District 9

Chapter 2751 Spring is warm and flowers are blooming (complete book)

The world map, the top of Asia.

At 5:30 in the morning, hundreds of generals gathered in the military and administrative departments of the three regions with the strongest overall strength. They were uniformly dressed in military green uniforms, with many military medals hanging on their chests, and they were chatting happily.

In the huge lounge, Gu Yan crossed his legs and said to Daya with a smile: "You boy, whenever a large army battle is fought, it is really a once-in-a-lifetime battle. After this time, I guess you will be promoted to general."

Daya waved his hand humbly and replied: "Pull him down, I would like to be promoted to a general, but all of you are in great shape... I don't have much chance. How about Brother Yan... you also go to tell fortunes?"

"Look how nice he talks!" Gu Yan pointed at Big Ya and said, "We were about to go to the grave to worship our ancestors, and he cursed us to death."

Qi Lin heard the sound and came over, patted Big Ya's dog's head and said: "Fuck, you are not satisfied with being a general?! Go and see our Young Master Lin. He is still a major general and brigade commander. Let me ask Are you fair and irritating?"

Lin Xiao was sitting next to him, fiddling with the phone, still talking nonsense to the young and beautiful girl, ignoring everyone at all.

The old cat came over and asked rudely: "Have you done what I told you last time?"

"What?" Lin Xiao asked a little confused.

"I said you should take some time... to do a DNA test or something, and test it!" Old Cat persuaded in a low voice: "Human, it doesn't matter how you left in the end, but you have to know how you came here, right?"

"Get out of here, I can hit eight people like you, do you believe it?" Lin Xiao squinted and cursed.

"Then why haven't you been promoted to a higher rank?" Li Zhan also asked incomprehensibly: "If I were in your family and they didn't give me the position of supervising the country now, I would hang myself."


Zhu Wei, Fu Xiaohao, Ding Guozhen, Brother Xiao, Zhan Nan and other old people all laughed out loud after listening to Li Zhan's teasing, and at the same time felt a little sorry for their uncle.

When Lin Xiao saw everyone harassing him, he immediately frowned and replied: "I don't want to be promoted. We are the people's army, and my family has too many places. We are also in our forties, so this matter Can you still not understand? Moreover, although I am only a major general, you go ask...that deputy commander Qin...is he afraid of me?"

After listening to Lin Xiao's words, everyone cursed in their hearts that this horse-riding man was too Versailles.

At the door, Fu Zhen was constantly consulting Ma Laoer, Wu Di, He Dachuan, Lin Chengdong and other veterans.

"Just tell me, can I be a general?" Fu Zhen asked cautiously.

In the small lounge inside, Qin Yu glanced at his watch, looked at Lin Cheng, Wu Tianyin, Meng Xi, Fatty Teng, Xiao Ke, Chen Jun and others and said: "It's almost time, let's set off."

At 6:30 in the morning, more than 200 military vehicles arrived at Yanbei Nanshan Cemetery.

A battalion of the Yanbei City Defense Brigade had already lined up in the cemetery, waiting for the memorial service to begin.

Outside the cemetery, reporters from the three major districts also began to enter the cemetery to collect materials after receiving permission.

After the convoy arrived, Qin Yu led all the major general-level officers from the three regions and those who had made special contributions to the cemetery steps together, walking step by step towards the top of the mountain.

The loud bugle sounded, not a mournful tune, but a passionate charging horn.

The people carrying the generals from the three districts looked solemn and lined up in order, climbing to the top step by step.

Nanshan Cemetery is where Gu Tai'an's bones are buried. The highest point on the top of the mountain is his final resting place. The tombs of Xiang Zehao, Ou Xiaobin, Liu Zishu, Bao Jun, Jin Taizhu, Xiao Xun, Lao Wei, Xiao Baihu, including Jiang Xiaolong, as well as other fallen soldiers and some martyrs are here.

The motherland was reunified and foreign wars were completely victorious.

There are more than tens of thousands of bones buried in Nanshan Cemetery!

