District 9

Chapter 2081 Xiaoli’s Confession

In the interrogation room, the light was dim. Xiaoli looked up at Jiang Xue and said, "Sir, can you give me a cigarette?"

Jiang Xue stood up slowly, walked to Xiaoli, lowered his head and took out the cigarette case and said: "It's okay to smoke, and it's okay to give you some convenience, but don't push your nose and face. Before you speak, think about your son and cooperate. A little, you can go out a few years earlier, do you understand?"

Xiaoli has been running around in the world for so many years. Although she has a bit of a temperament, she has already developed the ability to observe words and emotions. When she saw that Jiang Xue and others were brought to District 8 for interrogation, she already understood that these people were not ordinary police officers. In addition, she really cared about her children, so after weighing the pros and cons in her mind, she responded very cooperatively: "Sir, I'm not confused. Don't worry, I will tell you the truth."

Jiang Xueluo roughly put the cigarette into Xiaoli's mouth, lit it for her and said, "Tell me about the arrest of those two people."

"Those two people who were arrested were indeed specially arranged by others to stay in my store." Xiaoli replied while smoking a cigarette: "The person who arranged it is my fellow villager named Niu Gang."

"What does he do?" Jiang Xue asked.

"The soldier is a company commander."

"Which army are you in?" Jiang Xue asked again.

"It seems to be the 223rd Regiment, the company commander of the third company of the first battalion."

"Well, keep talking." Jiang Xue nodded.

"This matter is actually not complicated." Xiaoli narrated truthfully: "One day, Niu Gang came to me and said that he would put two people in my store and ask me to monitor them and not let them make phone calls. Don't let them out of the house. If someone with a bad face comes to the store to ask questions or ask for information, I will call him and tell him."

"Yeah." Jiang Xue frowned and listened.

"Niu Gang also said that these two people would definitely be arrested, so he asked me to be mentally prepared and installed some cameras in the house. After the incident, I just handed him the video." Xiaoli recalled He said at once: "And he was quite generous. He gave me a total of 30,000 yuan."

"You have been running around in the world for so many years, haven't you noticed that this is wrong?" Jiang Xue asked doubtfully: "You can make a lot of money working in this shop, right? Just because it costs 30,000 yuan, can you get into trouble?" ?”

"I do feel that something is wrong with this matter, and I didn't want to get involved at first. But I opened a store in Shengxing because of my relationship with Niu Gang. He is my fellow countryman, and he usually takes good care of me. It's hard for me to refuse. Him." Xiaoli continued: "Then I thought again, he just put two people here for me to keep an eye on. Actually, I don't know what he is going to do, so it should be fine. Then I agreed.”

"Did Niu Gang come to see you afterwards?" Jiang Xue asked.

"I found it." Xiaoli took a deep breath from the cigarette: "The day after the two people were taken away, Niu just came to see me after watching the surveillance video... He said that for the sake of safety, he asked me to open the store He closed it, took the lady away, and hid for a while. I almost exploded after hearing this, and I must not be happy with it, because my store is doing well and has a lot of repeat customers, so he gave me 30,000 yuan, and I The store is gone, it’s not a mistake.”

"Well, keep talking."

"Then Niu Gang persuaded me. He said that he had a very close comrade in Hefeng who was also in the army. He asked me to rest for a few months and look for girls in various places. Once the limelight was over, he would arrange for me Go over and invest money with them to build a big store." Xiaoli frowned: "Although I'm a little angry, as a person in this industry, we can't fall out with an official. In addition, he gave I took 20,000 yuan... I thought he was quite sincere, so I led the girl in the store away."

"Have you been staying with Hefeng since the store closed?" Jiang Xue asked.

"No, we stayed in a place near Hefeng for a few months." Xiaoli sighed and replied: "I went home to see the children this time because I had already discussed opening a new store with Niu Gang's comrades. , I’m choosing a place, I’m afraid if I don’t go back this time, I’ll be busy for a while and won’t be able to see my children for a long time.”

Jiang Xue licked his lips: "When those two were placed in your store, did anyone else visit them?"

"Yes," Xiaoli nodded: "Niu Gang took people there twice, and each time there were five or six people."

"Ah, what did they do when they left?"

"The first time I went back, they chatted with the two people in the guest room for more than half an hour. I didn't know what they were talking about specifically, and I didn't dare to ask." Xiaoli recalled it and said: "The second time I went, Niu Gang They beat the two men, and I vaguely heard them shouting... saying that if the two men didn't cooperate, their wives and children would be beaten to death."

When Jiang Xue heard this, he already understood that although Xiaoli knew part of the inside story, she was not one of the direct participants. She just provided a fixed place.

"Brother, what happened to me is not serious, is it?" Xiaoli looked a little worried and asked in a trembling voice: "You have also seen that I have children at home... If I were really sentenced to ten or eight years , then won’t my son be finished?!”

Jiang Xue glanced at her: "If what you said is true, nothing will happen to you. Once the case is over, I will let you go. But...but your case involves a lot of people. After you get out, I also have to hide for a while.”

"Thank you, thank you brother!" Xiaoli was very touched because she could feel that Jiang Xue felt pity for her.

"Please describe Niu Gang's details." Jiang Xue waved his hand: "Wang Long, come in and record it."

"Yes!" A young man walked in.

An hour and a half later.

Wang Long walked to Jiang Xue's office, saluted and said, "Niu Gang's information has been released."

"Read it!" Jiang Xue nodded.

"Niu Gang, male, 36 years old, active duty officer of the Shen Corps in the 1st War Zone of the 9th District, currently serves as the company commander in the 1st Battalion and 3rd Company of the 223rd Regiment." Wang Long said in detail: "The 3rd Company's Garrison Officer The location is near Shengxing Life Village. It is a patrol unit with extremely low combat effectiveness. The company is not full of personnel, with only more than 70 people..."

"Damn, he's an officer?!" Jiang Xue scratched his head in frustration: "It's easy to catch him suddenly and scare the snake away."

"You can ask Xiaoli to adjust him and catch him while he is resting." Wang Long suggested cleverly: "This way we will have more time."

Jiang Xue nodded: "Assemble the action team and prepare to take Niu Gang. This case is almost over."

"Yes!" Wang Long saluted.

The next day, 11 am.

After Changji was subjected to continuous military oppression by the Allied Forces, the short Cold War period ended. The General Administration of the Military, headed by Shen Wanzhou, called Feng Chengzhang for the first time to prepare for a meeting with him.

At the same time, in a very private teahouse in Songjiang, a young man stepped in and said: "Brother, we have been in contact for more than two months. You should know who I am. Give me the right words, can you Can’t you bring your troops here?”

"We are all our own people. Now that I have changed jobs, how will I get along with other troops in the future?" The middle-aged man hesitated.

"If you don't start a war or break up with each other, then only I will know about your job hopping." The young man said calmly.

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