District 9

Chapter 2661 Bottom line! !

In the military factory, all personnel entering the main building were required to put on chemical protective clothing, and were sterilized and disinfected in the changing room.

Ke Hua and others were originally not qualified to follow everyone into the inside, but Zhang Qingfeng said to him: "You are engaged in military intelligence, it is better to know some information in this area."

Ke Hua had actually roughly guessed some of the situation, and felt a little conflicted in his heart. But when he spoke, he still smiled and nodded: "Okay!"

After changing clothes, dozens of people walked into the back building from the disinfection corridor and entered a very large room with a single side of transparent glass.

There are many seats in this room, and the chiefs in protective suits sat down one by one. Kirill was in the center of the crowd, constantly introducing the situation here to everyone.

Ke Hua, Xiao Qinglong and others are all small characters and can only stand at the corner of the door and watch.

While everyone was waiting, a dozen staff from the Ouyi District wearing protective clothing took the lead in entering the control console. One of them ordered in English: "Test 1, simulate the normal temperature, humidity, and wind in the Xibo no-man's land." grade……!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sound similar to the roar of a motor in the empty room behind the single-sided glass. Immediately, the various numerical tables in the room began to fluctuate. The wind force, temperature, etc. in the private room were all indicating to Xi Bo. The outdoor environment of the area is close to each other.

The pattern room operated for about fifteen minutes, and the lead technician shouted again: "Concentration is 30%, regular release!"

The order was given, the small door of the simulation warehouse was opened, and the five monkeys were released.

"Push!" the staff member at the assistant console shouted.


Two gaps were opened on the floor of the simulation room, releasing a large amount of smoke. The five monkeys who were running seemed to feel something. They froze on the spot for a moment, and then began to run around.

Ten seconds, ten seconds later!

The bodies of the two monkeys were obviously ulcerated, their pupils were constricted and their breathing was so heavy that the whole room could be heard. They scratched their chests with their claws and began to howl miserably.

Five seconds later, the two strongest monkeys fell to the ground and died on the spot, with blood flowing from their pupils and noses. The remaining three monkeys went insane and attacked each other. After biting, their bodies fester and they died of suffocation.

When Zhang Qingfeng saw this scene, his brows furrowed into knots. He turned to look at Kirill, who was dancing with excitement, and then sat sideways.

"16 seconds 77!" The staff reported back: "The CS-2 systemic corrosive gas can adapt to a harsher environment. What we just tested was only the destructive power of the primary detonation."

Kirill spread his palms, shook his head and said: "There is no way to compare animals and people. We hope to see something more intuitive and more destructive! You have to know that people cannot be placed in a confined space, stupid Wait for sixteen seconds for the poison gas to spread!"

"Okay!" The staff in Ouyi District nodded.

"Dip Lingling!"

An aide pressed the call bell.

In the simulation room, a large amount of disinfectant liquid was sprayed from the ceiling, and more than a dozen sets of exhaust fans were rapidly cleaning the poisonous gas in the room.

After half an hour, the room returned to calm, and four staff members wearing protective clothing entered the room and took away the monkey's body.

Immediately afterwards, six or seven figures appeared in everyone's sight. They were wearing shabby prison uniforms, their eyes were dull, and their bodies were thin.

Both white people and Chinese people...

Ke Hua and Xiao Qinglong were completely stunned when they saw this scene.

Zhang Qingfeng adjusted his sitting position uneasily, and whispered something into Kirill's ear, but the latter still spread his palms and said: "These are our enemies, and God will not forgive them for bringing harm to the free people." harm... We are eliminating crimes and war criminals."

Zhang Qingfeng clenched his fists and said nothing.

"The concentration is increased to 40%, simulating the worst ecological environment in the Xibo no-man's land. The No. 2 control station conducts battlefield simulation according to the detonating discharge. 3.2.1 starts...!"

The bottom line of the war in Europe 1 has always been to break their own records. When they can control the situation, they always shout democracy, freedom, and maintain world peace. But when they encounter adversity or weakness, this slogan They will be forgotten immediately. They are doing worse than anyone else, and they are crazier than anyone else.

Era years ago, they were the only ones to have used nuclear weapons, and the only ones to have used biological and chemical weapons on the battlefield in Iraq...so that it eventually caused a lot of post-war problems in Iraq, and they themselves reaped the bitter consequences. , many soldiers who retired from the battlefield in Iraq suffer from severe Gulf War Syndrome, and this is not only reflected psychologically, but a large number of officers and soldiers have physical deformities and are even unable to reproduce.

Including the Korean battlefield and the Vietnam battlefield, there are records of their use of weapons that broke the bottom line of the war. These were not disclosed at the time, but as time goes by, these bad things will eventually be made public.

The current situation in Europe 1 is very bad. There is a change of chief executive and internal chaos, so... they are red-eyed again.

late at night.

The delegation returned to the headquarters compound. Zhang Qingfeng returned to his guest room, sat on the sofa and drank a glass of red wine.

The adjutant stood aside and asked softly: "Do you need something to eat?"

"...I don't want to eat it!" Zhang Qingfeng held the red wine glass and walked towards the window. Looking at the deep night sky, he didn't know what it felt like.

In the guard's room, Xiao Qinglong took off his clothes and lay in the bathroom vomiting.

"What's wrong? Where have you gone?" Xiaozhao asked.

Xiao Qinglong calmed down for a long time. When he turned to look at Xiao Zhao, he suddenly said with a smile: "I didn't go anywhere, I just attended a meeting with the delegation!"

"...Are you sure you just attended a meeting?" Xiao Zhao saw that he was a little abnormal and asked immediately.

"Well, just a minute!" Xiao Qinglong replied, wiping his mouth.

Xiao Zhao had doubts in his heart, but had no way of confirming what Xiao Qinglong said, so in the end he could only hold back his uneasiness.

Late night fell and everyone took a rest.

Xiao Qinglong fell on the bed, covering himself with a quilt, forcing himself to fall asleep, but his mind was filled with the scenes he saw in the laboratory.

The violent feeling of vomiting came over again, Xiao Qinglong opened the quilt with tears in his eyes and prepared to go to the bathroom again.

At this time, Xiao Qinglong saw Xiao Zhao sitting on the sofa alone, looking out the window with a dull look.

The room was quiet, Xiao Qinglong gritted his teeth and walked to the bathroom, while Xiao Zhao looked up at him.


The sound of footsteps echoed through the room. When Xiao Qinglong reached the bathroom door, he suddenly stopped and looked back at him.

Xiao Zhao did not say a word. After hesitating for a while, the latter finally let out a sigh, walked over quickly and said: "...the latest model of systemic gas bombs, there are 800 of them! Come to Baal City with us!"

Xiaozhao was stunned.

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