District 9

Chapter 2581: Seal the throat with one knife, ending fate

Why didn't Zhou Yuanzheng choose to surrender when he was on the forecastle of the bridge?

Why did Zhou Yuanzheng not choose to surrender despite being in danger several times during the chaotic battle in the guard room?

Because at that time he felt that he still had a chance, and the higher-ups in the Zhou system would rescue him at all costs. However, after everyone entered the central cabin, the shot from the 085 frigate completely shattered all his hopes.

The higher-ups were no longer prepared to save him, but were preparing to get rid of him and regain control of the fleet, forcing those generals who were concerned about his safety to choose their positions.

The most important thing is that the attitude of the Sichuan government is also very obvious. Ma Laoer and others would rather die in battle than let him go. They are not even prepared to negotiate again. Zhou Yuanzheng fully understands that he cannot escape. Once this happened, the only option left was surrender. If the fleet could be given to Sichuan, then he and the generals following him might have a chance.

In this matter, Zhou Xingli's decision-making was also very high-level. The evacuation of millions of people from Luhuai had completely declared the Zhou clique's failure in the inland battlefield. If he followed Li Bokang's suggestion and was willing to pay the price and cede For some battleships of the Southern Patrol Fleet, the situation may not be what it is now.

But Lao Zhou was unwilling to give in, let alone surrender to Qin Yu and the Eighth District regime. He was like a gambler at the last moment. He did not admit the failure of the Zhou clique and did not choose peace talks, which resulted in the current situation. Just like when the Kuomintang was in the Northeast battlefield and the Central Plains battlefield, the decisive factor was the same. They believed that the failure on the frontal battlefield was caused by many reasons, not the strength of the opponent.

In the end, this gambler-like idea also caused damage to the Zhou clan itself that was difficult to undo. In other words, from the moment Zhou Yuanzheng was captured, Zhou Xingli himself had no choice. Zhou Yuanzheng, but everyone was captured, can he still survive? But if he doesn't protect Zhou's expedition, the admiral will be chilled. Your fleet is also out of control!

Perhaps no one knows that Zhou Xingli did not regret it, but the price Zhou Xing paid before leaving must have been painful!

Around the main ship of the Mingzhu, the Xiaobai troops coming from the Lu District had begun to board the ship, and Zhou Yuanzheng's final call for surrender also made many generals of the Southern Patrol Fleet completely give up resistance.

There is the air force overhead, and the army from the Lu District has also arrived. It is only a matter of time before the main force of the coalition forces outside Luhuai rushes into the port. In addition, the Southern Patrol Fleet is outside the support range of the two major fleets of the European Union. If not Surrendering, the final result may not only be a defeat, but also may end up with a reputation of regardless of the life and death of superior officers, but if you surrender, there may be a chance.

Based on the above reasons, the main fleet of the southern patrol chose silence when facing the coalition air force overhead, and this also made the boarding of Xiaobai's troops a little smoother.

On the main ship of the Mingzhu, the most uncomfortable people at present are Zhang Tian's team. Zhou Yuanzheng was not killed by a single shot, and after announcing his surrender, they were sold out by other Zhou system's main warships. He was alone on the ship.

Obviously, Zhang Tian and others have no choice at this time!

On the deck, Zhang Tian shouted with a communication device: "Listen to me, it is already difficult to evacuate! Because we have no idea what the attitude of the other warships is, and the outside of the Pearl is also full of enemy troops! We are now The only way is to continue the attack, control the people in the central cabin, and capture the people in Chuanfu. There may be room for maneuver. If Zhou Yuanzheng can be recaptured or killed, it may also affect other warships. Decision! Listen to the Zhou soldiers on the ship, we have no choice but to rush in!"

"Everyone, come together, they don't have many people in the central cabin!" Blue Eyes immediately responded.

"Received, our aviation department people will cooperate!" the aviation commander also replied.

"Go, go!"

After Zhang Tian issued the order on the deck, he immediately waved his hand to signal the special operations team to infiltrate the gap.

"Da da da……!"

At this moment, seven or eight figures suddenly emerged from the gap. The remaining Sichuan military intelligence personnel in the central cabin, as well as Ma Laoer, Lin Chengdong and others, were covered in blood, holding guns and shooting wildly to the outside.

In the entertainment room, Lan Yan led a group of brothers and wanted to enter with strength, but was held back by Xiao Qi and others. The two sides started a fierce gun battle in the corridor.


Lin Chengdong blocked the explosion gap, shooting into the sky and waving his hands at the fighter aircraft above.

The fighter jets dived at low altitude, circled and continued to fire at the enemy troops on the deck!

"CNM!! How long will it take for support to arrive?!" Ma Laoer shouted with his eyes wide open.

As soon as he finished speaking, the Xiaobai soldiers, braving gunfire, had already climbed up from the sea using ropes!

After the soldiers of the Sichuan Army quickly gathered on the outside, they pushed inward and kept shouting at the Pearl combat personnel on the deck: "You will not kill if you hand over guns!!"

"Squat down!!"


Shouts rang out from all directions, and many soldiers and staff on the main ship became confused and frightened after seeing a large number of Sichuan troops boarding the ship!

