District 9

Chapter 426 Bai Gang, Bai Family

Inside the dog factory.

Zhou Ming pitifully said to Ma Lao Er, "Can you give me a cigarette?"

"Give it to him, give it to him." Ma Laoer was so annoyed that he waved his hand in greeting.

Liu Zishu took out his cigarette case, took out one and put it into Zhou Ming's mouth, and lit it for him: "If you want to keep grinding, I will immediately throw you into the male dog pen and find twenty of the strongest ones to play with you." Play."

Zhou Ming took a deep breath from the cigarette, sighed and said: "Boy, I just want some money, but I didn't expect that Fengbei could make things so big. You said, if I knew it would cause death, Then there is no way I can take this job... You are all gods, I am nothing but shit, and we can’t afford to offend anyone."

Ma Laoer didn't say anything when he heard the sound.

"I really don't dare to say anything about this." Zhou Ming replied with a grimace: "But you asked... It's not enough for me to just say nothing. But second brother, you have to promise me that I will take care of the matter." I’m telling you, you have to find a way to cover me, otherwise I’ll lose my life.”

"You just stay in the dog factory. As long as you don't leave, you'll be fine." Ma Laoer whispered back.

Zhou Ming took another deep drag on the cigarette, looked up at Ma Laoer and said, "It was a brother under Bai Gang of the Bai family who came to find me. He said Qin Yu might be leaving seclusion and asked me to pay attention."

Ma Laoer was stunned when he heard this.

"He initially promised to give me three thousand yuan, but then he said that if I could catch Qin Yu on the road, he would give me another two thousand yuan." Zhou Ming said with a serious face: "There happened to be a military vehicle passing through the pass. , I knew someone inside, so I asked them to help me keep an eye on Qin Yu's car...that's all."

"Did anyone contact you after the military vehicle and Qin Yu's vehicle separated?" Ma Laoer asked with a sullen face.

"No." Zhou Ming shook his head: "After the convoy separated, my friend in the military car called me and told me which way Qin Yu's car drove, and then I informed Bai Gang's brother. So it should be them in advance Call the people and follow Qin Yu."

"Did you keep in touch afterward?" Ma Laoer asked again.

"No contact. I ran away after I heard that someone was killed in Fengbei." Zhou Ming whispered: "Bai Gang's brother sent me a text message, but I didn't reply."

Ma Laoer thought about it for a long time, and then said to Zhou Ming in a hoarse voice: "If you dare to lie like this, I will torture you to death."

"It's already come to this, why should I lie?" Zhou Ming lowered his head and responded: "Just give me a total of five thousand yuan, and I won't help them lose their heads. What's more, I am here now It can’t escape from your hands.”

"What's the name of Brother Bai Gang?"

"Xiaochun, he and Bai Gang have been together for many years." Zhou Ming responded truthfully.

Ma Laoer stood up when he heard the sound, pointed at Zhou Ming and said, "Keep an eye on him, I'll go back to Tuzh Street."

Zhou Ming immediately turned his head and shouted at Ma Laoer's back: "Brother, give me a full shot of rabies vaccine, otherwise it won't work in twenty-four hours...!"


Qin Yu rushed to Ma's warehouse on Tuzha Street alone and met Ma Laoer.

In the sunny second-floor office, Ma Laoer sat on the sofa, lowered his head and smoked a cigarette and said, "That's what Zhou Ming said anyway."

Qin Yu stood at the window, frowned and asked, "Do you think what he said is true or false?"

"A person like Zhou Ming is an old man. If he has breasts, he is his mother's master." Ma Laoer responded with certainty: "He will not risk his life for anyone, and there is no need."

Qin Yu was silent when he heard the sound.

Ma Laoer looked up at Qin Yu and said with a gloomy face: "Xiao Yu, this Bai family who is stepping on the horse has been secretly stumbling upon us from the very beginning. During this period, we have been quite tolerant to him. Now He couldn't deal with Lao Li, so he came here to think about you. I think... I can't bear this, so I'll just fall out."

Qin Yu squinted his eyes and looked out the window and replied: "Qi Lin is coming soon and will pick up Coco and leave soon."

"I was just about to say this." Ma Laoer added distractedly: "Let's start from rectifying this medicine line, and they didn't tell us anything. Whether it's in terms of shipments or various She was very supportive of us in terms of her attitude after the accident happened. Now when people come to Songjiang and just wander around, we not only failed to protect them, but also let a girl from their in-laws die... You said this, we Is it okay if I don’t give them an explanation?”

Qin Yu was silent.

"What Keke said that day was already very obvious." Ma Laoer frowned and added: "The person who died was not from his family, and they also need to give an explanation to their parents' family. We won't say how we will retaliate against the other party, but at least You have to understand clearly whose hands this person died in, right?"

"You're right."

Qin Yu turned around and said expressionlessly: "Bring in the people from outside the area and deal with them."


"If Zhou Ming didn't tell lies, then it would be completely pointless for us to go find Bai Gang's little brother." Qin Yu frowned and replied: "Then he is just a little shrimp, why bother with him?"

"What do you mean?!" Ma Laoer stood up and asked.

"You can move the emperor." Qin Yu said with gloomy eyes: "Tomorrow night, we will have a showdown with them. After we are done, we will let Coco go immediately."

"Don't you need to say hello to Uncle Li?" Ma Laoer asked.

"...No, he knew about this, but he still tricked him." Qin Yu waved his hands decisively: "The reason for this is to give an explanation to Keke. Uncle Li will do it if he agrees to it, and he will do it even if he doesn't agree!"

"What's the way out?"

"Then what's the way out?" Qin Yu said briefly: "Let's break up and lie down on the dark street for the time being."

"I understand." Ma Laoer nodded immediately: "I will make arrangements now. Give me the phone number of the group outside the area."

"Okay." Qin Yu agreed.

A few minutes later, Ma Laoer hurriedly left the warehouse, while Qin Yu sat on the big sofa, loosened his collar and muttered: "What the fuck, this thing is full of loopholes, it really could have been done by the Bai family." Of?"

Qin Yu leaned back on the sofa chair, closed his eyes and thought for a long time, then suddenly stood up, picked up the phone, and dialed a number.

"Hello, Xiao Yu?"

"Where are you, brother?!" Qin Yu lowered his head and lit a cigarette and asked.

"It's nothing, I'm watching online programs in the rental house." The other party replied softly.

"You come out alone and let's meet. I have something to ask you." Qin Yu said after thinking for a long time.

"Haha, I thought you had forgotten me." The other party smiled: "Then I'll go to Trash Street later."

"Okay." Qin Yu nodded.

Inside Changji Atour Hotel.

The leader chased after the customer and explained with an anxious expression: "This is a misunderstanding, brother, don't leave yet, let's talk about it later...!"

"Stop it, please don't talk about this matter." The customer turned around and replied: "I have grown up, and this is the first time I have stood against the wall and had someone check me like this. Let me tell you, your company has this kind of person, and that person... There will be problems if you go out. Business is not only about profits, but also the qualifications of the partners. I will tell the above truthfully about this matter. As for whether we can cooperate, you don't have too much hope anyway. "

The customer was a familiar face on the ground in Changji, so he was "humiliated" and inspected by the police in public. He felt very humiliated, so he got into the car angrily and left in a hurry.

The leader watched the other party leave with a sullen face, turned around and shouted at Wu Tianyin and asked: "Why the hell are you still lying? If you don't tell me, is your name Wu Tian?"

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