Do not die

Chapter 420: Heart-made Laws

Only the law can fight against the law.

The only thing that can drive away all the cloud-like law power in the sky of the "inner world" so neatly and neatly is another law power.

The biggest difference between the two is not the difference in their appearance in the "inner world".

Those "law clouds" that cover the sky of the "inner world" are invaders, coming from "outside the sky" with the mission of destroying and assimilating the entire "inner world";

And the "law waters" that appeared around the giant turtle carrying the sun, which were extremely thin at first and then quickly turned into a vast "law waters", are the guardians.

With the appearance of this vast law waters, the "inner world" seemed to have really completed the feat of creating the world. A vast water world supported the skeleton of the "inner world" and gave it a stable form.

Meng Zhou didn't care about these at the moment.

With the end of the 108th heavenly tribulation, the sky tribulation clouds gradually dissipated.

Endless rays of light immersed Meng Zhou in it.

From the body-transforming water in the waters of the "Starry Sky Lake", to the vast waters formed by the Soul Pond of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, to the boundless water world of the "Inner World" that supports a world pattern, all were submerged in the endless glow.

In this endless glow, Meng Zhou had an experience after the golden armor spirit insect successfully passed the tribulation, and it appeared again.

However, it was very different from the time with the golden armor spirit insect.

At that time, through this mysterious glow that seemed to be projected from the depths of the real world, it was like opening a wonderful "window" that could lead directly to the deeper depths of the real world.

And this time, although Meng Zhou saw all kinds of mysterious scenes through this glow, he did not find the existence of the boundary at all.

No matter how hard he tried, he could not find the "frame" of this window.

All kinds of magical, seemingly ordinary, or bizarre scenes appeared in front of Meng Zhou.

Among these scenes, there are some that Meng Zhou feels very familiar with.

There were many figures of monks, fighting figures, cultivating figures, enlightening figures, casting figures, discussing figures...

Most of these monks' images were very, very vague, with only a faint outline, and he could only see some very vague information from them.

In addition, there were also some monks whose figures were relatively clear.

And there were a very small number of them whose facial outlines were very clear.

When Meng Zhou's eyes fell on these figures, whether those with very light traces or those with very clear traces, at the moment when his eyes met, he would have some very vivid feelings in his heart.

For example, when Meng Zhou looked at the outline of a monk who seemed to be flying a sword in a vague state, a feeling of flying a sword like the wind and being weathered without a trace came to his mind;

For example, when Meng Zhou looked at the outline of another monk who seemed to be sitting and drinking tea, he felt a wonderful artistic conception of "the face was like a calm lake but the heart was thundering" in his heart;

Among these densely packed monks, Meng Zhou, with his excellent ability to process information, even saw many "old friends".

These "old friends" include both cultivators scattered in the outer domains and cultivators in the Xingxiu Sea who are members of the Xingxiu Palace.

And all the figures that can correspond to someone in reality are all outstanding in the path of cultivation.

Even if the realms of cultivation are high and low, they all have their own insights and understandings of the path of cultivation, rather than blindly following others.

Compared with the vast number of cultivators that Meng Zhou saw at this moment, the number of "old friends" is very small.

In addition to the traces of cultivators, there are also a much larger number of various monsters, insects, plants and other strange forms.

When his eyes fall on any figure, a wonderful and vivid feeling will rise from the bottom of Meng Zhou's heart.

After the golden armor spirit insect successfully passed the tribulation, Meng Zhou had experienced it once.

Now, he experienced it again in person.

Although the form presented is more vast and more complex, it is enough to make Meng Zhou understand in his heart.

"This should be a special 'file' recorded by the world itself."

"Every time a life interacts deeply with the world... In other words, it is in the state of 'harmony between man and nature', enlightenment, enlightenment, or some other wonderful state, and has some new understanding and elaboration of the world."

"It has certainly benefited greatly from this, realizing the sublimation and expansion of individual life levels."

