District 9

Chapter 2255 I am your comrade-in-arms

In Waka Bar, sitting on the edge of the seat near the door, two men in their thirties were staring in Fu Zhen's direction intentionally or unintentionally.

These two people were military intelligence personnel affiliated with the Chen Clan in the Seventh District. More than a year ago, when the military situation in the Seventh District became tense, they were sent to Luhuai to lurk and have never been used.

This time the Chongqing authorities wanted to instigate a rebellion against Fu Zhenguo, so they were activated, communicated directly with Chen Jun, and reported their mission to Ma Laoer.

The slightly fatter of the two is called Big Bear, and he is the person in charge of the mission.

After the two sat for a while, Daxiong lowered his head and glanced at the time, and said softly: "There is a message from Zhongdu, let us just do buckles today, lay the groundwork, and wait for fermentation. I will go there first, you Go to the second floor."

"Okay." The person next to him nodded.

After saying that, Daxiong took out a pair of men's leather gloves from his pocket, turned around and looked around, then stood up and walked towards Fu Zhen's side.

Three cars were speeding along the road in Luhuai City.

Jiao Peng, the military intelligence chief of the Xu Department in District 7, turned to the prisoner and asked, "Are you sure the information you translated is correct?"

"Definitely not." The middle-aged prisoner repeated again: "Night, go to Waka Bar, pinch the black leather glove with your left hand, and meet the other party. The code is, do you drink Conte beer?"

When Jiao Peng heard this, he reached out to take the computer from the middle-aged man's hand, and said with some confusion: "Why do you still use such a cumbersome communication method?"

"Because of security. I don't know where the domain name of that social platform was registered. Even if there is a problem, it will be difficult for you to find the online information. Secondly, this will also facilitate the protection of the executives below. The two parties will not meet each other, and only the password will be used." With communication, there is no possibility of being picked on by the same gang." The middle-aged prisoner explained.

"You haven't shown up for several months, wouldn't they notice?" Jiao Peng asked again.

"I was originally in the incubation period. My upline has never seen me, and I have not been offline." The middle-aged man said in a low voice: "The 4.23 case was exposed because of my personal greed for merit. My upline probably didn't know about it, and they haven't contacted me yet. .”

After Jiao Peng nodded, he immediately shouted: "Xiao Liu, ask where the action team is."


After Ma Laoer and Brother Xiao separated, they drove towards Jiangzhou with Wu Di and others.

On the way, Wu Di put his hands in his hands and asked Ma Laoer in a low voice: "If you think about it again, have we missed any details?"

"There shouldn't be any missing details." Ma Laoer thought for a moment and said, "Tonight is just a way to set the stage for Xu's military intelligence to focus on Waka and focus on Fu Zhen."

"The main thing is, will the bait being used work?" Wu Di asked back.

"I have confirmed this with the Chen Department. They have confirmed that the bait was caught in April and May, and there was no possibility of rescue, so they took this route." Ma Laoer took out his cigarette case. "Brother Jun has a very positive attitude towards Fu Zhenguo's rebellion this time. He said that as long as this madman Fu can be removed from Shanghai, the safety factor of the Nanhu Military Port will be increased by at least 50%."

"What if this bait didn't rebel?" Wu Di inherited his father's genes and was very rigorous in his thinking when it came to military affairs.

"So, the first job is just a try. If there is no response from the other party, it means we are on the wrong path. Let's find a new one." Ma Laoer took a puff of his cigarette.

"Second brother, there is only one chance to instigate rebellion against Fu Zhenguo. If he fails, his relationship with the Zhou clique will become even closer." Wu Di chuckled and patted the second child on the shoulder: "This is the first time I have come to Sichuan. The first job in the house, don’t let me throw my face on the ground.”

"It's okay. With your status, even if you make a hundred mistakes in Sichuan, no one will dare to criticize you." Ma Laoer is also very good at talking now: "Although I am a director in name, in fact, I am here to give you The one who started it..."

"Go away, you idiot." Wu Di laughed and cursed.

Inside Waka Bar.

Daxiong held a black leather glove with his left hand, stepped to the sofa area, reached out and patted Fu Zhen's shoulder. At this moment, his body is curved, and his cheeks are tilted downward, just avoiding the camera.

After Fu Zhen was patted, he instinctively turned around and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Hey, is it Fu Zhen?" Daxiong smiled and stretched out his palm.

"Who are you?" Fu Zhen asked doubtfully.

"Haha, you don't recognize me?" There was a lot of noise in the room, and the big bear bent down again.

Fu Zhen looked the other person up and down: "Ah, you are Baoli's dick, right?"

"...!" Big Bear was stunned.

"What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

"Haha, you admitted your mistake." Daxiong smiled awkwardly, lowered his head and continued: "I am from the navy, we have met before."

"You're from the Navy, why haven't I seen you?"

"Do you know Qu Gang?" Daxiong asked.

Fu Zhen looked at the other person again: "We know him!"

"I used to be from the 00058 logistics unit of our first fleet. Qu Gang and I were also friends. We had drinks at a dinner party, and there were Zhang Peng, Liu Feng and the others." Big Xiong bared his teeth and said, "You forgot, You were still singing at that time."

The information Daxiong said was all true, because Chen's military intelligence department had already checked Fu Zhen's soldier resume. For example, he had a clear picture of who he had a good relationship with when he was a soldier, who he often hung out with, and what trainings and parties he attended.

When Daxiong said this, Fu Zhen stood up immediately: "Oh, I remember, it was during the 65th exercise, right?"

"That's right!" Big Bear stretched out his palm: "My name is Bi Sheng."

"Hey, are you a soldier with us?"

"No, I'm three years older than you."

"Oh, this is the old squad leader!" Although Fu Zhen couldn't remember who Big Bear was, he was still very enthusiastic when he saw his navy comrades and immediately shook hands with them: "You come here to play. ?”

"Yes, I came here to wait for a friend. I saw you sitting here and thought you looked alike, so I came over to say hello." Big Bear said with a smile.

"How about we sit down and play together for a while?"

"It's too noisy here to chat. I've opened a private room upstairs. Can we go up and sit for a while?"

"Okay, let's go!" Fu Zhen replied with a smile: "Hey, how is Qu Gang doing now?"

"He, he has withdrawn now. We were still on the phone some time ago..."

The two of them walked upstairs while chatting.

On the way to Jiangzhou, Ma Laoer received a message that read: "The target has been tricked."


Qin Yu was sitting in the office, holding the phone and said to Chen Jun: "You said, if Fu Zhenguo can really be chewed here, then I can count on it, and I will remove a big worry for you! Brother, are you? should……?"

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