District 9

Chapter 427 Cold

At the entrance of Atour Hotel.

Wu Tianyin lowered his head and said nothing.

"Speak, why don't you speak? Isn't your name Wu Tian? Why is it written as Wu Tianyin on the residence permit?" The leader was so angry that he went crazy, stretched out his hand to push Wu Tianyin and yelled: "What the hell is going on?!"

Wu Tianyin gritted his teeth, slowly raised his head and said, "Yes, I have a criminal record and spent twelve years in prison..."


The leader waved his hand and slapped him in the mouth, yelling angrily: "Your stupid fake resume? You are a fraud!"

Wu Tianyin's cheeks were red after being beaten, and he looked at the other person with dull eyes. He responded in a hoarse voice: "I'm not a scammer... I just want to live a good life. As soon as I came to Changji, I went to Superintendent Rongxing and asked him to let me go in advance. They filed a record. But no one cared about it, so they came to investigate anyway."


The leader slapped Wu Tianyin again: "What the hell! If you have a criminal record, you should explain it in advance instead of lying."

"I explained, can you use me?" Wu Tianyin asked with red eyes: "I made mistakes before, but now I am like an ordinary person! I need to work, I have to support myself, I don't mean any harm. "

"What does it have to do with me whether you are dead or not? Just because of you, I lost a highly profitable business." The leader pointed at Wu Tianyin with cold eyes and said: "The company's monthly profit of tens of thousands of yuan is bad. With a bedbug like you, you still call yourself an ordinary person? Let me tell you, the dirt on your body will never be washed away in your lifetime!"

Wu Tianyin stood there, speechless for a long time.

"Get out of here, get away." The leader was too lazy to argue with Wu Tianyin anymore and turned around to leave.

Wu Tianyin came to his senses and immediately stepped forward to grab the other person's arm: "Listen to me, please give me another chance. I am no longer in the business, even if you let me do cleaning..."

"Are you dreaming?!" The leader kicked Wu Tianyin, pointed at his nose and said, "If you didn't join the company through connections, I would have to sue you. Do you understand?"

Wu Tianyin was stunned.

"Go away, don't let me see you again." The leader pointed at him and yelled, turned around and walked towards the hotel.

Wu Tianyin was expelled due to resume fraud and serious misdeeds.

When Wu Tianyin joined the company, he spent a total of four or five hours interviewing and completing procedures. However, the company decided to fire him, but he didn't even spend two minutes.

He definitely couldn't stay in the hotel anymore because he couldn't face his colleagues. So after Wu Tianyin picked up his simple luggage, he wandered on the street like a lonely ghost.

He had no money in his pocket, and he had not booked a return ticket in advance when he came, so he could only ask his family again.

After walking aimlessly for more than an hour, Wu Tianyin called his home phone on the roadside and told his stepfather what happened from beginning to end.

"Did someone prescribe it for you?!" Stepfather suddenly asked after being silent for a long time.

"Yes." Wu Tianyin lowered his head and said, "I came out of the hotel, and my colleagues took away the funds in my pocket... I have no money, dad... you transfer some money to me, and I'll take the car back."

"You think you can do something else?! The job has been arranged for you, and the relationship has been found for you. You are in your thirties, how can you not even handle this little thing?" Stepfather glared. Zhuzi yelled: "Don't say that I'm not your biological father. You're the one who was brought up by me. As bad as you are, no one cares about you. There's no money in the family, so you can figure it out on your own."

After saying that, my stepfather hung up the phone immediately.

Wu Tianyin stood there with blank eyes, turned to look at the snow on the road, and lost his direction for a moment.

at home.

Mother sat on the edge of the cold bed. After a long silence, she asked in a voice as loud as a mosquito: "...Why did he come back?"

"How can he die outside when he is such a big man?" The stepfather scolded him coldly: "This fucker can't even survive on his own in his thirties, and it's all because of you."

The mother was startled by the roar, and sat on the bed without daring to say anything. She has been like this all her life, giving birth to so many children and doing so much work for the family, but she has never found her place.

The stepfather rolled up the quilt and cursed ignorantly and irritably: "They are all trash, they only know how to live a free life every day."

After saying that, his stepfather took the quilt under his arms and went directly to another room to sleep.

Outside in the cold, the cool wind howled and blew up the snow on the roadside, scraping against people's skin like a knife.

Wu Tianyin was wearing thin work clothes and carrying simple luggage that was not worth a penny. He gritted his teeth and walked towards Songjiang.

If he lowered his head at this moment, gritted his teeth and called his stepfather again, said something soft, and asked his mother to help persuade him, then the other party would still be very likely to transfer some money to him from his mobile phone.

But this time Wu Tianyin didn't do that. After he talked to his stepfather on the phone, he never called home again after taking the exam, let alone contacted the friends he met in prison. He left a bit of dignity in his heart that he would never give up, and chose to walk in the direction of Songjiang one step at a time.

Hundreds of kilometers away in ice and snow, he would rather walk back than squat down and talk anymore.

The next day, it was around seven o'clock in the evening.

In Jiangnan District, at the entrance of Night Entertainment City, Xiaoyong from Yaoguang Security Company led seven or eight people into the lobby.

"Hello sir, do you want to go to the bar or to the private room upstairs?" the service manager immediately came over and asked.

Xiaoyong turned his head and looked around, and responded with a smile: "Shake your head, drink some wine, you can arrange it for me in the bar."

"Okay, come on, please come this way." The manager immediately responded with a smile and quickly led the way.

Less than twenty minutes later, an off-road vehicle parked at the door.

Xiao Qi's four brothers, wearing thick but clean military coats, also stepped into the Night Entertainment City.

The service manager, who had just finished his work, stood at the bar and glanced at the four people with a slightly surprised look.

"Where is the bar?" Xiao Qi's brother shouted.

The service manager came over, looked down at the deerskin hiking boots on everyone's feet, and the pocket bags hanging on everyone's waist, and said with a very polite expression: "On the left."

"Create a stage for us." Xiao Qi's brother glanced around and said concisely.

The service manager nodded, immediately stretched out his hand and said, "Please come this way."

at the same time.

Wu Tianyin, who walked more than 240 kilometers and took more than 30 hours, returned home covered in frost, snow and cold.

The stepfather stood in the courtyard and glanced at him coldly, without even saying a word.


Wu Tianyin shouted, carrying a simple luggage bag, coughing violently and entering the main room.

In the house, the mother was cooking for several other half-children. When she saw Wu Tianyin come in, she sighed and said, "You child is so unsatisfactory that you actually caused trouble for your father."

After Wu Tianyin heard this, he looked at his mother with cold eyes and said nothing.

"Are you eating?" Mother asked.

Wu Tianyin opened the cotton curtain and went directly into the house.

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