When everyone reached the top, the people from the etiquette department of the army shouted loudly: "The memorial ceremony has begun, all generals will take off their hats and stand at attention!"

Qin Yu looked at the cemetery and slowly took off the military cap on his head.


As soon as he finished speaking, the Charge sounded for the second time through Nanshan Cemetery. The soldiers standing in the square below all took off their hats and stood at attention.

"Play music and salute!" the etiquette department shouted again.

The mournful music sounded, and the generals slowly raised their arms and saluted the military salute at the Nanshan Tombs overlooking the Shenzhou.


The crisp sound of gunfire rang through the top of the mountain three times in total.

Qin Yu stood in the center of the crowd, looked at Gu Tai'an's grave, and murmured in a voice he could only hear: "Old Governor, Qin Yu, commander of the Sichuan Huncheng Brigade, has lived up to your expectations, successfully completed the unification, and resisted the enemy. Outside the country, the mission has been successfully completed, and I am here to report to you!"

On the tombstone, a black and white photo of Gu Tai'an is also staring at everyone.

The mournful music stopped, Qin Yu turned around, waved his arms, and shouted loudly: "In the past forty years of turmoil, our People's Army in China District has gone through thousands of large and small battles. Today, Ou District 1 has declared defeat and completely surrendered! As a people, I Deputy Commander of the Army, I call on everyone not to forget the humiliations after the first year of the Era. We need to cultivate our internal strength and strong military power. What we want is not successive wars. What we want is that wherever the sword points, all nations will come to court. Fight and win!"

"When all nations come to court, there will be life without a fight!!!"

The shouts shook the sky, and the anger filled the sky.

Qin Yu turned around and saluted Gu Tai'an again: "Your wish has become a reality! All generals will obey the order and salute my martyr!"

On the second day after the memorial ceremony, the troops from the three regions officially withdrew from Xia Island, but the Ou District 1 also gave up full control of the fourth region and ordered the Red Turban Army to withdraw from the area claimed by the Tengba Corps.

At the same time, Meng Xi arrived in Yemen again as a representative of the three regions to discuss strategic cooperation plans with the private armed forces there.

Outside District Nine, there is an area to be planned called Dragon City. In Dragon City, there is a family named Wang, and the head of the family is called Wang Zongxiao. For new book information, please search the official account "Fake Ring" in Weixin and follow it.

After the overseas war ended, Wang Zongxiao donated 90% of his family's property to the three district governments. At the same time, he kept his face low and frequently communicated with Wang Zongtang of Sichuan Mansion.

More than ten years have passed, and many things have been diluted by the years. The branch of the Wang family led by Wang Zongtang has grown stronger under the care of the Sichuan government, so many things... have passed away.

After all the hard work, the Wang family was not held accountable in the end, and they were able to dissipate most of their wealth and escape the disaster with a very low attitude towards survival.

In fact, in Qin Yu's eyes, the Wang family was already a memory of the past. He was not so small-minded as to retaliate against the Wang family in his current position.

In Dragon City, Wang Zongtang sat in the family living room and said succinctly: "New ancestral precepts, within twenty years, the children of the Wang family are not allowed to obtain public positions, enter the system, swagger through the market, and continue to do the previous business... .”

Wang Zongtang really created a new set of ancestral precepts, listing more than a hundred clauses to restrict the behavior of the family's children. For new book information, please search the official account "Fake Ring" in Weixin and follow it.

After the family meeting, Wang Zongtang looked at his son and said: "The war is over and the climate has become warmer. In my opinion, the next twenty years will be an era when various regions will rise one after another... The future of our Wang family does not lie within the family. , and we are overseas. We are Chinese, we keep a low profile at home, but we can be high-profile outside the region. I am going to send you to develop overseas..."

"I'm willing to go!" The son nodded.

After the war, the three regions entered a stage of steady development. All fields began to rise, and the governance conditions in each region were far from comparable to those during the turmoil.

During the development period, Lin Yaozong had private talks with Qin Yu many times, and he hinted to him overtly and covertly to quickly take over the position of governor.