The leaders have all fled to Xia Island, and the commander has been arrested. Do I really want to fight in this life? Does such a sacrifice really make sense?

"Da da da……!"

The gunshots rang out violently. After being confused, many Zhou soldiers raised their hands and squatted on the ground to surrender!

The air support kept firing at the enemy gathering position on the deck. The weapons and equipment of Zhang Tian and others did not pose any threat to the fighter jets. After being targeted several times, the attack was directly interrupted and they could only retreat!

At this time, Ma Laoer, Fu Zhen, Lin Chengdong and others all rushed out from the explosion gap, chasing Zhang Tian and re-entering the forecastle position. Less than two minutes after the two sides exchanged fire, Zhang Tian and others' ammunition was almost consumed. .

Ma Laoer directly pulled out the military thorn, gritted his teeth and shouted: "I want to cut off his head with my own hands!"

"You are the director, do you still need to do something?!" Fu Zhen stopped him directly, stared at him and shouted: "I'll do it!"

As soon as the words fell, six military intelligence officers rushed into the forecastle with explosion-proof shields to prevent the other party from using weapons such as handguns and C4s to commit suicide attacks!

In a room full of blood stains and explosive waste, Zhang Tian held the walkie-talkie with slightly trembling hands and shouted to the main channel: "...Li...Brother Li...I'm sorry, I may not be able to do the job you gave me" I can’t finish it…I…I can’t get out.”

"Zhang Tian! Zhang Tian!" Li Bokang roared, but the other party did not respond.


Gunfire erupted outside, and six special forces members rushed into the corridor and killed the special forces members guarding the door!

"Da da, da da...!" Zhang Tian was blocked in the inner room. After firing a few times with his self-shot rifle, the gun was completely gone. However, he was not a person who would choose to commit suicide when desperate. Instead, he directly took out the military thorn and hid it on the side of the entrance wall. He also hated the people of Sichuan Mansion. Many of his brothers died in their hands.


A figure rushed into the room from the outside. Zhang Tian suddenly squatted down and stood up, and stabbed the opponent's neck directly with a knife.


Fu Zhen fought with his arm and his arm was scratched, but at the same time he fired a shot sideways.


Zhang Tian's arm was bleeding and he stepped back sideways.

Fu Zhen stopped and saw that there was no gun in his hand, so he directly put the pistol in the holster and pulled out the spur.

In an instant, Ma Laoer, Lin Chengdong and others rushed into the room.

Zhang Tian looked at everyone coldly, shook his neck, and immediately rushed forward.


Fu Zhen raised his head and kicked Zhang Tian on the wrist. The latter threw the knife in the air, switched his right hand to his left, and stabbed Fu Zhen directly in the ribs!

The distance between the two was extremely close. After Fu Zhen couldn't dodge, he reacted very quickly and pushed the bulletproof vest on his chest with his left hand.

The bulletproof vest was pushed out of position!


Zhang Tian stabbed the knife, and it hit the misplaced bulletproof vest!

"You can't do it with eleven people!! Let alone one of you!" Fu Zhen raised his knee and hit Zhang Tian's chest with a bang. The latter staggered back two steps.


Fu Zhen held the knife in both hands and stabbed the opponent's neck quickly.


Zhang Tian leaned against the wall to steady his body, holding Fu Zhen's knife with both hands, using his body to resist him!

"cnm, go down and serve my brother Lao Jin!" Lin Chengdong rushed forward and held down Zhang Tian's arm with both hands.


Ma Laoer ran over from the side and stabbed Zhang Tian in the root of the thigh. The latter was in pain and his body strength was weakened.

Fu Zhen pressed down on the knife harder, and Lin Chengdong held Zhang Tian's arm firmly to prevent him from resisting. However, the purpose of the two of them was not to work together to knock him down or hold him down, because if they were to challenge him one on one, Fu Zhen They are so crazy that they don't disrespect anyone at all. They have one purpose in doing this, which is to let the other party live to see their heads chopped off!

"Secretary, punish him!" Fu Zhen roared.

"Cut his head off!!" Lin Chengdong was also yelling.


As soon as he finished speaking, Ma Laoer stabbed Zhang Tian's neck from the side. The latter's whole body twitched and his body strength instantly relaxed.

"...Listen carefully, even if Zhou Xingli and Li Bokang run into the home of the chief executive of District 1, I will kill them sooner or later!" Ma Laoer pressed the knife with both hands and suddenly pulled it sideways.


Blood splattered and Zhang Tian was directly wiped from the neck. Fu Zhen and Lin Chengdong let go of their hands, and the latter knelt directly on the ground.

In the inner corridor.

Lan Yan was besieged by the Sichuan soldiers and Xiao Qi and others who arrived. After struggling hard, he also fired all his ammunition and saw his brothers, the second and third children, being knocked down by bullets in the corridor.

Xiao Qi did not rush to kill him, but shot the second member of Zhang Tian's team one by one, and whispered: "Hide!! I still have more than thirty bullets, if you don't come out, I will shoot them all It’s in their bones!”

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