District 9

Chapter 2082: Take Songjiang step by step

After the Allied forces continued to suppress Changji, Shen Wanzhou finally couldn't sit still and was ready to restart the conversation and take the lead in solving the Songjiang issue.

Two days later, Feng Chengzhang, the commander-in-chief of the Allied Forces, met in Songjiang with the General Administration of Military Affairs and Shen Wanzhou from the Shazhong Bank.

Sha Zhongxing is the head of the Sha Corps and Sha Zhongwei's eldest brother, so his presence here already represents the importance that the General Administration of Military Affairs attaches to this matter.

The meeting place between the two parties was in the grand banquet hall of the Jiangpan Hotel. During the conversation, Feng Chengzhang had a tough attitude and repeatedly stated that if he wanted to completely resolve the current military conflict, the General Administration of the Military Ministry, as well as the party and government agencies, must recognize The legitimacy of the Allied Forces and the official declaration of Songjiang's independence.

During the conversation, Meng Xi, Commander Zheng Kai from the World War II zone, and Xiang Zehao were all present. Within the Allied Forces, only the Wu mercenary group seemed too lazy to get involved in this matter.

During the first meeting, the two sides did not come up with any definite results, but it can be seen that BOC's attitude towards Songjiang is not very tough, and even on some acute issues, it avoids and acquiesces. Mainly posture.

After the negotiation, everyone left the banquet hall and returned to their respective units.

At around nine o'clock in the evening, when Meng Xi and Jin Taizhu were eating at a street stall on Tuzh Street, they suddenly received a call from Ma Laoer: "Hello, Lao Ma."

Recently, Ma Laoer's military intelligence department has almost only served Meng Xi alone, because Qin Yu had given clear instructions to make him do his best to cooperate with Meng Xi's work.

"Brother, if you call me Lao Er, it sounds better than calling me Lao Ma." Ma Lao Er has been in frequent contact with Meng Xi recently, and both parties are completely familiar with each other, so he didn't take it into consideration when speaking: "I don't even have children. What kind of horse is this?"

"Haha, okay, then you go ahead, dick."

"Fuck, why does it sound so awkward?" Ma Laoer was speechless.

"Second brother, second brother, okay?" Meng Xi adjusted the title again.

"Forget it, just scream whatever you like!" Ma Laoer was too lazy to argue about the title, and directly changed the topic and said: "A very important piece of news. At around eight o'clock in the evening, Sha Zhongxing took people to Feng Chengzhang's house. Home.”

Meng Xi was startled for a moment: "Isn't Shazhongxing leaving yet?"

"No," Ma Laoer replied truthfully: "My people have been watching."

"Okay, I understand." Meng Xi nodded.

"Well, if there's news here, I'll call you again."


After the words fell, the two ended the call.

Kim Tae-soo wiped the grease stains from his mouth: "What's wrong?"

"Sha Zhongxing went to Feng Chengzhang's house, and he hasn't left yet." Meng Xi replied calmly while eating noodles.

Kim Tae-soo frowned: "Not a single one of us called out, and Feng Chengzhang really doesn't shy away from suspicion."

Meng Xi took a sip of the drink sold at the street stall, stirred the noodles with his right hand and asked, "Brother Jin, can you guess what the final result of the negotiation will be?"

"Feng Xi takes it all?" Kim Tae-soo asked tentatively.

"If that's the case, then my guess should be correct." Meng Xi said lightly: "Our alliance army, haha, is really the Caotai team..."

"Sand Bank of China is here, and there should be a result of the negotiations soon." Kim Tae-soo added.

"It will be there tomorrow." Meng Xi said decisively.

"Can't it be so fast?" Jin Taizhu was a little surprised.

"The nights are full of dreams!" Meng Xi said softly: "Shen Wanzhou must be afraid that Lu Xi and He Xi regretted the cession of Songjiang, and Feng Chengzhang doesn't want to delay it any longer. They must have hit it off immediately."

"That makes sense." Kim Tae Soo nodded.

"Have a good sleep at night and wait for the results tomorrow." After Meng Xi finished speaking, he lowered his head and ate the noodles again.


Meng Xi returned to his residence, sat in the room, lowered his head and continued to study the military and political history of the ninth district, the history of the party and government, and information on various warlord forces.

This information is top secret and is the wealth accumulated since the establishment of the Ninth District Military Supervision Bureau. It is impossible for ordinary people to obtain it. Only a powerful mole like Ma Laoer could do something like this.

Meng Xi's room was less than 30 square meters, and it was next to his office. The decoration and furniture in the room were as simple as a prison. Except for bookshelves, beds, and chairs, there were almost no facilities that could provide convenience for life.

Since taking over the top position in the Sichuan government's military office, Meng Xi has slept almost five to six hours a day. Apart from work, entertainment, and socializing, he has spent most of his time studying the development history of District 9. and some information against hostile forces.

Sometimes people are like this. Talent for work is important, but the necessary factors that really determine whether you can do your job well are attitude and diligence.

It wasn't until about three o'clock in the morning that Meng Xi fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, four o'clock in the afternoon.

The General Administration of the Ninth District Military Headquarters announced that in order to avoid the outbreak of military war, in order to ensure the legitimate rights and interests of the people, as well as the safety of public property and infrastructure, they will recognize the fact that the Allied Forces exist. And when the Allied Forces could guarantee the vital interests of the Songjiang people, they also supported the Allied Forces in taking over Songjiang's government affairs and taking over Songjiang's military power.

In the future, the Military and Political Headquarters and the Allied Forces Headquarters will conduct a series of active communications on the development needs and public needs of Songjiang, Fengbei, and Changji...

More than 20 minutes later, the party and government media also announced similar information to the outside world. The content was roughly the same as that published by the military and government media.

At this point, the Allied forces completely occupied Songjiang, and Feng Chengzhang also achieved his goal.

One day later, the Allied Forces held an internal meeting, and Feng Chengzhang officially announced that Feng Ji would serve as the commander of the Songjiang Garrison Army, mainly responsible for military garrison issues in the city. At the same time, Feng Yunian officially took over as the mayor of Songjiang City. Many direct descendants of the Feng family, as well as trained political officials, also took over the district councils of various districts in the city.

For a time, the city of Songjiang was completely surnamed Feng, and all military and political power fell into the hands of the Feng family.

However, Feng Chengzhang did not forget the World War II zone and the various forces within the Allied Forces. People from the Zhou clique in the World War II area were assigned the position of city council president. Officers under Wu Tianyin also obtained relatively high positions in the garrison, and the city also gave Xiang Zehao, a member of the Sichuan government, Various military privileges and government privileges...

But even so, as soon as the news was announced, Meng Xi called Qin Yu as soon as possible: "Commander, you need to communicate with the World War II area, the Wu faction, and Xiang Zehao."

"Keep talking." Qin Yu obviously also knew what happened in District 9.

"Ask them to withdraw all the troops surrounding Changji," Meng Xi said coldly: "Don't just say hello to the Feng family and suddenly withdraw."

"Can you control the situation behind it?" Qin Yu asked.

"Withdraw, I'll take care of the rest."

"Okay." Qin Yu responded and hung up the phone.

Jin Taizhu looked at Meng Xi, gave a thumbs up and said, "Your guess is really accurate!"

"Where's the money?" Meng Xi raised her fingers.

Jin Taizhu took out the cash in his pocket, counted five thousand and threw it to Meng Xi, which he had lost in a bet.

at the same time.

On the road outside Fengbei City, a car was speeding. The person in the car was named Niu Gang. Today is his day off...

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