District 9

Chapter 2364 Four people died in battle

Sha Xuan looked at the officer with a pale face and asked, "Who called you?"

"This is a call from the chief of staff of the army personally, asking you to withdraw from the forward command position immediately and leave Dongfeng Town." the officer replied.

Sha Xuan thought about it for a long time and immediately shouted: "Chief of Staff, order the brigade to evacuate immediately!"

After hearing the order, the chief of staff came over with a strange expression: "The enemy's attack is not going well, why do they want to withdraw suddenly?"

"Our judgment was wrong." Sha Xuan frowned and replied: "The enemy's sudden attack may not have received news and wanted to solve the problem in the Lu District in advance. According to the analysis from the upper level, they may have come for me. "

The chief of staff was confused: "Are they coming for you?"

"Yes, if the military headquarters is not sure, they will definitely not suddenly send an order for our brigade headquarters to withdraw from Dongfeng Town." Sha Xuan said decisively: "We will withdraw first."

"Okay!" The chief of staff nodded.

At the edge of Xinming Life Village, Fu Zhen and others, who were originally preparing to join up with the Chen family, were suddenly attacked by armed forces in the village.

As soon as the gunfire rang out, soldiers from the 20th and 30th New First Division of Lu District rushed out from the alley in the village, and with the help of six or seven military vehicles rushing out of the street, they instantly pressed on Fu Zhen's side.

At the edge of the trench, Fu Zhen fired with a gun. His marksmanship was extremely accurate, blasting the tires of two military off-road vehicles. He kept shouting: "Quick, don't be reluctant to fight, run away!"

Gunshots rang out wildly, and the military intelligence officers following Fu Zhen moved their bodies vigorously to the side of the trench, bent down and fled. But even though their reaction speed was no longer slow, two people were still beaten to death on the spot as soon as the two sides met.

He Lei carried an automatic rifle, bent down and ran in the middle of the crowd and shouted: "Don't go back the way you came. It's all snowy here. No matter how you run, you will leave footprints and be bitten by the enemy. Run towards the river. hurry up!"


While He Lei was shouting, Fu Zhen, who was dragging behind to cover, was shot. However, the bullet hit the body armor on his chest and caused no external injuries. However, the violent impact still made Fu Zhen feel a pain in his ribs.

"Pull out the smoke," Fu Zhen lay down in the trench and shouted again: "The smoke is filled with thunder, hurry up!"

The two military intelligence soldiers who were covering the retreat with Fu Zhen immediately took out the smoke guns from their leg bags. After balancing the distance, they pulled up the smoke in the trench.

Fu Zhen took out two pistol rounds and a roll of the smallest steel wire from the tactical bag on his waist. He used the steel wire to virtually tie the two half-pulled pistol safety rings, then turned around and ran away. .

The other two brothers also used their own customary methods to make all their weapons into booby traps and placed them in the smoke.

The three of them ran quickly, chasing He Lei's side.

A few seconds later, there was an explosion from the trench where everyone was. After two off-road vehicles rushed down, their tires or chassis were blown to pieces by booby traps.

But this method also allows the convoy to slow down the pursuit speed, and does not affect the enemy soldiers pursuing on foot at all. Because no one is a fool, if Fu Zhen and the others pulled out the smoke, the enemy soldiers would not be able to rush in if they could not figure out what was going on inside.

Fu Zhen and the other nine people ran wildly, and were about to run through the woods and towards the top of the mountain, but He Lei turned around and saw an injured companion who was left behind.

"Dayang, hurry up." He Lei shouted as he went out to greet him.


A gunshot rang out in the forest, and He Lei, who was running, was shot through the neck on the spot and fell to the ground with a thud.

The gun was aimed at his head, but He Lei's body was undulating when he was running, so the bullet penetrated directly into his neck.

After He Lei fell to the ground, his comrade Dayang, who was also injured, stopped where he was.

Not far away, Fu Zhen and others turned their heads when they heard the sound of gunfire and saw He Lei lying on the ground.

"Let's go... let's go... Brother Zhen!" He Lei's whole body twitched, his eyes widened, and the wound on his neck kept spurting blood upwards.

"What the fuck!" A military intelligence officer gritted his teeth and was about to rush down.

Fu Zhen reached out and grabbed his arm, and shouted in a low voice: "You can't be saved, run away."

At the edge of the forest, Dayang looked back at his pursuers and shouted in despair: "Fu Chu, take the brothers and run away!"

After saying that, Dayang directly pulled out his wristband from his waist and opened the safety ring.

"Da da da!"

The rifle roared in the forest, and Dayang was beaten into a sieve when he pinched the thunder and ran back. Then the pistol exploded, and the whole body was exploded alive.

On the ground, He Lei slowly closed his eyes, blood dripping from his neck. He looked at the dark sky, never dreaming that he would die here and never return to Sichuan and Jiangzhou...

"Quick, go!"

Fu Zhen roared with red eyes and led everyone to continue running towards the top of the mountain to escape.

After running less than a kilometer, Fu Zhen and others saw the river.

Wherever there are people living, there must be an adequate source of fresh water. Xinming Village and Dongfeng Town are both places where the population gathers, and this river supplies local water.

The only seven people left took out their pistols from their waists while running, and threw them directly towards the river.

The bottom of the river is alive and flowing, but the surface is frozen. Sometimes the ice layer will be washed away by the living water, but sometimes a very thick layer of ice will form.

"Bang, bang!"

Several explosions sounded, and the ice was shattered. Fu Zhen and the other seven people jumped into the rushing river through the hole in the ice without hesitation.

The water flow below was surging fiercely, and everyone stumbled against the ice and was swept away.

After about two or three minutes, the pursuers arrived. This group of people are soldiers of the New 1st Division of Lu District. They used to be either on the ground or engaged in armed forces. To put it simply, they are half bandits and half soldiers. Their personal qualities are very average. Many people came here and their mouths and noses were Everyone was breathing heavily, and some even vomited.

Long-distance running requires endurance, sprinting requires explosive power, but no matter what they do, they will definitely not be able to compete with military intelligence officers.

On the shore, a man frowned and cursed: "Fuck, just give me twenty minutes. If we wait a little longer and our people arrive, they will definitely not be able to escape."

"Continue to chase?"

"We will definitely chase them!" the leading man said without any doubt: "If we send people here and search around here, they will definitely not be able to run far. If we can catch this young man, we will have done a great job."

The frontal battlefield of Dongfeng Town.

He Dachuan ordered two regiments of the main force to launch three rounds of attacks on Sha Xuan's tribe, but they were all resisted by the opponent. At this time, he discovered that Sha Xuan was in front, with at least nearly three regiments of troops deployed.

In the brigade command room, He Dachuan contacted the Chen troops again: "Captain Liu, how is the fight there?"

"We haven't penetrated the enemy's first layer of defense yet. We..."

"Why haven't we penetrated the enemy's first layer of defense yet? There are less than two battalions of troops over there?!" He Dachuan's tone was a little anxious.


At this moment, the door was pushed open, and an ordering soldier rushed in. After saluting, he shouted: "Brigade Commander, our scouts caught a tongue, and the other party said... Sha Xuan's brigade has withdrawn." Dongfeng Town.”

He Dachuan, who was holding the phone, was completely stunned when he heard this.

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