District 9

Chapter 2390 Disappearance

Friday, half past six in the evening.

At the No. 07 small military airport in Fengbei City, a large number of guard soldiers belonging to the historical military units have implemented road control along the way.

More than a dozen military vehicles departed from the ninth district headquarters and rushed all the way to the airport.

While the convoy was waiting in an open area, Xiao Sang, who was in charge of security, got off the bus first and came to the side of the military passenger plane to connect with officers from the Ministry of War.

Since Qin Yu was flying from the Ninth District to Yanbei, the inspection work before the plane took off was completed by people personally sent by Li Zhan. It was impossible for people from the Ninth District to intervene.

Standing next to the plane, Xiao Sang glanced at the plane inspection report and asked in a low voice: "Has everything been checked inside the plane?"

"Checked." The officer responded with a smile.

Xiaosang handed the report to the pilot and said softly to him: "Check it again."

"Yes!" After the pilot saluted, he took the crew and went to work.

The experienced subordinate officer smiled and didn't say much.

Xiao Sang waved his hand and called six security guards, and personally led them into the cabin. He checked all the facilities and corners inside and outside the cabin. After confirming that there was nothing abnormal, he stood at the door of the cabin and held the intercom. Shouted: "There is no problem in the cabin."

After about ten minutes, the crew re-checked the condition of the aircraft under the leadership of the pilot, and only after confirming that it was correct, reported it to the police.

When everything was ready, Qin Yu's special car drove over and parked next to the plane.

All the generals from the ninth district, including Li Zhan, Ruan Ming, Qi Yuming and others, all gathered around.

After Qin Yu got out of the car, he reached out and patted Li Zhan on the shoulder. With a helpless smile on his face, he just nodded without saying anything.

Li Zhan and others saluted and watched Qin Yu and others board the plane. Among the traveling companions this time were several staff officers from the Ninth District Headquarters. They went to the Eighth District to participate in the federation on behalf of Governor Zhou.

After more than 20 minutes, the plane pushed out of the waiting area and entered the prescribed flight path and took off.

At the airport, the Sichuan generals left and returned to their respective units. Everything was no different from normal times.

On the plane.

Qin Yu turned on his phone, took a look at the photos of Lin Nianlei and the children, and after a long silence, he shouted: "Xiao Sang, get me a blanket, I'll take a nap."


At around 8:10 p.m., the plane left the air control area of ​​District 9. The ground unit informed the pilot that in about 20 minutes, they would pass through the area to be planned without a tower and civil aviation testing equipment and enter the air control area of ​​District 8. Controlled range, pilots need to declare altitude and navigation route to it.

After hearing this, the driver immediately replied: "Roger that!"

Twenty-five minutes later.

The Eighth District air control unit did not receive any reports or messages from Qin Yu's aircraft. They made the first active call, but the other party did not respond.

A minute later, District 8 initiated a second call, but Qin Yu's plane remained silent.

Two minutes later, the Eighth District air control unit used military detection equipment and did not find Qin Yu's plane within the Eighth District control area.

The plane is missing!

Air incidents should not be taken carelessly, not to mention the safety of the top leader of the Sichuan government. Therefore, the air control unit of the Eighth District immediately made a detailed report to the military headquarters and the headquarters.

After another five minutes, after the full-scale detection failed, District Eight contacted District Nine. Almost at the same time, both sides dispatched the fastest jet fighters and entered the original planned route of Qin Yu's aircraft.

Half an hour passed, and both sides searched to no avail.

Still no news about the plane.

Around eight forty.

Lin Nianlei received the news that Qin Yu's plane was missing at home and immediately rushed to the headquarters.

At the same time, the news that Qin Yu's plane had temporarily disappeared spread like a bomb in the three major areas.

Even though it only lasted a few dozen minutes, the speed at which the news spread was comparable to humans rushing out of the Milky Way.

District 7 Luhuai.

Zhou Xingli shouted at the military intelligence officer in disbelief and asked: "Is the news accurate? When did it happen?"

"The plane disappeared a little after eight o'clock." The military intelligence officer said very quickly: "Now the air units in the eighth and ninth districts have begun a full range search, but there is no news."

"Fuck, how could the plane disappear?" Zhou Xingli, who had always been calm, actually cursed: "Have you got the scheduled route of this plane?"

"Not yet." The military intelligence officer shook his head: "But there should be one soon, because Qin Yu's plane was monitored by the Eighth District Air Control Department, and many staff were present when they disappeared."

"Check it quickly, hurry up!" Zhou Xingli's tone changed: "Find out what their scheduled route is, and who is traveling with Qin Yu, from Sichuan Mansion and from District Nine."


"Go ahead." Zhou Xingli waved his hand.

The military intelligence officer left quickly. Zhou Xingli loosened his collar with some excitement and nervousness, bent over and sat on a chair, and murmured with a serious face: "It's so weird, incredible!"

It is definitely not a normal phenomenon for the plane to disappear in the sky, especially because the person involved is Qin Yu. Therefore, almost no one who heard the news thought that the plane just disappeared briefly and deviated from the flight path. Instead, they all had a premonition that it could A storm is coming that will sweep through the three major regions and even the entire Asian League.

Just as the federation was about to restart, Qin Yu disappeared and took off in the ninth district. This incident was so weird that it made many people excited, worried, and even afraid.

9:20 p.m.

The plane disappeared for more than an hour. The main core leaders of the Sichuan government have all gathered at the Sichuan Army Headquarters, waiting for the exact news.

at the same time.

Lin Yaozong of the Eighth District personally ordered the air force combat unit of the First Theater District to dispatch fifty reconnaissance aircraft to spread along the predetermined route and conduct a blanket search.

Time passed by minute by minute.

At about 9:40 pm, a reconnaissance plane from District 8 reported to the upper level, claiming that it was near the inland sea outside Jinmen Port and found dots of fire on the sea surface, and was rushing over to investigate.

Less than five minutes later, the reconnaissance plane reported again, claiming that some aircraft wreckage was found on the sea.

at the same time.

Li Bokang from District 4 also learned the news. After his shock, his expression became calm and he only sneered and said: "It's most likely a conspiracy."

On the other side, planes from Districts 8 and 9 began to rush towards the inner sea of ​​Jinmen Port, while people on the Sichuan government side were already panicking.

Lin Nianlei sat on the chair, her eyes dull and her face pale.


Two chapters in the morning, four chapters in the evening, six chapters have been posted. There are still three chapters left, which will be posted at 11 o’clock.

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