District 9

Final words + new book preview

Final words.

More than two years have passed and "District 9" has finally been completed. I have also held back a lot of things that I want to talk to you about.

Let’s first talk about the initial structure of this book.

In fact, before I wrote "District 9", I only set one goal for myself, which was to write a different apocalyptic novel. Because I personally feel that apocalyptic themes do not necessarily have to involve zombie fighting, disaster mutations, etc. I would rather describe disasters and post-disaster reconstruction from a human perspective, so I came up with the opening story.

The final structure of the story presented to readers is actually larger than what I originally imagined, because what I originally wanted to write was the story of a grassroots person who grew up to be the leader of the Ninth District, and use his perspective to look at all living beings after the disaster.

But later on, when I wrote about the character Gu Tai'an, it inspired a lot of inspiration in me. Especially combined with the current situation, it also inspired a lot of national emotions in me, so I came up with the outline. Changes, from unification to rejection of enemies and the chapter outside the country.

To be honest, this book is my transformation work, and it is also the most tiring book I have ever written. Because in the later stage, I have been struggling with my personal emotions and there is a certain pressure to update, so many details have to be dealt with. , I am personally not satisfied.

Let’s talk about what we’re not satisfied with first.

First, due to the expansion of the story structure, Qin Laohei's status was too high in the later period, and it was inconvenient for him to handle many things, so the protagonist was a bit of a soy sauce. Although my books have always been group portraits, and in many cases the protagonist is the soy sauce actor, and he only serves as the audience's perspective, but this book does have a bit too much soy sauce content.

Coupled with the need to describe a large number of war plots, I, a military illiterate, gradually turned into a senior military fan. However, when consulting a large amount of information, it is inevitable that some oversights will occur, and some specific details are not handled perfectly. However, I also gained a lot from this, and at least I understood a lot of knowledge reserves that were not covered before.

Secondly, regarding the description of emotional scenes, I guess this is what everyone is most concerned about.

To be honest, I originally wrote this book with the hope that the protagonist would marry at least three to four wives.


In fact, this is not because I am trying to get closer to the so-called refreshing articles and deliberately create excitement for readers, but I personally feel that Qin Yu himself is from a grassroots background, and his ideals, his vision, and even his ideological consciousness are far from noble. .

To put it bluntly, why are you working so hard to conquer the country in troubled times? Isn't it just for the little desire in one's heart? Therefore, I think Qin Yu's positioning as a hero in troubled times is more appropriate and real, and can better reflect the turmoil of that era.

But what I didn’t expect was that because I wrote multiple emotional lines, I was criticized by many readers, and even attacked the author’s character. This had a great impact on me. During that period, I I'm very upset.

Whether the direction of a book is correct depends on the background structure of the book. It should be like that at that time. What does this have to do with me personally?

Mr. Jin Yong wrote about Wei Xiaobao, does that mean that he himself is like that? This is so funny.

But frankly speaking, I am an emotional author and I will read the opinions of readers. Therefore, my plot in Jiujiang was somewhat influenced by those readers. Otherwise, Qin Yu and Coco would have definitely achieved success at that time. . So, I wrote the plot of Coco leaving after being influenced by it.

In this way, the relationship line is also different from what I first imagined. Some aspects are not handled perfectly, and I will use this as a warning in the next book to accumulate experience.

Except for these two points, which are my regrets about this book, I tend to be satisfied with the rest of the emotional expressions, national emotional expressions, character portrayals, and the expression of this fictional history.

In addition to the protagonist, my portrayal of Shen Wanzhou, the generals of the Sha family, and the generals of the Feng family, including the villains such as Lao Sanjia, Zhou Clan, and Li Bokang, also met my inner requirements.

I still say that many historical figures cannot be interpreted from a single perspective, which is not objective, and I have tried my best to use a neutral perspective to view this era and these heroes. In my mind, they are definitely not a name, nor a symbol.

Including when I wrote the ending of Feng Ji, I also cried... because I would put myself in his position. He is a sinner of the nation, that is certain, but he has been protecting his family, which is actually a tragedy of the times.

After writing "Section 9", my inspiration for the apocalyptic military theme has been completely exhausted, so the next book will not be like this again. I want to continue to challenge myself.

Let’s briefly introduce the background of the next book!

Smart little cuties must have discovered that in the middle and late stages of this book, and before the end, I am actually laying out the details of this book.

The plot of the three major districts is over, and the world view of "District 9" has also ushered in the next chapter, which is the era of the rise of the major districts.

My next book will be based on Hong.m and many historical organizations, and I will write a story about the rise of the clan.

Historical figures such as the Red Flower Twin Sticks, the Alliance Elders, and the Thirteen Taibao will appear under the background structure of "The Ninth District". It will also be a glorious era. Just listen to a few names. A story that will make your blood boil.

After this book is finished, I will take a break for about a month and a half, and the new book is expected to be released around December 1st!

During this period, all news about the new book will be sent out on the WeChat official account, including the follow-up fan lottery activities and leader fan gift activities, which will be notified on the WeChat official account as soon as possible. Please continue to pay attention to me. We chat number.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone for your company for more than two years, and also thank the official readers who voted a lot for this book, the leading readers, and the readers who helped me list on other platforms.

From writing the book in 2013 to now, I have saved nothing but 100,000 loyal fans!

It’s you who allowed me to dominate the list for more than two years, and it’s you who gave me so many honors!

I am forever grateful. On December 1st, I will see you and all the three district governors in the next story! !

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