"But for the world, this may also be a very valuable asset."

"It may even be part of the world's heritage."

"All such moments are recorded by the world with great care."

"Even if a long time has passed, even if those life individuals have long died, and no one even knows their existence, this special 'file' recorded by the world will always be preserved."

The reason why Meng Zhou thought so was because he saw very ancient traces from many monks.

Many of them can be seen from the characteristics of clothing, hair accessories, etc.

There are also some that Meng Zhou can determine at the first sight that these human figures must have lived in the past, a long time ago.

For example, there is a figure wearing rough linen clothes, sitting casually with his legs crossed and looking at the sky, but there is a rope winding around the fingers of his hands.

The moment he saw this figure, Meng Zhou seemed to be there and saw the process of the birth of a knotting technique that could cause wind and thunder.

And on the figure of another skinny old man with half his upper body exposed and only a piece of animal skin wrapped around his waist, Meng Zhou felt the breath of a "spiritual master".

Meng Zhou was really surprised that he met a knotting master and a spiritual master "companion", all under such circumstances.

But this was not the most surprising thing for Meng Zhou.

What surprised Meng Zhou the most was that he saw "himself" among the figures that filled his "vision".

And there was more than one.

"This should be the time when I completely perfected the third-level Spring Water Sutra."

"This is when I created the skill of 'rebirth of flesh and blood'."

"This is..."

It was a strange experience to see my "photo" here.

And this scene came and went quickly.

The reason why he could see so much information in this huge number of figures was more due to his excellent ability to process information.

Soon, the densely packed figures that filled the entire vision faded away quickly.

Instead, there are crisscrossing silk threads that fill the entire field of vision.

And any section of these silk threads, or even any point, has distinct and unique characteristics.

Compared with what is presented to the golden armor spirit insect, it is even more complicated.

Meng Zhou is well aware of this.

This is also a matter of course.

For the golden armor spirit insect that has successfully passed the tribulation, it is natural to face some choices.

But to be honest, the choices of the golden armor spirit insect are actually very limited, and the path they can take in the future is infinitely close to "single option".

Compared with this, the choices in front of him are almost infinite!

Only a "Five Elements Universal Body" that is similar to a hodgepodge almost allows Meng Zhou to have the possibility of going in any direction.

And this is only part of his huge selection.

Focus on the sword art of attack;

Focus on divination and deduction;

Knot master, spiritual master, any profession is also a smooth road...

All these choices are in front of him, how can it not be complicated?

Among them, there is a blue lotus seed that represents Meng Zhou's achievement of "Immortal Golden Pill".

If he takes the life force creation as the core, he will get an extremely generous "starting capital" compared to other choices.

Faced with these almost infinite options, "Why choose a single one? I want them all" is of course possible.

However, this also faces a choice of priority and priority. It is still necessary to make it clear which is more important and which is more important.

In any case, there must be a clear and definite core.

Only in this way can the direction of future practice be clear.

Otherwise, it would be a waste of effort to use all your strength but still go around in circles.

Meng Zhou, who has experienced an unprecedented 108 heavenly tribulations and survived the "Dao Heart Tribulation", is very clear about this.

And he is also very clear about this choice.

The vast waters of the "Inner World" have already explained everything.

But the magical thing is that at this moment, there is no corresponding one in the choice that almost represents infinite possibilities presented to Meng Zhou.

If this scene appeared in front of other Nascent Soul cultivators who had successfully passed the tribulation, their Taoism would probably collapse.

"I'm afraid I have cultivated a fake immortal!"

Every choice in front of us must be related to a law of heaven and earth.

This is common sense.

If there is no corresponding option, it can only mean that there is no such law of heaven and earth between heaven and earth!

Isn't this just cultivating a fake immortal?

This means that this is a "dead end".


How can there be a future?

The correct approach, of course, is to change the path immediately.

—— This kind of situation also exists in the cultivation world, and there are even many.

