District 9

Chapter 2365 Another increase in troops

"I'm a horse rider every day."

He Dachuan's head was buzzing with anger, and he hung up the phone with Commander Liu. He pulled his neck and shouted: "Order all the finishing troops to attack me without any backup. I don't believe it, so give me a blow." Can it be so difficult for the small Dongfeng Town?"

Next to the electronic data screen, the chief of staff also hung up the phone, turned around and shouted: "He Brigade, Sha Xuan Brigade's helicopter group has all been rescued, and all the artillery units are in position. We have been unable to attack for a long time, and we are in an offensive position It’s very embarrassing. There are no defense zones to hold on to in the front or rear. My personal suggestion is to withdraw from the position to avoid the enemy’s counterattack firepower.”

"Evasion is nothing! Even if I collide head-on, I still have to be knocked away by Dongfeng Town!" He Dachuan held back an unknown fire in his heart. After roaring, he was about to order the rear covering troops to move forward again.

Chief of Staff Jia Bing stepped forward dutifully and said with a serious face: "Old He, fighting is not a child's play, and the commander must not act on impulse. You know the combat capabilities of our follow-up troops. We can attack the enemy head-on and counterattack with heavy firepower. What will you do if you can't withdraw?"

Although He Dachuan's command ability was average, he was not a fool. He knew in his heart that what Jia Bing said was right, so after being silent for three or four seconds, he suppressed his anger and gritted his teeth and said: "You can take command. , ordering the troops to retreat to avoid enemy counterattacks."

An attack failed.

After the comprehensive counterattack by Sha Xuan Brigade, He Dachuan's 122nd Brigade immediately withdrew from the offensive area and shrank its troops to the outside of Lubei.

The command idea of ​​the Sha Xuan Brigade is also very clear. Since you ran away, I will not fight or pursue you deeply. I will preserve the existing combat power and continue to let the main force entrenched around Dongfeng Town to build a stronger military defense zone. .

After the troops withdrew, He Dachuan called Qin Yu immediately, his tone already full of complaints: "...Commander, our attack went very smoothly at the beginning. The troops of the New First Division in Lu District were like paper. It was almost the same, and we were immediately crushed to pieces when we encountered it. When we encountered Sha Xuan's main force later, although our attack rhythm slowed down, we still had a chance to break through the enemy's blockade... But... But the Chen system, which cooperated with our attack from the side, was defeated. It was too slow. When the war started, I asked him where he had hit, and he said that he had hit the enemy's first defense zone. When the enemy troops on horseback started to counterattack, I called him, and he told me , currently fighting with the enemy in the first layer of defense area. This...how do I fight this?!"

"The generals from the Chen faction took the initiative to call me just now. They said that although the sand faction's troops are not too many, they have half a regiment of the New First Division to help them hold on. And they are a military provocateur. Be prepared in advance... so Chen Xi's side is not easy to fight." Qin Yu didn't think much at this moment, he just frowned and ordered: "You are the commander, you have to be patient, don't slap the table and curse people whenever you encounter some difficulties. After all, Chen’s troops are not under the leadership of our Sichuan Army!”

He Dachuan heard Qin Yu's lecture and did not dare to argue. He only said urgently: "Aren't I afraid that our goal will not be achieved! This bastard Sha Xuan has already withdrawn the brigade headquarters from Dongfeng Town, and our attack will not be successful." Okay, I'll go back and gather some reinforcements this week, I'm afraid it will be difficult to complete the task you gave me."

"Don't be anxious. We don't have enough troops. I'll just give you more people." Qin Yu frowned and said, "You order the troops to simply rest and wait for my call."

"Yes, Commander!" He Dachuan nodded.


Qin Yu sat in the headquarters, frowning and thinking for a while, and then immediately dialed his father-in-law's phone number.


"Dad, we still need to use the troops from the Eighth District. We are a brigade and the attack is not going well." Qin Yu said bluntly.

Lin Yaozong did not ask Qin Yu why he did not let Chen Xi replenish his troops, but replied readily: "It will take some time for your second uncle's troops to get there."

"Aren't there two main groups on the border between District 8 and Lu Di? Let them come up."

"Are you talking about Wang Zhou's troops?"

"Yes." Qin Yu nodded.

"Okay, I understand." Lin Yaozong had no intention of communicating military tactics with Qin Yu. He only responded decisively according to his ideas.

About ten minutes later.

The Wangzhou Army in the Eighth District and the First War Zone received the combat order from the general headquarters, and the two combat regiments on the border of the Eighth District immediately went to the battlefield.

This order was not conveyed by Lin Yaozong, but Lin Yaozong contacted Governor Gu, who then asked the chief of staff to command the troops in the name of the headquarters.

at the same time.

In Luhuai, in the Zhou Clan Headquarters, a staff officer walked into the conference room where big bosses gathered. After saluting, he said to Zhou Xingli: "The Sichuan government's attack did not go well and they have retreated. Our army's 722nd Brigade (Shaxuan Brigade), Instead of pursuing a deep pursuit, we continued to build the defense zone along the perimeter of Dongfeng Town."

Zhou Xingli laughed loudly when he heard the sound, and said to Sha Zhongxing: "He is indeed a tiger of the general! Brigadier Sha Xuan, he is the bravest of the three armies!"

Sha Zhongxing just smiled when he heard this and said nothing.

"If the attack is not going well, we need to increase our troops. The more troops we hoard in Lu District, the harder it will be for the bullshit union in District 8 to open up." The general who had criticized Gu Tai'an crossed his legs and said: "Build the formation according to the specifications of the battle, and delay the time according to the fighting method of heavy thunder and small rain. Damn, if we do it for three to five months, Gu Tai'an might die."

Zhou Xingli nodded slowly and immediately waved his hand and said: "Lao Sha, order the main force of your army to continue to increase troops in Lu Di. Just stick to it."

"Yes." Sha Zhongxing nodded without any emotion.

Inside the Chongdu office.

After Qin Yu finished calling his father-in-law, his right hand habitually touched the sculpture of mountains and rivers given to him by Ke Ke. He held the phone in his left hand and dialed a number.


"Don't march by land, it's too late..." Qin Yu frowned and ordered.

Lu Di, in an unknown location.

Fu Zhen and others climbed out of the cold river water and gathered together in a mess.

"Fu Chu, what should we do? The perimeter is sealed now, and we want to get out..."

"The news that we want to go out has been leaked," Fu Zhen said with a stern face, "We can't run away blindly."

"Is it Lao Zhan?" A military intelligence officer frowned and cursed: "He keeps saying that it is difficult for him to escape, which in itself is suspicious..."

Fu Zhen waved his hand and said immediately: "Let's go first and hide."

"where to?"

"Go to the military restricted area and stay. Damn it, the area around Dongfeng Town is in chaos now. The safest place is the enemy's controlled area. Running blindly on the road is dangerous." Fu Zhen waved his hand and said: "No. Get some rest, let’s go!”

In the Taikang area, Lao Zhan called Fu Zhen twice, but the latter was unable to get through because Fu Zhen turned off the phone as soon as he found out that he was exposed.

Less than three hours later.

Two regiments of the Eighth District Wang Zhou Army slowly approached the battlefield from the east side of Lubei.

Immediately afterwards, He Dachuan issued a combat order. A brigade of the Sichuan Army, in cooperation with two regiments of Wang Zhou and two regiments of the Chen Department, once again attacked the Sha Xuan Brigade.

At the same time, fifteen Y-19s took off from Fengbei Foreign Military Airport, which is slightly closer to Lu Di.

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