District 9

Chapter 477 Another door after despair

The next morning, it was half past eight.

After more than twelve years, Wu Tianyin signed the arrest notice again, and was immediately handcuffed and escorted away from the Kaiyuan District Superintendent of Police.

Outside, the sky was dark and light snow was falling again. Wu Tianyin stood on the steps and turned his head to look around. However, he only saw his cousin standing on the roadside, communicating with the police and wanting to bring him some daily necessities. In prison use.

"Brother, go back." Wu Tianyin shouted with a smile.

The cousin looked up and saw Wu Tianyin stunned for a moment before replying: "You didn't do it. We will file a lawsuit with them."

Wu Tianyin smiled with bruises on his face and red eyes. He just nodded and hurriedly got into the escort car.

A few seconds later, the siren sounded, and a special escort vehicle carrying four police officers rushed towards the Special Prison.

Wu Tianyin sat in the car, his eyes dull and his heart full of despair. He knew very well that as long as Xu Wei ran away and could not be caught in a short time, he would not be able to escape the crime and he would not be able to explain it clearly.

In the car, the police officer on the passenger side looked back at Wu Tianyin and immediately shouted: "Look down, don't look anywhere else!"

Wu Tianyin didn't pay attention to him, and he didn't have any thoughts of resisting in his heart. He just sat in a daze.

"I asked you to lower your head when I stepped on the horse, didn't you hear? What did you want to do when you raised your head? Did you want to run?!" The police officer turned around and roughly pressed Wu Tianyin's head.

Wu Tianyin was forced to lower his head and still did not reply. He recalled the twelve years he spent in prison in his mind. His whole person exuded an inexplicable aura of death, just like a corpse lying in a coffin, making it uncomfortable for anyone to look at it.

In the car, several police officers chatted about various gossips about Xiaohu.

Soon, the vehicle passed through the side streets and entered the main road where the district council is located.

"What the hell, there are so many people?!" The driver suddenly slowed down and cursed as he looked at the road ahead in astonishment.

Everyone looked up after hearing the sound and looked through the windshield to see a large number of people marching on the street in front of them.

"These people are causing trouble again." After the police officer in the passenger seat cursed, he turned to the driver and urged, "Honk your horn and walk away from the road."

The driver hesitated and replied: "Damn, there must be thousands of people here, I don't think we can take a detour, right?"

"It's the same in other places." The police officer from behind said, pressing Wu Tianyin's shoulder: "I just heard the call on the walkie-talkie, there are also marchers on Fenyang Road on the left, you can't get around them at all."

The driver paused for a moment, honking his horn and cursing: "The city needs to find a way, otherwise the problem will get bigger and bigger."

"You're so worried. I'll let you be the deputy mayor tomorrow and take care of this." The police officer in the co-pilot sneered.

"Haha, shit, if I want to take care of it, maybe I can actually take care of it." The driver curled his lips and honked the horn again.

In front, people who were being urged by car horns turned their heads. One of them shouted loudly: "What a shame! I didn't see there was someone in front of me. How could I give in?"

The driver heard the sound and lowered the window, frowned and replied, "Give me a break and I'll go over. I'm on official duty, can't you see me?"

"What does your performance of official duties have to do with me? There are people in front of me, what can I do? Just crush them all to death, you bastards." The tone of the marchers with white cloth strips tied on their arms was also arrogant.

"Okay, okay, you are the uncle, I can't afford to offend you." The driver did not dare to conflict with so many people, so he could only slow down and follow the crowd.

About five minutes later, the escort vehicle drove to a fork in the road. When the driver saw that the road ahead was still open, he immediately turned the steering wheel to the right, preparing to enter the trail and take a shortcut.


At this moment, an extremely dull sound came out.

"Fuck me!"

The police officer on the co-pilot was so frightened that he trembled. He instinctively touched his waist, sat up straight and shouted, "A gunshot was fired from the front?"


Several more gunshots rang out, and soon after, everyone in the car saw a large number of demonstrators running irregularly on the street.

"The bomb squad car is coming."

"Fuck them."

"You just hit your own people, right?"

"Were there any shots fired in front? Did you hit anyone?"


Almost instantly, the marchers near the fork in the road all burst into shouts and shouts.

"Damn it, go away, go away, don't stay here." The police officer took out his gun and shouted with a panicked expression: "Pull the car to the side, you will be in trouble if you get stuck in the crowd."

As soon as he finished speaking, gunshots rang out non-stop again. Someone among the marchers was holding a weapon and actually opened fire on the anti-explosion brigade that had just gathered.

As a result, most of the marchers were set on fire. Some people were wearing masks, holding iron and wooden sticks more than one meter long, and started smashing them everywhere.


The escort vehicle quickly entered the fork in the road, and just after driving less than a hundred meters, hundreds of people came running across the street again. Among them, the leading personnel, all wearing masks, caps, thick military coats, and holding various weapons, rushed over.

The scalp of the police officer in the car was numb, and the police officer in the passenger seat immediately ordered: "Pull over, pull over, don't move, don't move..."

"The police are here to arrest people again, fuck them."

"None of these dogs is good."


Several leading marchers went crazy as soon as they saw the police escort vehicle. Taking advantage of the large number of people on their side, they raised their weapons and suddenly rushed towards the van and smashed it.

"Don't move, don't move. We are responsible for escorting criminals, not arresting people. You stay back." The police officer in the co-pilot immediately sat in the car and raised his gun.

In the middle row seat of the vehicle, Wu Tianyin, who looked lifeless, suddenly regained his vitality in his eyes. He slowly raised his head and stared coldly at the police officer on the left, who also took out his gun and was shouting at the marchers outside the car.

God has closed the door for Wu Tianyin to move forward countless times, but at the last moment, he has opened another path in life for him, and he does not know where it leads...

In the passenger seat, the police officer was sweating and yelling: "Stay back or I'll shoot."

This group of marchers had no guns in their hands. Although they tightly surrounded the van, they did not dare to rush forward. They only held weapons and confronted the few people in the van.


At this moment, Wu Tianyin suddenly raised his head and hit the police officer on the left directly on the head with an elbow.


The police officer was caught off guard and his body rolled over and hit the car door.


Wu Tianyin suddenly lowered his head, grabbed the gun from the police officer's hand with his cuffed hands, and shouted hysterically: "Everyone who passes by me will arrest me. If I don't resist, I won't be able to survive!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wu Tianyin held the gun awkwardly with both hands and aimed his scarlet eyes at the police officer's head.


Several gunshots rang out and blood splattered in the car. The second half of Wu Tianyin's life began here...

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