And from this, the sayings of "right way" and "unorthodox path" are derived.

Only those paths that allow practitioners to practice from Qi training to Nascent Soul and touch at least one law of heaven and earth are upright paths.

Others are "unorthodox paths".

They may allow cultivators to enter the level of Qi training, foundation building and even Dan formation, and there may even be some tricky and quick methods, some unexpected means of attack, and secret techniques that are hard to defend against. However, as long as they cannot help cultivators touch the power of the laws of heaven and earth, they will inevitably be spurned by true seekers of the Tao.

Even cultivators who were originally on this path would immediately turn to other paths and abandon this "dead end road" if they had a choice.

And the facts in front of us prove that Meng Zhou has built a framework core tailored to himself since the Qi training stage based on the "four properties of water", and then continuously developed and improved it in the foundation building and Dan formation stages. The cultivation system that belongs to him is undoubtedly a "dead end road".

There is no place for it in the laws of heaven and earth.

This is undoubtedly a very face-slapping scene.

It is also a very tricky scene.

What's more serious is that this is the most important reliance for Meng Zhou to successfully survive the "Dao Heart Tribulation".

For him, abandoning this "dead end" and choosing a new path would not only mean that all his previous accumulation would be scrapped and all his previous efforts would be wasted, but also that his "heart of Taoism would collapse."

However, facing this scene, Meng Zhou did not show any sign of being slapped in the face or feeling awkward.

"Sure enough." Meng Zhou thought so in his heart.

Thanks to the "Dao Heart Tribulation", the "law cloud" that continuously invaded the "inner world" allowed Meng Zhou to have a comprehensive understanding of the laws of heaven and earth before he completely survived the heavenly tribulation.

This understanding is far from the level of true mastery.

But it is enough for Meng Zhou to have a general understanding of the characteristics of the laws of heaven and earth.

At that time, Meng Zhou had already realized.

The "nature of water" that he had perfected little by little based on "water" is not the same as the "water of the five elements".

And the more time passes, the more so.

Especially after he injected it with the characteristics of "the highest virtue, soft and weak and not fighting", it completely broke away from the category of "water of the five elements" and became a "private property" that belonged to him alone.

At that time, he actually had a choice.

The simplest choice with the least impact on him was to eliminate some of the characteristics he subjectively gave and let it return to the category of "water of the five elements".

For him, this is also very suitable.

More importantly, the cultivation method that he created and perfected by himself was "endorsed" by the laws of heaven and earth.

The road ahead would naturally be smooth.

However, without much hesitation, Meng Zhou abandoned this simplest choice that had the least impact on him.

Instead, he "went against the wind" and took advantage of the subtle opportunity of "Dao Xin Jie" to truly complete the creation of the world at the level of "Inner World".

The "law waters" that did not really exist between heaven and earth and were completely "created" by him became the foundation of the "Inner World" and also the foundation of Meng Zhou's Dao Heart.

——With his current realm, he was not always able to create a law water in the "Inner World" that did not really exist between heaven and earth. If there was no "Dao Xin Jie", he would not be able to create the world in the "Inner World".

In the eyes of other cultivators, this was undoubtedly a very unwise choice.

Ignoring the road to heaven and choosing a dead end, this was undoubtedly a self-destructive move.

But Meng Zhou was not other cultivators.

"Dead end?" This sentence naturally came to Meng Zhou's mind.

[In fact, there was no road on the ground. When more people walked on it, it became a road. ]——Zhen·Lu Xun said.

And long ago, Meng Zhou had already had a similar understanding in the practice of Taoism.

From the beginning of practice to now, when has he ever followed the rules, and when has he ever walked the "right way"?

In ten steps, at least nine steps were taken by him from where there was no road.

And it was this personal experience along the way that forged such a heart of Taoism, and also made Meng Zhou make such a bold decision that almost cut off his retreat without much hesitation. (End of this chapter)

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