District 9

Chapter 2326 Business Disputes

Zhang Liang's current industry structure is very complex, ranging from real estate, finance, resources and energy trading, to daily necessities and department stores. He is involved in or has shares in everything. But he has a very admirable principle, that is, no matter whether the group's industries make money or not, he strictly restrains the people below and is not allowed to use illegal means to make profits in Sichuan.

This one seems simple, but it is actually quite difficult to do. Because Zhang Liang and the old brothers below him almost all started out in the low-end business. They were used to those huge profit-making businesses that made huge profits every day, and their thinking patterns were also relatively gangster. Therefore, when they first started to transform, many people did not Adapted to the situation and even quit the Zhang Liang Group to develop in other areas.

But even so, Zhang Liang didn't want to break through this bottom line. Because he knows very well that the current Chuanfu and Qin Yu teams are no longer the original Tiancheng Group. If you want to keep up with this high-speed train and retire with success, the best way is to make progress and completely transform. idea.

There are many companies under Zhang Liang, but the most famous one is Tianfu Group. The origin of the name of this group is to imitate the original Tiancheng, which happened to be located in Sichuan, so it was named like this. At present, it occupies the resources of many important towns in Sichuan and has the best development.

Chongdu, inside the private club in Mingdu.

Zhang Liang has been losing money for four days in a row, losing nearly one million to Zheng Qian and others. From then on, he was nicknamed "Sichuan Mansion Great Warmth".

In the box.

Fu Xiaohao sat behind Zhang Liang, holding his shoulders and watching him play cards: "Mr. Zhang, I have to say, you are really good at playing cards."

"That's good, Director Fu." Zhang Liang replied with a wry smile: "I just sat here today, and I wasted a lot of money. It's still a scam."

"This is where you are great." Fu Xiaohao said with admiration: "Others just want to give away money, but they lose a few and win one. It's not good for you, you just fire the gun, and the gun is full in one shot. Haha, if you can calculate cards so clearly, if you say you don’t get rich, who will?”

"You can pull me down. I really lost based on my strength." Zhang Liang waved his hand and said, "I'm not very good at playing the mahjong they played."

Fu Xiaohao lit a cigarette, smiled and did not argue.

While Zhang Liang was playing cards, he turned to look at Fu Xiaohao: "Fu Chu, don't just sit here. Come and play together at the table. I'll go down."

"No, you fight, you fight." Fu Xiaohao refused.

In this way, the poker game continued, and Zhang Liang was still losing money leisurely. In fact, in terms of mahjong skills, it is almost impossible for the younger generation like Zheng Qian and others to win some money from Zhang Liang.

What did Zhang Liang do when he was in Songjiang? Those are people who are just living on the ground. Apart from eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, they have nothing else to do every day. When it comes to playing these games, Zheng Qian and the second-generation officials are definitely no match. Only Brother Xiao, Zhan Nan, and Ma Laoer in Sichuan Mansion can fight with him.

Therefore, when Zhang Liang played this kind of business mahjong, he just wanted to use Zheng Qian's hand to give his sister and brother-in-law some gifts.

The mahjong game lasted until around nine o'clock in the evening. Zhang Liang lowered his head and glanced at his watch. Seeing that it was almost time, he invited everyone to have supper. At this moment, the phone he placed on the table rang.


"Liangzi, something happened at Taoli Life Village." One of Zhang Liang's old brothers called.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Liang asked.

"In Taoli Living Village, we have already enclosed the mortgaged land of Hongtai Company. The building materials and equipment for the construction of the shopping mall have been brought in, and the engineering team will be on the scene soon." The old brother said softly. He replied: "But this afternoon, a large number of people from Taoli Life Village occupied the land again and cleared out our equipment and materials. In the evening, I asked Tip to go and take a look. , but the public representatives of Hongtai Company over there said that they want to clear the arrears and take back the mortgaged land."

"This makes no sense." Zhang Liang walked to a deserted place, frowned and replied: "Their debt has been overdue for a long time. According to the contract, we could get the land last year, but it took a year to get it." It’s interesting enough to start construction and give them enough time to relocate, so why are they making a fuss?!”

"Yes, there is no use for them to pay off the arrears now! According to the terms of the contract, this land already belongs to our group." The old brother also replied angrily: "But now those people's representatives don't care at all. To be reasonable, you have to occupy this land and won’t let our people in.”

Zhang Liang thought for a moment and said: "Let's do it this way. Speak clearly to the people at Hongtai Company and ask them to persuade the people's representatives to leave. If they don't leave, then go directly to Taoli Court to sue them. We have no contract. The problem is, the court will enforce it."

"Well, I understand."

"Baigang, please call the tip person as well." Zhang Liang warned cautiously: "Tell him not to have any conflicts with the people. If there is a contract, just follow it and don't talk about anything else. "

"Okay, I understand."

"Okay, that's it."

After saying that, the two ended the call.

Half an hour later, in the large land outside Taoli Life Town.

Tip said to a person in charge of Taoli Hongtai Company: "You have to tell them that since we have a contract, we must act in accordance with the contract. And when your Hongtai Company was short of cash flow, we didn't say anything. I directly lent you more than 10 million, so you can tell me whether our work in Tianfu is quite interesting! Also, when I called for the debt before, I told you that the money you owe is overdue for too long. If we can't pay it back, we will take back the mortgaged land. Didn't you agree at that time? You also said that this land is useless if you keep it, and you don't have the funds to develop it yourself, so we came to enclose the land. "

"Yes, your Tianfu Group is really good to us, but now it's not that the upper management of our company doesn't want to release the land, but that the people feel that they are at a loss. The big guys want to redeem the land themselves, so we can't persuade them at all. You also know that our company The public holds shares, and company actions are subject to shareholder votes, and we, the senior management, are just hired to manage the company." The senior management also replied helplessly.

"Anyway, I've told you, if they keep making trouble like this, then we can only file a lawsuit in court." Tiao Fei said the ugly thing directly.

Nanmu Life Town.

Lao Qi sat in his room eating, saying nothing.

"Lao Mao is getting married. When will you come over?" my wife asked.

"...It's noisy over there, so there's no point in going there early." Lao Qi said very calmly: "Let's go there on a good day."

"Hey, you, you were very excited when this happened before. What happened this time?" My wife was very surprised.

"What's there to be excited about? The third brother's brother-in-law was thrown into it just because he received a hundred thousand yuan in disciplinary cases. The third brother went to find someone to operate it under the banner of our Qi family. Come on, the Police General Bureau doesn't give you any face at all." Lao Qi took a sip of wine and said: "For such a small thing, you will be sentenced to at least ten years or more. Damn it, you treat others as your friends, and they treat you as yours. Are you friends now? Oh, I look pretty good."

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