District 9

Chapter 2582 After the War

From a purely moral perspective, Zhang Tian's team is undoubtedly trustworthy and committed. Li Bokang said that they were in danger several times, fought until the last moment, and were all wiped out in the end. They did not break their promises or betray Li Bokang in any way. And this approach is obviously very manly and quaint.

Before Li Bokang became a professor in the military intelligence department, he had certain real power in District 7. He had saved the lives of Zhang Tian and others in the district and was close to them, so Zhang Tian was able to return to the three major districts to help him after he was reactivated by Zhou Xingli. His original intention was to repay Li Bokang's kindness. In the end, he also lost his life in order to repay his kindness. It can be said that he is a person who never forgets the kindness of a drop of water.

But in the grand scheme of things, the love of Jianghu will seem very small in the context of the three major regions being devastated by civil war. Zhang Tian and others were on the wrong side of the team, so naturally there would be no happy ending.

To the people of Sichuan Mansion, although they are just a gun belonging to Zhou Clan, this gun has been stained with too much blood of Sichuan Mansion people, so they must die.

In order to prevent his brother from suffering, Lan Yan directly chose to surrender and was captured by Xiao Qi. Seeing that the situation was over and Zhang Tian was dead, other personnel also chose to give up resistance.

Ma Laoer really chopped off Zhang Tian's head and let the Sichuan soldiers hang it on the radar pole on the bridge. So that other soldiers on the Pearl who resisted so hard instantly collapsed emotionally and put down their guns one after another, refusing to fight. .

After all Xiaobai's Sichuan troops boarded the ship, they rescued everyone in the ruins of the central cabin.

Brother Xiao, Fu Zhen, Xiao Qi, Lin Chengdong, Zhou Zheng, and Ma Laoer stood on the deck supporting each other, and in front of them were the bodies of Baojun and Jin Taizhu.

Zhou Yuanzheng once again shouted to the fleet, and the remaining twelve warships also announced their surrender and lowered the Zhou clan's military flag.

At this point, the civil war ended completely.

The Sichuan Army, which had been fighting for several years, stood on the Mingzhu and shouted in unison: "We won! It's over!"

The waves are rolling and the cold wind is blowing.

Ma Laoer and others silently set up the treasure army on the ground and covered Kim Tae-soo with a white cloth. They stood side by side, with their backs to the full moon, crying and shouting: "We have won! The civil war is over, and the world is unified." !!”

Millions of people moved away, and the Zhou clique's regime was completely disintegrated. The fifteen warships of the Southern Patrol Fleet were also left behind by the Sichuan government's infiltration team.

This battle seemed to be just an infiltration team fighting desperately, but in fact it was the result of the joint efforts of the Rocket Army, Air Force, and Chen Navy.

Of course, if the infiltration team had not risked their lives to capture Zhou Yuanzheng, there would not have been such a result. These people should be the first to contribute.

The next day, the coalition forces stationed in Luhuai and began to maintain stability and clean up the mess, and the fourteen warships were also pulled back to Nanhu Port for repair and processing.

The ironic scene came. Fu Zhenguo, who had been forced out by Zhou Yuanzheng, immediately arrived in Nanhu with his team and took over all the work of the navy, including the Chen department.

Zhou Yuanzheng is a war criminal, and he knows that his end will never be good. But when he saw the high-spirited Fu Zhenguo with his own eyes, he felt bitter in his heart, and felt inexplicably that the so-called absolute core position of the Zhou family did not seem to be that good. Once the army was defeated, there would be no room for maneuver.

Comrade Zhenguo has always been a direct officer. His first sentence when he entered the navy was: "There are no people in the Southern Patrol Fleet who can be recruited. I will replace them all. All war criminals will be sent to me before they are tried by military courts." Go to the wind outlet and let them see why the land there turned red!"

In one sentence, hundreds of core officers including Zhou Yuanzheng were all sent to Beifengkou. As soon as this group of people entered the prisoner camp managed by the Wu clan, more than a dozen of them died.

The officers in charge of the camp claimed that they had committed suicide out of fear of crime, but no one believed this, but the upper echelons of the coalition did not pursue the matter.

So many soldiers died at Beifengkou, and the officers and soldiers were very hostile to the people of the Zhou clan. This was not a conflict that could be resolved by simply surrendering. Even the dead...no one can stop him.

It is said that the people of the Wu clan did not make things difficult for Zhou Yuanzheng who surrendered. They just slapped a pair of sixty-pound handcuffs on him and forced him to eat rice mixed with blood and soil every day.

It’s really blood and soil bibimbap! The raw soil from the war zone was dug out directly and sprinkled into Zhou Yuanzheng's rice bowl, and people from the same class watched him eat it.

All that bullshit dignity and commander-in-chief’s airs don’t work here.

After the war ended, the three regions quickly entered a state of "recovery." In the past few years, wars have been going on everywhere. The economic conditions of major cities in major regions and areas to be planned have already been dragged down, and the areas to be planned have been particularly severely affected. During the war, people were unable to circulate materials, which not only cut off their source of income, but even made it difficult for them to eat.

If the coalition forces hadn't fought quickly and delayed for a few more years, the living standards in the areas to be planned would probably have returned to the early days of the new era, with wars happening everywhere and who would grow the food? Without food, how can people live?

Therefore, no war is the minimum standard for development, and if you want to completely cut off the possibility of war, that is unification.

Without warlord power, there would be no military friction. Only then can the three major regions completely enter the stage of recovery, rise, and crazy construction, and only then can the nation come to life.

This is why Gu Tai'an, Mr. Lin, and those pioneers take unification so seriously.

Fortunately, in these troubled times, heroes and villains emerged in large numbers. The ancestors used their bodies to extinguish the flames of war, and finally won a peaceful and prosperous age for the later generations.

Recovery, reconstruction, and rise cannot be accomplished overnight. It takes time to settle. But fortunately, as soon as Luhuai was captured, the momentum of recovery had spread across the land of China.

Let’s not mention how Lin Yaozong planned for post-war recovery. I will only talk about the happiness and distress of the coalition generals after Qin Yu completed mobilizing all the regiments and troops three months later.

Three months later.

In the courtyard of the Sichuan Command headquarters, Xiaobai, Xiaosang, Fu Zhen, Ruan Ming, He Dachuan, Xun Chengwei, the core children of the Xu family, the Qi family, and some new-generation generals were gathering in the lounge to talk nonsense.

"Have you heard? After the 1st of next month, all war zones in the three major regions will be restructured, and the awarding and awarding ceremonies will also begin." Xiaobai was the first to say: "After this step is completed, it is estimated that It is about to announce the integration of the three regions.”

"I heard about it," Ruan Ming nodded and replied, "...our headquarters has been notified."

"Hey, Lao Ruan, you performed well in the southern battlefield this time. I guess you should get the rank of general at some point!" He Dachuan said with bared teeth.

"What are you talking about? General?!" Ruan Ming curled his lips and replied directly: "It would be great if I could have a lieutenant general. Also, can you please don't call me Lao Ruan... that's not very polite!"

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