District 9

Chapter 2662 Everyone has his own opinion

In the room, Xiao Zhao looked at Xiao Qinglong blankly: "Gas bomb?! Did you see it with your own eyes?"

"Yes. The people from Ziyi took us to a closed experimental base. The main purpose was to show all parties the destructive power of this thing and the results of battlefield debugging, so as to facilitate subsequent army combat command." Xiao Qinglong paused. Swallowing his saliva, he said, "Not only did they show animal experiments, they also showed..."

Beads of sweat suddenly appeared on Xiaozhao's forehead, and he guessed what Xiao Qinglong had not finished saying.

"The number of eight hundred is what I overheard from their conversation." Xiao Qinglong said with a frown: "This batch of weapons will be dropped at the central station that has the greatest impact on the outcome of the war, and will be used with ordinary artillery shells Used together with y.”

After the words fell, both of them fell silent.

"The reason why Zhang Qingfeng came here is because he has had many battle experiences with the troops from the three major districts, right?" Xiao Zhao lowered his head and asked.

"Yes." Xiao Qinglong nodded slowly: "He is the consultant who uses these weapons."

When Xiaozhao heard this, he held it in for a long time and asked, "You didn't want to tell me the news at first, right?"

"...Ke Hua only took me with him to the laboratory this time. If this news leaks out, I will become the biggest target of suspicion, and the higher-ups will definitely think of Wang Hai." Xiao Qinglong slowly raised his head, He said with a trembling voice: "The most important thing is, I... I know I told you that you will definitely take action, but the six of us alone cannot change anything. Do you understand?!"

"Then why did you say it again?" Xiaozhao asked.

Xiao Qinglong was silent.

"You also know what the consequences will be if these eight hundred bombs are dropped on the battlefield." Xiaozhao turned to look at him and asked: "You think you can't get through it if you don't tell, right? "

Xiao Qinglong gritted his teeth: "I don't know who gave birth to a child without a buttocks, and formulated this kind of battle plan. Damn, it's so inhumane!"

"...We must find a way to send this information out." Xiaozhao said firmly: "The sooner the better!"

Xiao Qinglong was silent.

"Give me a few!"

At this moment, the little white tiger who had been lying on the bed suddenly sat up and added in a low voice: "Communications are controlled and our activity area is limited. How can you send the message out? What's more, because of Wang Hai Ke Hua had doubted us before, and now if something is abnormal, they will be able to sense that something is wrong in minutes."

Xiaozhao looked up at him and asked, "Then what do you mean? Are you pretending you don't know?"

"The question is, what's the use of knowing it?!" Xiao Baihu got out of bed and said to Xiao Zhao with some excitement: "There are only 800 bullets in total. Those dogs can mix them with ordinary shells." , hit the battlefield in batches, can you defend it? How many troops were dispatched from Beifengkou? Hundreds of thousands! How large a battle is this? The horizontal and vertical range of the battlefield may be thousands of kilometers long! You Just by sending the intelligence out, what will it change? How much help can it provide to the frontline battlefield?"

"You are trying to deceive others." Xiaozhao said calmly without getting too excited: "Whether it can work or not is determined by the battlefield, but when we get important information, it is up to us to decide whether to send it out. This is It’s two different things.”

"Damn it, why are you so stubborn!" Little White Tiger cursed in a low voice: "Your information will probably not be of much help to the frontier battlefield, but if you leak the information, then Ke Hua will investigate the source of the leak. , will target us in minutes, and we will all be dead by then! Don’t forget, Wang Hai’s incident has just passed, and if there is any trouble now, we will definitely be the first to be suspected. "

Xiaozhao was silent.

Xiao Baihu eagerly bent down and sat down, and with a slightly trembling tone, he persuaded Xiao Zhao: "Only the three of us know this news now. If we don't tell it, no one will know. Brother, just treat Xiao Qinglong today. Is it okay if I haven't been to the laboratory? Is it okay if I never get this news? I beg you, please think about it for us. I still have a wife and children, so there is no need for us to risk our lives on meaningless things. "

"Once eight hundred poison gas bombs spread, how many troops will there be in the three major districts?! You have to understand that our upper management is completely unaware and unprepared." Xiaozhao looked at him, pointed at the floor and whispered Said: "If this thing cannot reverse the situation of the war, there is no need for the other side to use it, understand? Even if we know better, once these weapons are put into the battlefield, how many of your compatriots will die in vain, and how many families will be affected? Ah?" !”

The little white tiger listened blankly to the other party's question, and cursed in a vulgar manner: "You always try to sublimate and adjust your mood. Who can stand this? Let's not think of ourselves as the savior, okay? We are all human beings... !”

"They are human beings. We are soldiers, and so are you!" Xiaozhao looked at him blankly and replied.

The little white tiger was speechless, lowered his head and rubbed his face and cursed: "Tiger, I just realized that you are all tigers! Damn, you are so brainless!"

"We need to find an opportunity to send this news out at all costs." Xiao Zhao looked at Xiao Qinglong and said: "You two are in a more important position, so we will do this job. Once a problem occurs, you will do your best to They push things onto us, and even bite us because we are insiders who have sneaked in, but you don't know."

Xiao Qinglong knew that he had no choice, so he could only nod slowly: "We can't go out now, and there is no communication equipment available. I don't know what kind of method can be used to send things out safely. I can't think of anything, Even if the message is successfully delivered, how can we escape?"

Little White Tiger had collapsed. He fell on his back on the sofa and said, "You decide, I will think about it now, how to commit suicide without pain..."

On the fourth area battlefield, Feng Ji supervised the technical team overnight to conduct outdoor environment debugging and related delivery experiments.

at the same time.

At the military factory test unit, two hundred armaments boxes with conventional artillery shell labels were pulled out from the first warehouse and started loading directly.

Two hours later, after Kirill's negotiation with the theater commander was completed, the defensive forces at the front began to shrink back in an orderly manner, acting as if they could not withstand the attack and were forced to move and retreat.

In the Beifengkou headquarters, Qin Yu held the phone and asked Zheng Kai with one hand on his hips: "Are they starting to collapse?"

"It's a bit of an act." Zheng Kai replied directly: "I have been on the frontline battlefield. Although they retreated in an orderly manner, I always feel that they have taken the initiative to lower their defensive hardness... Now I am a little confused about their Intention."

Qin Yu was also a little confused: "Withdraw voluntarily? What does this mean?"

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