District 9

Chapter 476 He is the most suitable murderer

Information room.

The captain pointed at Wu Tianyin and asked, "Are you still making excuses? There is so much evidence in front of your face, and you still don't admit it?"

"I didn't do it, what do I recognize?" Wu Tianyin asked in a roar.

"Since you didn't do anything, why did you let your mother lie?" the captain asked angrily.

Wu Tianyin looked at the captain with a trembling body: "I have a label on my body, I'm afraid I can't tell clearly."

"You have a guilty conscience."

"I didn't." Wu Tianyin explained loudly: "I did go to Xu Wei's house last night because she said she was going out and asked me to pick her up. But when I arrived, I didn't knock on the door at all, and she didn't answer my call."

"Did Xu Wei be kidnapped and killed by you?" the captain suddenly asked.

Wu Tianyin was stunned and hit the iron chair with both hands: "I didn't even see her yesterday."

"We found blood stains in the stairwell. According to comparison, the blood stains are not Xiaohu's at all. Do you understand?!" The captain pointed at Wu Tianyin and said word by word: "Xu Wei was in the room at the time, but Then I was kidnapped by you."

"This is a trap, a frame-up!" Wu Tianyin roared desperately: "I have sent Xu Wei off no less than ten times, and twice I saw her crying with injuries on her face. Her relationship with that little tiger couple is not ideal. Why don’t you check Xu Wei?!”

The captain was stunned when he heard the sound.

"I was wrongly accused. I wasn't the one who beat Xiaohu. The robbery scene must have been faked." Wu Tianyin glared and shouted, "You should arrest Xu Wei."

The captain clenched his fists and did not reply.

"Ever since I came out, I have never done anything illegal. I was looking for a job and was investigated by the superintendent of police in Changji. They told me to my face that I was a special population and that the company I was working in didn't want me... I didn't I have no choice but to go to my relatives and get money and set up a street stall." Wu Tianyin clenched his fists and said in a trembling voice: "If I want to commit another fucking crime again, will I do this? I'll squat in there. I have been here for twelve years, but what case have I not seen and what person have I not come into contact with? If I want to commit a crime, will I let you find it so easily?"

The captain pondered for a while, then pointed at Wu Tianyin and said, "You are so tough. Someone, turn off the surveillance camera and give him a sentence."

"You have to put this blame on my head?!" Wu Tianyin was stunned for a moment, then shouted hysterically.

After a few minutes, the captain left, and four or five men who were irregular police officers walked in.

Tens of seconds later, bursts of screams came from the room.

Upstairs, in the deputy director's office.

The captain sat on a chair, smoking a cigarette, frowning and said: "Leader, I think there is something fishy about this case."

"What's weird?" asked the deputy director.

"No fingerprints of Wu Tianyin were found in Xu Wei's home, and no footprints matching his were found." The team leader said with great experience: "In the corridor, blood stains suspected of Xu Wei also appeared very regularly on several easy-to-detect traces. Where we arrived, it looked like someone had done it on purpose.”

The deputy director was stunned for a moment: "What do you mean?"

"Suppose it was Wu Tianyin who did it. If he could leave no fingerprints or footprints at the scene, couldn't he fake the robbery scene?" The captain stood up and replied: "The robbery scene was made so obvious, but no traces were left. Isn't it strange that other clues such as fingerprints and footprints are taken? And he has already done the work in the house, why should he tie up Xu Wei? Xiaohu is obviously more valuable than Xu Wei. If he wants to blackmail, wouldn't it be good for him to help Xiaohu? ?”

"He may not know Xiaohu's identity." the deputy director replied.

"It just doesn't feel right to me." The captain took a puff of cigarette and said, "I had contact with Wu Tianyin, and all his reactions after his arrest... were very real. I have an intuition that this is not like him. Do it.”

"Haha," the deputy director smiled: "Since when did you rely on intuition when handling cases?"

The captain was stunned when he heard this.

"After Xiaohu's accident, several leaders of the police station called me almost every half an hour." The deputy director said softly: "The Guo family's annual donation to the city government is as high as seven figures, and now their son has an accident. Come on, think about the pressure on our police system."

"I know." The captain nodded.

"Can you find Xu Wei?" the deputy director suddenly asked.

