, makes Meng Zhou further firm up his judgment. (End of this chapter)

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