District 9

Chapter 2310 Special case handling

In the corridor, Old Mao listened to Qin Yu's words and instantly understood what he meant.

"I stayed here for two days. Firstly, I was really afraid that Zhu Wei wouldn't be able to handle this, and I was thinking about him. Secondly, I wanted to support you and relieve the pressure. I have to tell the people in Sichuan Mansion that Zhu Wei and I are What kind of feelings, this matter must be dealt with ruthlessly." Qin Yu whispered to the old cat: "The arson case and the case of buying and selling official positions must be handled separately. You go to the Eighth District to arrest people according to the normal procedures, procedures, evidence chain, We must be fully prepared and not do anything that crosses the line. Since we want to govern Sichuan in accordance with the law, we must also handle cases in accordance with the law."

"I understand." The old cat nodded.

After the two decided on the direction, they talked in the corridor for more than 20 minutes. No one else knew the specific content.

After receiving Qin Yu's clear instructions, Lao Mao felt confident and began to speed up the handling process of the arson case.

Fu Xiaohao was specifically responsible for investigating arson cases. Late at night when Yang Fengli was arrested, the General Police went out in person and arrested nine people involved. But to be honest, although these people committed crimes, they actually knew very little about the details of the case. They didn't even know that they were involved in the Tianmen Prison arson case before the incident. They just took the money given by Yang Fengli and acted as errands on the outside to help the gangsters escape.

After the incident, these people all ran away, but the criminals were all connected to each other, and their criminal methods were quite amateurish. When one was caught, he immediately confessed to other suspects, so all the people involved in the case were arrested overnight.

After the persons involved in the case were arrested, Fu Xiaohao began interrogation, improved the evidence chain, and gradually submitted materials to the procuratorate. The prosecutors and the court did not dare to neglect. They had also heard that Commander-in-Chief Qin had to guard the bed in the hospital for two days because Deputy Director Zhu Wei was injured. Among the current senior officials of the Sichuan government, how many people can still be accompanied by the commander-in-chief? Therefore, these two judicial agencies directly started the process of handling special cases and prepared for quick trials and judgments.

At the same time, Lao Mao has also led a task force to the Eighth District secretly, preparing to arrest Xin Zihui, the main person who sells official positions.

In a certain cemetery in Luhuai, District 7, brothers Zhang Tian, ​​Lan Yan and other brothers were offering incense and burning paper to the dead Lao Jiu.

After everyone finished their work, Li Bokang, who was standing nearby, turned to Zhang Tian with his hands behind his back and asked, "Did you carry the body all the way back?"

Zhang Tian turned his head and replied: "Yes, we took turns carrying him back."

"The relationship between you is quite deep." Li Bokang nodded approvingly.

"If you do our kind of work, if you don't have complete trust in your own people, something will happen sooner or later." Zhang Tian's eyes turned red, so he deliberately turned his head, looked at Lao Jiu's new grave, and said: "...We are here We have been working together for many years, and I thought I would retire after finishing this job.”

"Alas." Li Bokang sighed, reached out and patted Zhang Tian's arm and said, "In this era and in this life, you should be more open-minded!"

Zhang Tian did not respond.

"I've asked the higher-ups to transfer the money to your account," Li Bokang said.

Zhang Tian looked at Lao Jiu's grave and thought of Fu Zhen's figure in his mind: "Brother Li, it's not just about money now. Lao Jiu is gone, Lao Seven is arrested, Lao Six is ​​disabled, and I and the other side There’s a grudge.”

Li Bokang looked at him: "Then stay."

"You can stay, but I will only work for you, and I will not serve any political party." Zhang Tian stated the conditions.

"Yes." Li Bokang nodded heavily.

After everyone finished communicating, they walked down the mountain together.

late at night.

Zhou Xingli personally received Li Bokang in the headquarters and praised him unstintingly. But Li Bokang didn't feel much about this caring attitude. He just smiled and took the initiative to change the topic.

After the two finished talking about Kirill, Zhou Xingli stepped in and asked proactively: "What do you think of the future situation?"

Li Bokang drank tea and shook his head: "This question is too big. I am not capable of answering it."

"Haha, yes, the three major Chinese districts are so complex. Who can really see through the sky?" Zhou Xingli was not unhappy, but continued to ask with a smile: "Then what do you think of the future of our Zhou department?"

Li Bokang put down his teacup and said calmly: "Wait."

Zhou Xingli carefully considered Li Bokang's words and nodded slowly: "Wait... yes, we do have to wait."

"In the future, I do not recommend any head-on conflict with the Sichuan Mansion, the Eighth District, and the Nineth District. Even if necessary, the Zhou Department can make certain concessions." Li Bokang said softly: "...My personal opinion is that, Direct conflicts and struggles on the table should be placed under the table, leaving a certain buffer zone."

Zhou Xingli nodded slowly: "You continue."

"Enhancing the ability to operate diplomacy, because the Zhou clique still does not have any advantages in military strength, we have to start long-term operations within the three major districts. I have privately observed Sichuan Mansion, the Eighth District... They have some relationship with the Zhou clique The same weakness and fatal crux." Li Bokang talked eloquently.

Zhou Xingli looked at Li Bokang and already knew what his words meant, so he smiled knowingly.

In the capital of Sichuan, Ma Laoer took out a photo from the drawer, threw it on the table and said: "If you find this person, catch him if you can. If you can't bring him back, kill him. The method must be extremely cruel. The process is going to be very bloody, understand?”

"Yes!" Baojun responded with a salute.

About fifteen days later.

The Chongdu Court officially pronounced the verdict on the arson case. Yang Fengli and other eight principal culprits were sentenced to execution in a public graveyard opposite the Chongdu Martyrs Cemetery. Anyone can go and watch.

As for the remaining accomplices, they were all sentenced to severe sentences, with the lowest being fifteen years in prison.

From the arrest to the trial, the entire case process took only fifteen days, which is definitely very fast for a major case.

After Yang Fengli received the verdict, he was still struggling and appealed with other prisoners sentenced to death. Then the Sichuan Supreme Court intervened in the case.

Again, the prisoner has committed a crime, but must retain his basic rights. If the Sichuan government wants to govern various places in accordance with the law, the judicial institutions themselves must respect the legal process.

But this kind of appeal is a meaningless struggle, because the case process goes too fast, and the appeal can only last three to five days at most.

However, while Yang Fengli and others were appealing, a very interesting thing happened in Zhongdu.

On the second day after the verdict was handed down, more than 20 women suddenly rushed to the entrance of the headquarters, crying and howling, carrying photos of the deceased soldiers, and began to sit in silence.

At He Dachuan's house, Aitank was chewing a whole leg of lamb, his mouth was full of oil, and he muttered: "Why are my eyelids always twitching? I feel like something is going to happen today..."

"How much trouble can there be?" He Dachuan squinted and said, "Even if something happens, you will die. What's your habit? Chewing lamb legs so early in the morning? One by one?!"

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