District 9

Chapter 2389 Waiting for an opportunity to take action

Late at night, in the ninth district of Fengbei, Governor Zhou's residence.

Qin Yu sat on the sofa, his face flushed from drinking, and he said to Governor Zhou with a bit of a hard tongue: "To be honest, old chief, from the day I joined the army, or from the time I entered Sichuan Mansion, I didn't even think about it. I wish I could get to where I am today... Well, it just happened at a moment's notice. I don't even know if I was ready to become the leader."

Governor Zhou also drank a lot, his face was a little rosy, and he clasped his hands and replied: "Didn't you work hard to get to where you are today?"

"I'll tell you the truth. At the beginning, I just wanted to lead these people around me to live a good life and have a good future." Qin Yu replied with a helpless expression: "But... when I reach a certain position, some things are beyond my control. There are so many things on my shoulders that it’s hard to live my life.”

Governor Zhou looked at Qin Yu silently, feeling his emotional changes in his heart, as well as the helplessness and confusion in his tone when he spoke.

"Governor Gu's health is getting worse day by day. Before he leaves, he wants to set up a system to help my father-in-law come to power. In fact, I know his intention." Qin Yu took a sip of wine, frowned and continued: "The more he behaves like this, the more I The more I feel that the weight on my shoulders is too heavy.”

Governor Zhou looked at him, frowned and said, "Is this why you decided to go to District 8?"

"If it were before, I wouldn't have shown up at this time." Qin Yu lowered his head and said a little lonely: "But now it can only be me. If I don't stand up, I will be ashamed of many people."

"Xiao Yu, standing at the cusp of great historical changes, you have the power and the corresponding responsibilities." Governor Zhou comforted softly: "Indeed, imposing the hopes of a group, a political party, or even a nation on This is indeed inhumane for a person. In fact, sometimes, I quite admire Lao Gu for turning the tide before it falls, and supporting the building before it collapses. Not everyone has this courage."

"It was this heavy pressure that overwhelmed the governor." Qin Yu said truthfully: "We in Sichuan Mansion used to always make trouble, but we are very confident in our hearts. We always feel that no matter how big the trouble is, there is no limit. The old man supports me. In fact, now that I think about it, this is quite willful and selfish."

Governor Zhou's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he sighed and exclaimed: "The fact that you think so means that you are a qualified Sichuan leader."

"Haha." Qin Yu shook his head and smiled, picked up the wine glass and looked at Governor Zhou and said, "I said, I don't want to be this leader now. Do you believe it?"

Governor Zhou was startled for a moment, his face became serious, and he shook his head without hesitation: "I don't believe it."

Qin Yu smiled even harder, raised his glass and said, "You guessed it right, come on, let me toast you."

"Do you know why Gu Yan was not transferred back?" Governor Zhou asked softly: "Do you also know why Lao Gu must give the position of governor to your father-in-law?"

Qin Yu clinked glasses with Governor Zhou, nodded heavily and said, "I know."

"You know, I want to toast you." Governor Zhou clinked glasses with him: "The younger generation is the hope."

"Hey." Qin Yu responded, and the two of them raised their necks and drank the whole drink in one gulp.

The seventh district, Luhuai, is the headquarters of the Zhou Clan.

Zhou Xingli was sitting on the main seat on the sofa, listening to the analysis of the staff and staff with his hands folded.

"Commander, I think we can take action." A staff officer said with a serious face: "The conflict between the Sichuan 122nd Brigade, the two regiments of the Eighth District, and the Chen Clan has become clear. Huo Zhenghua's son is dead, it is estimated that They will not give up. If they come forward to win over or negotiate now, I think their plan to establish a federation will definitely be aborted."

"Yes." Another major general also echoed: "The two regiments of the Chen family and the two regiments of the Eighth District passively participated in the battle on the battlefield. This is enough to show that they are very resistant to the one-system plan. . Although no one from the Chen Department or the Eighth District has taken the initiative to contact us, the opportunity has arisen."

"Lao Gu was too impatient. He wanted to be a great man and wanted to engrave his achievements on his tombstone before leaving." The lieutenant general and chief of general staff also said with a smile: "This is indeed an opportunity for us."

"I can't figure it out." A staff member squinted his eyes and said, "You said that Lao Gu has worked hard for most of his life and worked hard to conquer the country, but in the end he has to give it to others. This... this kind of heart It’s really hard to understand. Although the continuation of hereditary power is impossible in the current political system, this matter can be completely manipulated manually. Select a transitional puppet from the lower-level senior generals and let him do it Two terms, and then passed on to Gu Yan in the next generation, doesn't this still guarantee the supreme power of the surname Gu? Why do we have to push Lin Yaozong to power? This will create conflicts."

The Chief of General Staff heard this and waved his hand: "Gu Yan can't do it."

"Why not? Gu Taixian is protecting him, and his father-in-law is in charge of government affairs in the Eighth District. This kind of power can definitely inherit the supreme power."

"Compared with Qin Yu, his weight is not enough." The chief of general staff said sharply: "Qin Yu's father-in-law is Lin Yaozong, and he occupies Sichuan Prefecture, and he also has plans in the ninth district. Zheng Kai is an old cat in Sichuan Prefecture. My father-in-law has been the commander of the First War Zone for many years. To put it bluntly, Zhou Zhengmin is just a governor who was pushed to the stage. His actual control over the ninth district is not as good as that of the Sichuan government."

"That's right." Zhou Xingli also commented objectively: "The passing of the throne to Gu Yan may cause greater turmoil. Lao Gu only wants to unify, so naturally he will not do anything that may cause greater division."

Everyone was silent for a while, and then the major general remonstrated: "I also think we can take the initiative and contact the opponents within the Eighth District to make the federation plan abort until Lao Gu Yi dies. We can equally share the territory and even coexist peacefully. develop."

Zhou Xingli was a little moved, but also a little hesitant.

In District Four, when Li Bokang learned that Zhou Xingli and others were meeting to discuss whether to take the initiative, he immediately called Lao Zhou.

In the conference room, Lao Zhou took the phone handed over by the guard and asked with a smile: "What's wrong?"

"Commander, now is not the time to take action." Li Bokang said seriously: "I will say two points. First, it is certain that there are opposition forces in the Eighth District, but it does not mean that they are currently willing to cooperate with us. It is possible that they are opposed to it. It was Lin Yaozong who took over the supreme power, but he did not oppose the system. After the power struggle is over in the future, they will continue to attack us, because political stances and political beliefs are difficult to change once they are formed. Second, unless there is a decisive change on the other side, we will Don’t take action. If you don’t have much capital, you can’t confront them head-on. Let’s wait and see what happens and let them fight on their own. Otherwise, once we move in rashly, we may become a vent for the other party’s pressure.”

Zhou Xingli thought for a long time and nodded slowly.

Two days later, the federation, which was originally suspended, announced that it would resume next Monday.

After Qin Yu got the news, he planned to fly to the eighth district.

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