District 9

Chapter 2311 Shrew Group

In the capital of Sichuan, at the entrance of the headquarters compound, a group of forty-five-year-old women sat cross-legged on the ground and started shouting. Some of these people were holding military photos, while others were holding self-written banners with roughly the same content.

“The Sichuan judicial system is unfair!”

"The upper echelons protect each other, and the law only punishes ordinary people with no background!"

“Protest against the darkness of the Sichuan administration’s judiciary!”

"Ask Commander Qin to seek justice!"


The banner has red text on a white background and looks extremely eye-catching. And the ignorant shrews had even louder voices, shouting and screaming hard, and within a short time, they attracted hundreds of people to watch.

These old ladies are noisy, but their thinking is still very clear. They knew that breaking into the headquarters without permission would cause big trouble. Those guards who had been on the front line would probably open fire in a hurry. If they really beat a few people to death, these old ladies would have nowhere to reason with them.

The initiator of this small-scale sit-in was Wei Lili. Because seven of Yang Fengli's co-defendants were family members of soldiers who died on the front line, Wei Lili came to the headquarters to cause trouble with the suspect's mother.

But it is definitely unrealistic to go back to the trouble and hinder the judicial outcome, so Wei Lili and others came to the headquarters for good reasons.

What's the reason?

It's about selling officials in the Eighth District. Yang Fengli and other arsonists were arrested and sentenced to death, but Xin Zihui and others who were also involved in the case ran back to District 8 and have not been arrested or deported. And Wei Lili didn't know where she got the news. She knew that the General Police Department handled the arson case and the job-selling case separately, so she invited these old ladies, who were both the family members of the suspects and the family members of the sacrificed soldiers, to come over and cause trouble. .

The reason is very simple. Everyone has committed crimes, so why don’t they arrest people in the Eighth District but just ordinary people? How come Yang Fengli and the others completed the judicial process within fifteen days, but your Police General Bureau didn't catch a single person who sold his official position? ! Is it possible that the case of selling an official position only involves Xin Zihui and a few others? Why aren't those from the other eight districts dealing with crimes?

With these reasons, Wei Lili and others seemed to have mastered the most awesome truth in the world, sitting in front of the headquarters, howling and shouting.

"The Sichuan court only sentences ordinary people with no background!"

"It's not fair. My child just helped buy a car. Why should he be sentenced to death? Why shouldn't the people in District 8 be arrested?!"


These old ladies have no other abilities, but they are all good at throwing tantrums, spitting and swearing. And there were seven or eight people who were not direct relatives of the criminal. They came here purely to help Wei Lili, an old sister. Of course, the latter also gave them some gifts or something.

In this way, more than 20 people shouted with the momentum of thousands of troops. At first, the guards at the headquarters were ready to drive the people away, but before their hands could touch them, they lay down on the ground, rolling around and shouting: "Come on, hit me, I'm fucked." My younger son died in the battle on Yandao, and my eldest son was sentenced to death. I no longer want to live. You kill me, you fight me! How many men have died for the Sichuan government as common people? What did we get in exchange for...?!"

This woman didn't give up her image at all for the sake of her eldest son. She didn't even try to reason with the guard, and just insisted that he was going to beat her.

At this moment, the surrounding area was full of onlookers. The guard soldiers were afraid that if they took action and could not explain clearly, it would cause a mass incident, so they immediately reported it to the guard regiment headquarters and called the police headquarters.

In the courtyard.

Qin Yu was originally having a meeting in the main building and didn't pay attention when he heard the shouting outside at first. But the women shouted louder and louder, and the onlookers also started cheering, asking the headquarters to explain, so Qin Yu also noticed this.

Ordinary people instinctively sympathize with the weak, and some good people will also feel a surge of adrenaline when they see others miserably fighting against the government and power. They didn't understand the cause of the matter at all, so they started to make noises.

Qin Yu left the conference room, stood at the window of the main building, opened the window and glanced outside, and then listened to Xiao Sang's report on the general situation.

"Damn it, a bunch of ignorant shrews!" Qin Yu yelled with his eyes wide open: "What does the Women's Association do? It makes trouble on a large scale. Don't the leaders know about it? Let them come and deal with it!"

Qin Yu has been in a position of leadership over the years and has become very sensitive to political events. Therefore, when he encounters this kind of thing, the first thing he thinks of is not the Police General Administration, but the Women's Association. Because they will be in charge of the work of military wives and communicating with deceased military wives, it is more appropriate for them to come forward and it is easier for them to communicate.

Qin Yu would not personally deal with such annoying nonsense, so he gave a few explanations to the police department and went back to the meeting.

However, the commander-in-chief was annoyed by this matter, and the people below did not dare to neglect it. The guard team's call went to the management committee of the Sichuan Association, and the president there personally called the women's association and scolded the female president there.

After the female president investigated, she found that many of these military family members should be in charge of Ai Tank, so she called Ai Tank again and gave Ai Tank a slap in the face.

Ai Tank became anxious at this spray. He sat in He Dachuan's car and said, "I'm not going to the unit anymore. I'm going to the headquarters gate."

"What are you doing?" He Dachuan asked curiously.

"Don't worry about it." Aitank was very angry. While breathing heavily, he dialed a number: "You guys, come out of the unit, right away!"

About half an hour later.

At the gate of the Chongdu headquarters, a superintendent of police shouted angrily at the old women: "There is an essential difference between arson cases and disciplinary cases involving some officials. They are not of the same nature at all, nor are they the same case. They should be handled separately, so don’t mess around..."

"My dear Miao Laosan, you are so big, don't you know each other?! My son has said that you have been eating, drinking and gambling with him, now you act like a human being again He acted very fair... Bah, get out of here! If you don't give me an explanation today, I will just pour gasoline on myself and set myself on fire here!" Wei Lili didn't feel that she was ugly at all at this moment. Bi Lu, she even felt for a moment that her mother's love was very great, and there was no shame in doing this for her son.

Just when the superintendent was being scolded by everyone, a car suddenly stopped on the side of the road. Aitank, with his shiny black hair randomly tied up, rushed down in a hurry.

At the same time, the Ruan family.

"Damn, retarded, heartless!" Mr. Ruan cursed angrily: "Can this save her son? Let me tell you, if you do this, Yang Fengli will die faster!"

Ruan's mother stood up slowly: "Forget it, I'll go to the headquarters."

"Hurry up!" Mr. Ruan waved his hand.

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