District 9

Chapter 2327 The treacherous guy

The commercial dispute between Tao Lihongtai Company and Zhang Liang Tianfu Group is actually not complicated. The conflict between the two parties is the matter of mortgage loans and late repayments. However, this dispute between the two parties was an important cause of subsequent incidents, so it is necessary to introduce the background of this company.

Hongtai Company is the product of the rapid development of Sichuan Province in recent years, and its funds mainly come from public funds. To put it simply, there are many opportunities in Sichuan Province. The common people and the Taoli District Council feel that this is an opportunity to drive the local economy, so the district council took the lead in establishing such a company, with the public accounting for 70% of the shares. Taoli The town government allocated funds symbolically and accounted for 30% of the shares, which probably meant making money with the people.

This company is mainly engaged in engineering construction, building materials business, etc., and also sells some daily necessities. They have their own brick factory and resell steel products. In short, their business scope is very complex, but they are not good at anything.

The management employed by this company is average and has limited capabilities. In addition, although there are many opportunities in Sichuan, the competition is also great. Various groups in the three major districts, as well as the capital that followed Qin Yu from Songjiang, are all very mature. Operation system, so Hongtai Company's operating conditions are not good, and it has been losing money in the past two years.

Of course, there may also be corruption among company management and district councils. Because the people don’t know anything but work, it’s normal for the higher-ups to do something fishy.

If you lose money and the company cannot continue to operate, there are only two options left: either go bankrupt or find a way to continue to inject capital into the company. However, given the current operating conditions of the company, it is obviously impossible for ordinary people to continue to invest money. There are too many companies supported by Taoli Life Town Government, and it is impossible to keep spending money to support Hongtai. Therefore, the company's top management had no choice but to hold a shareholders' meeting and propose to let capital enter the market for financing.

At the shareholders' meeting, the shareholders did not object to this proposal. Adhering to the principle that as long as I was not allowed to pay, the company could still be revitalized, they all agreed to let capital come in for financing.

But the shareholders agreed. The company management negotiated with many large companies in Sichuan, but no one was willing to give them money. Because people felt that the management of this company was terrible, and the senior management had no vision or business ideas, they felt that Hongtai had no future.

After procrastinating for a long time, Hongtai's management found Tianfu Group. They originally wanted to talk with a try attitude, but unexpectedly Zhang Liang directly agreed and promised to inject more than 10 million yuan here. But he didn't want shares, he just wanted some Hongtai real estate as collateral.

Zhang Liang had two purposes for doing this: First, he knew that Hongtai as a company could not survive, so if he wanted to take the shares, the more than 10 million would definitely be wasted. And history has proven countless times that this model of eating from a big pot has long been outdated. Second, Zhang Liang agreed to invest without considering the return of interest, because the mortgage assets given by Hongtai were less than 10 million in cash, so he mainly wanted to add a "positive energy aura" to Tianfu. To put it bluntly, he wants a reputation for supporting local businesses and providing goodwill capital injections.

But Zhang Liang never expected that his kind deed would eventually turn into a story about a farmer and a snake.

Hongtai Company was overdue for more than a year in repayment. Zhang Liang took over the land in accordance with the contract, but the people refused to let go. They promised to pay back the money to redeem the land, but the money was not given and the land was not allowed to be used.

Several negotiations between the two parties yielded no results, so Tianfu Group appealed and requested arbitration from the local court. The result came soon. The court took the staff of Tianfu Group and prepared to go to the enclosure for enforcement.

The day before Lao Mao's wedding.

Five people came to the court, and Zhang Liang's tips and other Tianfu Group staff, maybe more than twenty, also came. A storm that no one expected quietly formed.

Chongdu, inside the old cat wedding reception venue.

Yegor drank red wine, sat in a luxurious room with a moderate temperature, and said in a low voice to Ma Laoer: "Brother, we are not going to do anything wrong. I tell you clearly that the upper management can start the warship transaction, but The premise is that you have to give us a certain amount of respect as we move forward."

Yegor was originally in charge of foreign affairs. His Chinese was very good, and he had been in frequent contact with people from the Songjiang Department of Sichuan Province recently, so his accent was already full of bad taste.

"Are you being honest? What does respect mean? If you have any conditions, just say it. Don't beat around the bush."

"We want to build a railway in the Beifengkou area, directly across the Xibo no-man's land." Yegor said with a smile: "You have a close relationship with the Wu faction, so I asked Commander Qin to help operate it."

"Don't even think about this. It's impossible." Ma Laoer waved his hand directly.

"Then we will make capital investment in the Yandao area, the capital of Sichuan Province. What do you think?"

"Investment is okay, but privileges are not." Ma Laoer shook his head.

"Stationmaster Ma, can you respect us? What we are selling you is a warship!!" Yegor was a little anxious.

Ma Laoer took a sip of water, looked at him in a low voice and said, "Shall I tell you my conditions?"

"Say, you say." Yegor loosened his collar.

Ma Laoer looked at him and told him what Qin Yu had told him: "To tell you the truth, our Sichuan government currently has many friends in the fourth district and has already started a cooperative relationship. We will provide the other party with certain arms support. , they allow us to mine resource minerals on a large scale there. If you are interested in this, we can release a certain share."

Yegor's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"...What do you think of this condition?"

Yegor blinked and pretended to be reserved: "I think it's normal..."

"Is it average? Then forget it." Ma Laoer waved his hand and said: "To be honest, I think it's average too. Forget it, this share will be digested internally by the three major districts. Let me think about the conditions given to you."

"It's not particularly ordinary..." Yegor immediately went back to supplement: "Let's talk more."

"It's all normal, so what are you talking about?"

"The mining and transportation of this mine...?" Yegor, a rough guy and a shameless person, completely ignored Ma Laoer's ridicule and began to inquire about the details.

In the enclosure outside Taoli Life Town.

The court issued enforcement documents to Hongtai Company shareholders who were staying here, and told them not to obstruct law enforcement, otherwise the superintendent would come in to coordinate the enforcement.

As soon as he finished speaking, a member of the public jumped up and cursed: "Execution! You all wear the same pair of pants! If I don't leave, let the police arrest me!"

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