The captain was stunned for a long time when he heard the sound, shook his head and said: "Nearly twenty hours have passed since the incident. It is normal to run out of the area at this time. So even if Xu Wei was not kidnapped, she must have disappeared, no Easy to check.”

"If you look for Xu Wei and you can't find her in three months, how are you going to solve the pressure from above?" The deputy director crossed his legs and said in a low voice: "By then, will you still be the captain? "

The captain was silent.

"The Guo family wants an explanation. It just so happens that the person we have meets all the conditions and is extremely suspicious. Then why do you make the matter so complicated?" The deputy director tapped the table and said, "Put the case as soon as possible. Sit down and don't do anything that involves long nights and dreams. We have an explanation with the Guo family from above, aren't you relaxed?"

"I understand what you mean." The captain nodded.

"Take the person into custody and do it quickly." The deputy director picked up the cigarette case.

"I know."

Half an hour later, in the interrogation room.

Wu Tianyin lay on the ground, turned his head and vomited bloody phlegm, and his whole body was twitching from the electric baton.

"Are you going to put it down?!" The non-staff man responsible for the execution lowered his head and shouted.

Wu Tianyin closed his eyes and said nothing.

At the main entrance of the superintendent, Governor Guo followed the leaders of the police station into the hall, followed closely by the deputy director and captain on duty, and quickly came down from upstairs. They all shouted politely: "President Wang, Mr. Guo ...!"

"I want to see the suspect." Guo Xing said expressionlessly, "I'm in trouble."

"This way." The captain immediately led the way.

Governor Guo walked in the middle of the crowd and asked softly: "It's been confirmed, it was him who did it, right?"

"Yes." The deputy director nodded immediately and said: "This kid lied at first, saying that he stayed at home until after one o'clock last night before leaving. But we later interrogated his family members, and according to their confession, Wu Tianyin left before twelve o'clock. He came home, which matches the time of the crime very well.”

"Did he give up?" Governor Guo asked.

"Not yet. This man has a criminal record. He was sentenced to twelve years for organizing riots and rape." The deputy director replied softly: "He has experience in resisting interrogations, so he has been quibbling."

Listening to these precise answers, Governor Guo cursed angrily in his heart: "How many good people have been harmed by such social scum!"

Everyone was silent.

Tens of seconds later, the iron door opened and President Guo stepped into the interrogation room.

Wu Tianyin was lying on the ground, looking up and saw President Guo.

"You're just robbing, why do you want to beat my son?" President Guo asked, clenching his fists.

Wu Tianyin was stunned for a moment, then reached out and grabbed President Guo's trousers: "No... I didn't do it. I beg you, please say a word for me and let them investigate this case seriously..."

Governor Guo slowly raised his leg, paused in the air for a long time, and suddenly kicked it down: "Fuck nm! I am only a child, why are you harming him?! You, a scum of society, should be locked up in a damp, dark cell. , let others treat you like animals."

When the deputy director saw President Guo taking action, he immediately turned around and shouted: "Close the door."


President Guo picked up the baton on the interrogation table and poured out all his resentment for his son's critical illness on this innocent middle-aged man.

He hit Wu Tianyin one after another and insulted him with words: "worms, a group of worms who don't know how to work hard! You only know how to rob, and you only deserve to live at the bottom of society. I will donate another five million in the second half of the year, specifically to the police The system will beat people like you...!"

Wu Tianyin was lying on the ground. When he looked up, he could just see the ferocious expression of Governor Guo. He murmured vaguely: "I regret... I thought this world was too tolerant... You have power and money, and you said I am... Then That’s me.”


Coco took the phone and asked Qin Yu: "Are you sure we want to set up the company now?"

"OK." Qin Yu nodded.

"Okay, I'll hold a meeting at home as soon as possible and rush to Songjiang to interview you." Coco nodded immediately in response.

city ​​center.

The Third Young Master fell tiredly on the sofa in the club and said in a feeble voice: "Just when I needed money, something happened to Xiaohu. It's bad luck."

"Is it possible that the people around me are up to something?" Xiaoxing asked.

"It's not very likely." The third young master shook his head: "They can't afford the consequences of things leaking out, so even if they want to fuck Xiaohu, they won't do it like this and send Jiang Qian instead. This matter... I can't guarantee it was an accident. .”

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