District 9

Chapter 2256 Depression? Manic?

When Chen Jun heard Qin Yu's words, he immediately yelled: "Get out of here! You are fighting a civil war in the ninth district, but for no reason, you have added tens of thousands of troops to the weekly system in the seventh district. I don't care about the mental damage you have to pay." That’s good, but you’re still nagging me. Do you want to lose face?”

"The combat effectiveness of those soldiers is not good. Even if Zhou Clan absorbs them, they will be too fat. There is no way they can compete with you..."

"Get out of here. Puffy? Come here and try. I can't even sleep now." Chen Jun said depressedly.

"Haha." Qin Yu also laughed: "Brother, let me tell you something. Recently, I got on the mining line of the fourth district. The people below also evaluated it. If there is a possibility of smooth cooperation, what will happen here? The benefits are also huge. But don’t worry, I will definitely leave you a share of this good thing."

"What are you doing?" Chen Jun asked slyly.

"Personally, I still feel that we need to settle the accounts openly as brothers..."

"I don't know you, please stop calling me."

"Hahaha!" Qin Yu laughed.

The second floor of Waka Bar.

Daxiong led Fu Zhen into the private room on the second floor, extended his hand and introduced, "This is my friend, Liu Li."

"Hello, hello." Facing the comrades he had just "encountered", Fu Zhen behaved like a human being and politely extended his palm to the other person: "Are you also a marine?"

"No, I'm not." Another military intelligence officer shook his head.

"Sit, sit." Big Bear stretched out his hand and said hello.

Fu Zhen sat down and said with a smile: "What a coincidence today, I didn't expect us to meet here. Don't say anything, I will make arrangements!"

"No, no, let's just sit down and chat for a while." Da Xiong quickly stopped him.

"That's not possible. Can't we have a drink when we meet in the navy?" Fu Zhen waved his hand and replied, "Your friends will be here later, let's play together, and I'll take you to eat something good tonight."

"Forget it, forget it." Daxiong Xin said that Fu Zhen was too enthusiastic.

"Why, why don't you give me this face?"

"Haha." Big Bear said helplessly, "I have something else to do later."

"Let's have a drink first and then we'll talk." Fu Zhen pulled his neck to order another drink, just to show off.

Another military intelligence officer heard the sound and immediately took the two bottles in the room, opened them with a bottle opener, and said with a smile: "There are more here, let's drink first."

"This is not even enough for me to rinse my mouth."

"Drink first, drink first!" Big Bear poured a glass.

In this way, the three people sat in the room, chatting and drinking.

Outside Waka Bar, inside a van.

A middle-aged man in charge looked down at his watch, looked up and asked, "Have they gone upstairs?"

"Already on board," the person on the co-pilot replied, "I'll probably get off soon."

"Yeah." The middle-aged man nodded slowly.

At the same time, on the street to Wakalai, Jiao Peng took a walkie-talkie and asked: "How long do we have for the action team?"

"Fifteen minutes at most."

"There is no meeting time in the message. The target is likely to leave as soon as he arrives. Ask them to hurry up." Jiao Peng responded with a frown.

"Okay, let me urge you!"

In the private room on the second floor of Waka.

Daxiong lowered his head and glanced at his watch, feeling that it was almost time. Because he had only one purpose in luring Fu Zhen into this box, which was to create the scene of the two parties meeting alone in a confined space, thereby giving Xu a clue to the military situation, so he did not need to contact the other party here. If it is too long, it will look a bit fake.

On the right side of the sofa, the deputy glanced at Big Bear, meaning it was almost time to leave.

"Brother Fu Zhen, let's leave your contact information." Daxiong said proactively: "I have something to do later, so I have to leave first."

"Aren't you here waiting for your friends?"

"He just sent me a text message and is not coming." Daxiong explained softly: "I want to discuss some business with them. Let's get together another day."

"Hey, when can we not talk about business?" Fu Zhen suffers from severe depression and mania, and his pathological characteristics are particularly obvious. In addition, when he drinks, he sometimes becomes overly enthusiastic and talks too much: "It's not easy for our old comrades to meet each other. How can we leave if we don't drink?"

"I really have something to do, and I've made an appointment."

"Why don't you give your brother this face?" Fu Zhen asked sideways.

Daxiong was a little speechless at this moment, thinking that if he were a normal person, if he met a friend he was not very familiar with, or had even forgotten, the most he could do would be to say a few polite greetings, and he would not let go even if he hugged him. What about?

"I'll make the arrangements tonight. I'm familiar with this place and come here every day. Just wait a moment and I'll call the manager..."

"Brother, I really can't drink anymore. We still have things to do!" the deputy also advised.

"What do you mean, you don't want to give me face?" Fu Zhen, under the influence of alcohol, started to get sick again.


"I'm just asking you, are you not giving me face?!" Fu Zhen pointed at the other person and asked with eyes like cow's eggs.

"...!" The deputy was completely speechless. He was scared to death and thought to himself, what kind of temper is this.

When Big Bear saw that this bastard was different from a normal person, he immediately changed his mind and said, "How about you go with us? It's not far away."

The deputy understood what Big Bear meant. He knew that the other party was afraid that Xu's military intelligence personnel would bite him, so he planned to change the scene first.

"I don't know you..."

"It's not far away. They said it's too noisy here and they want to eat something." Da Xiong immediately replied: "If you don't want to go, then we really have to go there right away. It's not easy to make some money these days. If you offend your customers, you will lose your money." We don’t even have to eat.”

Daxiong thought Fu Zhen wouldn't go, but the latter nodded magically: "Okay, let's go together."

"...Okay, let's go!" Da Xiong winked at the deputy and stood up to leave.

At this moment, Fu Zhen, who had been looking at him in confusion, suddenly asked as he picked up his coat: "Hey, Lao Bi, does your logistics team have a nurse named Zhang Fang?"

Lao Bi was startled when he heard the sound and did not answer immediately.

"The intern nurse from the logistics department hospital has quite big eyes and is about 1.65 meters tall..."

Lao Bi heard the sound and smiled: "Yes, I know her. Why did you remember to ask her?"

Fu Zhen put on his clothes slowly and walked to the coffee table in one step. His left hand was only half a palm away from the wine bottle on the table.

"Let's go." Old Bi greeted.

"What the hell are you two doing?" Looking at Fu Zhen, who looked silly and a little out of his mind, he asked very suddenly.

Lao Bi was stunned for a moment: "What's wrong with you?"

"Let me ask you, what are you two doing?!" Fu Zhen asked again.

In the van outside, the person in charge looked down at his watch: "Why aren't you down yet?"


The sound of motors was surging in the distance, and several cars were rushing over.

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