But Qin Yu refused openly and secretly, always saying: "Dad, I am not capable enough to serve as governor. You are still young. You can serve two more terms while I learn."

Lin Yaozong was speechless when faced with this answer. He could also feel that Qin Yu had completely lost interest in the position of governor.

Meng Xi is a person who knows Qin Laohei very well, so He Dachuan, Fu Zhen, and Ma Laoer are all asking him, what is Laohei thinking in his heart, and why is he unwilling to take over?

Meng Xi replied succinctly: "With Governor Lin here, the world is peaceful and developing rapidly. The change of governor involves various personnel changes, so our boss Qin doesn't want to do it anymore. He is tired. Later, Governor Lin retired. , whoever our boss Qin refers to is the governor! Do you understand this and that?"

Fu Zhen was silent for a while and then asked directly: "Then tell me... will our boss Qin accuse me in the end?"

Everyone was frightened, and Meng Xi looked at him in confusion: "Why did you think about saying this?! I have been working with my father for so many fucking years, is it still your turn?"

There are mountains in Sichuan Mansion, and there is a newly built manor in Beishan last year. This manor is not shown on the map, but the senior officials of Sichuan Mansion know who lives here.

The second year of ancestor worship in Nanshan is in spring and March.

Qin Yu took a break on Saturday and came to the manor. He used a wheelchair to push Coco, who lived here, all the way south.

Coco's body became even thinner because she couldn't take care of herself and needed to be fed by others, so her physical condition was not ideal and she often had high fevers.

The breeze blew away the thin layer of snow on the ground, and caused the willow branches of the dead trees in the mountains to sway with the wind.

Qin Yu pushed Cocoa and walked slowly as usual: "...the total economic value of our three major districts has increased by a full 30% this year, and it will be even higher next year... This is a good thing, my father-in-law's The development ideas are indeed much better than mine...!"

Coco stared blankly ahead, saying nothing.

"I asked Ye Lin to take over Old Friend Capital. Damn it... the media in Europe 1 said that this group has strong overtones of an extremist organization and found some gunmen to keep attacking us... But I just want Old Friend Capital not to fall. , just to revitalize it...make it a national enterprise." Qin Yu said to himself: "Alas...I went to Jiangzhou to attend the seven-district merger meeting a few days ago, and when I got there...I suddenly remembered that at the time The scene when I went to Ji'an with Qi Lin and Lao Mao... That was the first time I met you, and twenty years have passed... time flies so fast...!"

When Coco, who had been sitting there, heard this, her right hand on the wheelchair suddenly twitched.

Qin Yu didn't notice Coco's reaction and only murmured in a low voice: "Actually, I really miss the past... The happiest time when I was just getting the medicine thread... Before that, I was scared of poverty... I want to lead a group of people to make some money and gain some rights... to make myself live a better life... because I have no family... I have to rely on myself for everything... so when I first started to get benefits in return ...I am the happiest. I feel that I have hope in life... I have a head start... and I have many more friends around me... Alas, I have everything now, but happiness is not so easy to get..."

When Coco heard this, her delicate body twitched, and she responded with blank eyes: "...Jiangzhou...snowy day...Buckingham Palace..."

In the past two years, Qin Yu had never heard Coco speak. After being stunned for a long time, he suddenly bent down and asked, "What did you say? Say it again?!"

"...It's snowing in Jiangzhou...!" Coco replied in a hoarse voice.

Qin Yu grabbed Coco's palm excitedly: "Say it again...what about snowy days and what about Jiangzhou?!"

Keke's eyes turned red and she turned to look at Qin Yu: "...I...I'm awake, Sir Qin!"

New Era 43.

Spring is coming, and the ice period that has lasted for more than 40 years has finally passed. Scattered political powers around the world have begun to prepare to establish major regions.

Just as this area was emerging one after another, a middle-aged man who had disappeared for a long time in the three major areas arrived overseas by plane and landed in...Dragon City, where millions of overseas Chinese gathered.

(Complete the book.)


There will be final remarks later!

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