District 9

Chapter 2224 A bloody battle for Highway 709

In the no-man's land of Xibo, more than a dozen groups of enemy troops pursued them from behind and began to attack the covering troops of the special operations brigade at multiple points. They were also equipped with seven or eight armed helicopters to suppress fire from the air.

The combat characteristics of the special operations brigade are penetration and sneak attacks. Small groups of well-trained soldiers equipped with advanced and sophisticated equipment carry out small-scale combat missions in the blind spots of the enemy's combat thinking. Therefore, fighting in this kind of plain encounter cannot bring out their strongest combat effectiveness. But this is only relative, because in a sense, they are the strongest army among small forces.

After the two sides entered a state of war, the first action brigade of the special operations brigade, which was responsible for covering the rear, immediately fell into a disadvantage. Under the destruction of the enemy's strong firepower, many special operations team members sacrificed their lives to hold on to their positions.

No matter how powerful these soldiers are, after all, they can only control one gun and one single combat equipment, and the number of enemy troops is several times theirs. After they are pressed together, there are no specific tactics at all. Just relying on the number of people and equipment, You can quickly clear the special operations brigade's cover and hold area.

The special operations brigade has not been expanded so far. The total strength is still 3,000, and one-third of them provide services to combat units. For example, there are tactical training units, various subject training units, technical units, information reconnaissance units, etc., so there are not many people who can actually participate in front-line combat missions. Moreover, they are all absolute elites selected from thousands of troops. Every time one of them is sacrificed, it is unacceptable to Lin Xiao. He knows every one of these soldiers, and each of them was personally selected by him. In addition to being superiors and subordinates, he and they are also brothers who have accumulated deep feelings in closed training grounds...

But war is like this, it is cold and ruthless, and personal emotions will not determine any outcome.

In the combat zone, more than 30 special operations brigade soldiers died in the cover position after tenacious resistance.

When the two soldiers were injured and about to be captured, they finally chose to take out their short guns and commit suicide by swallowing the guns. Before they died, they gave a complete report on the number and firepower of the enemy attacking their side.

Outside the cover position, Lin Xiao glared like a tiger, squatting in the snow shell, holding a walkie-talkie and shouting without revealing his personal emotions: "Continue to report the situation of each group."

"There are currently 61 people left in our first team, 39 people have died, and no combat personnel... have been captured. Currently, RPG and anti-helicopter firepower, and one-fifth of the ammunition reserves are left. Enemy helicopters We killed two of them, but this did not have much impact on the battlefield situation. Their armed helicopters are also equipped with missile interception systems, which are very difficult to deal with." The captain of the first team said clearly: "One group received a report from the microphone. Sort in order.”

"A group reported to the headquarters that the enemy directly in front of our group currently has about a company. The enemy is equipped with a small-scale fire attack team, mostly mortars and grenade launchers. The soldiers are equipped with conventional combat equipment. "

"The second group reports to the headquarters...!"

The combat teams of the special operations brigade did not lose their mentality in such a desperate situation. Both the lower-level soldiers and the commanding officers still evacuated backwards in an orderly manner according to the plan. When the team leaders reported to Lin Xiao, they spoke neither too fast nor too slowly, enunciating the words very clearly, and showed no panic at all. This kind of psychological quality is very terrifying, and this is also one of their characteristics.

After Lin Xiao received the reports from each group, he already had a rough idea. There were about a thousand enemy troops pursuing them, and they were equipped with thirteen helicopters to give them fire pressure in the air. The enemy's army soldiers only carried conventional army combat equipment, there was nothing special about it, and their troops were scattered and came from multiple directions.

"He Tuan." Lin Xiao called with the walkie-talkie.


"How is the situation over there?" Lin Xiao asked.

"It's not optimistic. Damn, there are two helicopters here that have been chasing us, and they are equipped with airborne missile interception systems. We can't get rid of them." He Dachuan cursed fiercely: "I sacrificed twenty There are so many people, and I’m going to make a fuss about this Kirill.”

"You withdraw first, the Sichuan Army's action team will hold on, and I will redo the arrangements." Lin Xiao said quickly.

"Okay!" He Dachuan agreed.

In the field, Lin Xiao got up and ran, and shouted in a low voice: "The first brigade, all the sniper teams, immediately left the battlefield, reduced their weight immediately, and evacuated backwards as quickly as possible. After about a thousand Look for a sniper position five hundred meters away."




The sniper team's response came over the intercom.

"The fire team concentrated anti-armor firepower, forcing their helicopters to move backwards, temporarily allowing them to retreat from the battlefield."

"The reconnaissance unit used high-explosive phosphorus bombs to block the fighting area directly ahead, allowing the cover team and Sichuan troops to withdraw first, and buried all small-scale communication jamming equipment in the field and equipped it with anti-infantry minefields."




The other combat teams responded one after another.

Lin Xiao held the walkie-talkie and said again: "Their helicopter formation is the biggest threat to us. We must find a way to kill them before we can continue to evacuate backwards. In this mission... we may make sacrifices, but the final result must be Victory! Stay safe!"

After the words fell, the intercom channel was silent for about three seconds before the captain of the first team replied in a low voice: "We will win, best wishes!"

Thirty seconds later, the fire support team of the first combat brigade of the special operations brigade concentrated all RPGs and small ground-to-air missiles and launched a salvo at the opponent's helicopter group.

A burst of high-density explosions sounded. Two enemy helicopters were hit after using up their airborne interception missiles. They were destroyed on the spot and everyone died.

"Bang, bang bang...!"

More than a dozen high-explosive phosphorus powder bombs exploded in the battle area directly ahead. The slowly spreading smoke powder instantly blocked an area of ​​nearly one kilometer.

The cover team immediately retreated in an orderly manner, and the reconnaissance units also began to bury small-scale military communication jamming equipment and anti-infantry minefields along the phosphor powder diffusion area.

The middle battlefield.

After He Dachuan coughed twice violently, he felt pain in his chest as if it was broken. But he was very nervous and focused all his attention on the battlefield at this moment, so he didn't pay attention to his injuries at all.

"Damn it, the helicopter is coming up again, Lao He!" Ai Hao roared in the distance.

"What the fuck!"

He Dachuan gritted his teeth, reached for his automatic rifle, took Kirill to the front of the crowd, waved his hand and shouted: "Retreat, you guys retreat first!"

Kirill, a nobleman, was almost scared to death. He looked at He Dachuan in horror and asked: "You...what do you want to do?"

"I'll lend you something." When the enemy helicopter pressed over, He Dachuan turned the automatic step into continuous fire mode extremely fiercely, and aimed the muzzle directly at the root of Kirill's left arm.

"You stupid lunatic, I am Barov...!"

"What the fuck, if I can't get out, I'll give you a human bullet immediately!" He Dachuan roared and pulled the trigger decisively.

"Da da da da da...!"

The gunfire rang out, and the bullet sprayed close to the root of Kirill's left arm, pinching and breaking his entire arm.


Kirill screamed like a slaughtering pig and looked terrible.

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