District 9

Chapter 2225 The Army’s Ceiling

The helicopter's searchlight swept towards the central battlefield. The observing soldiers in the cabin immediately noticed that Kirill's arm had been pinched and broken. Then he immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted: "Report to the headquarters, the enemy will Colonel Kirill’s arm is broken, should we continue the attack?!”

In the field, Kirill fainted from the pain. Two soldiers held him up, with blood all over his body. He Dachuan stepped forward, holding the automatic rifle rod in both hands. The tip of the general's bayonet stabbed Kirill's ribs fiercely and turned around fiercely.


Kirill, who had fainted, woke up with a cry, his expression distorted in pain, and he glanced around with red and dull eyes.

He Dachuan stretched out his hand and pinched Kirill's chin, his eyes suddenly filled with anger: "Shout to them, shout! Tell them to retreat, or I will chop off your arm again!"

Kirill minored in Chinese. Although his spoken and written translations were not very good, he could basically understand what He Dachuan meant, so he instinctively turned his head and glanced at his broken arm on the left side, and saw the white bone stubble exposed at the wound. Blood surged wildly, and he screamed like a killing pig again.

Kirill is a noble son of the Sixth District. He has never been on the battlefield before. This time he led the troops into the no-man's land of Xibo just to get gold-plated military achievements for front-line command, so how had he ever seen such a scene? How can I get in touch with a moody bandit like He Dachuan? The wound on his broken arm made him very frightened, and his emotions had completely collapsed.

"Shout! Shout!!" He Dachuan held the gun and pressed it against the root of Kirill's right arm again, roaring fiercely with both eyes.

After Kirill saw the gun, his legs immediately became weak, he looked up to the sky and shouted: "Don't attack, you idiots! Retreat, retreat, don't attack...!!"

Tens of seconds later, without receiving clear orders from above and seeing that Kirill had been maimed, the helicopter formation could only retreat backwards, while the infantry combat units also hesitated to fight.

"Retreat, retreat now. These officers don't dare to take charge of Kirill. They need to give instructions to their superiors. Let's go quickly and retreat in separate directions!" He Dachuan waved his hand and commanded: "Seal Kirill's wounds Stop the bleeding. We can't let this guy die. If we want to escape, it all depends on him."


"Retreat, retreat quickly!"


The soldiers carried out the order and retreated in all directions, shouting. The two soldiers holding Kirill took out a military hemostatic bandage and a quick suture device from the waist medical bag, and treated Kirill's wounds to ensure that he would not be tortured to death.

While He Dachuan was running, he felt the pain in his chest become more severe. In addition, he had been shouting just now and his throat was dry, so he couldn't help but cough twice.

After coughing, He Dachuan felt saliva flowing out of the corner of his mouth, so he reached out and wiped it randomly, and found that what was wiped off was not saliva, but scarlet blood.

He Dachuan paused and continued running forward...

In the frontal combat zone, the smoke of scale powder bullets dissipated, and a large number of enemy troops continued to advance forward.

"Zi la la!"

The intercom in an enemy armored vehicle suddenly heard a harsh sound, and then the communication signal light turned red, indicating that the signal was blocked or interrupted.

At the same time, there was also a communications soldier in the enemy's command position ahead. He said to the battalion-level officer: "Report, the communication signal is blocked. The enemy may have buried signal jamming equipment at the front."

"Idiot, turn on the confrontation system, search the blocked area, and quickly complete the electronic cleanup."

"Sir, the other party should use small jamming equipment. It uses a buried method to lay an interference area in front. Our electronic countermeasures equipment can quickly search for the location, but it cannot conduct countermeasures and blocking. Because the other party's equipment is Individually, there is no overall system. Even if we defeat one of them, we will not be able to counter-jamming the remaining equipment." The communications soldier shouted very professionally.

"Determine the coordinates of the jamming equipment, let the scouts move forward, and clean it manually." The officer issued the order again.

Three minutes later, more than thirty Free Scout soldiers scattered and rushed forward.

Next to a hidden burial point, two scouts gently pushed away the snow with their hands and saw a round jamming device. One of the young Russian soldiers took a small pair of scissors and cut a connecting wire. , then reached out and picked it up.


At this moment, a string of rapid electronic sounds sounded in the pit. The two soldiers looked down and saw a perfectly round round cake under the circular jamming device.

"Damn, it's triggering...!"


Before the soldier could finish his words, a violent explosion sounded, and the two men were blown to pieces on the spot.

"Boom, boom!"

Explosions also occurred frequently at other surrounding burial sites. When the battalion-level officers saw this scene in the enemy's command position, they instinctively picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted: "They are stalling for time, charge me and tear them apart!"

After shouting, a hissing sound came from the intercom system, and the military communication equipment was still being interfered with. The battalion-level officer was so angry that he threw the microphone to the ground, rushed out of the trench and shouted: "Warriors, charge !!”

After the scale powder in the air dissipated, the free helicopter formation pressed forward again.

At this time, Lin Xiao immediately took the walkie-talkie and shouted: "The sniper team listened to the order, the observer predicted the flight path of the helicopter formation, the snipers all replaced me with B3 armor-piercing burning D, the two groups pulled up a bomb net, just like usual Just like the training, take down all these martial arts in the air!"

The sniper team of the special operations brigade all used large-caliber ASVK sniper rifles this time. This rifle can effectively attack unarmored or lightly armored targets at a distance of about 1,500 meters. However, after equipped with B3 armor-piercing D, The shooting distance will be slightly lower, but the lethality will be qualitatively improved.

After the helicopter formation approached, the six sniper teams of the special operations brigade fired accurately as they usually did in training.

"Bang, bang bang...!"

Sniper Q roared. In the dark sky ahead, the four helicopters at the front were penetrated by the sniper team in just one round. The cockpits were either exploded on the spot, or the pilots were killed, and the aircraft circled and fell.

The use of sniper teams to carry out anti-military operations has been included in the training subjects of special operations forces before the new era. Nowadays, this tactic has been upgraded and is divided into very details in the training section.

After the four helicopters exploded on the spot, the sniper team immediately changed the ambush location, and the large force still retreated backwards.

Lin Xiao's special operations brigade encountered at least 600 enemy troops head-on. They were at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers, but they made full use of their equipment advantages and top-notch combat literacy to frustrate two waves of enemy attacks. .

Of course, no matter how brave they were, they were just mortals. A large number of special operations brigade soldiers fell to the ground one after another while covering the evacuation of the Sichuan army.

At the end of the fight, less than thirty people were left in the first brigade of one hundred people.

If there really is a so-called king of soldiers in the world, it must be them! They may not be as divine as shown in literary and artistic works, but they can still be called these two words.

The large army continued to retreat backwards. When Lin Xiao was exhausted, he suddenly saw dozens of helicopters flying over from the direction of the north wind.

On the dark land, the marching troops, which stretched for three or four kilometers, lit up with lights full of hope.

"Here we come, the Sichuan Army is here!" Lin Xiao raised his arms and shouted: "Brothers, cheer up, none of us can die, let's go back together!!"

Inside the headquarters, Qin Yu ordered Xun Chengwei in a succinct voice: "Let a brigade of you go up just to get all these people back. The enemy is going crazy to reinforce this area. This is an opportunity for us. Our Sichuan Army We will increase our troops here indefinitely and completely defeat these bastards!"

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