District 9

Chapter 2068 Uncle Sha, where is my Uncle Sha?

Gu Tai'an sat on the office chair, waved his hand and said, "Let Gu Yan handle this matter at his own discretion."

"Yes!" The officer nodded.

"Qin Yu, this little brat is still in a hurry." Gu Tai'an stood up and sighed: "That's good, after the Sichuan government became powerful, he and Gu Yan, a local emperor and a commander-in-chief, these two little bastards Being able to determine the political direction of the southern side of the country is a big mistake."

A staff officer stood up immediately: "Commander Qin must have been forced to get involved, but he was able to persuade Xiang Zehao to raise troops to rebel. This thing was done beautifully and with highlights."

Gu Tai'an did not answer, only shook his head gently.

Changji, north side of the Government Affairs Building.

The commander of the third regiment led half of the regiment and began to forcefully break through the defenders in the backyard. They used light attack artillery as soon as they came up.

"Boom, boom!"

Explosions sounded frequently, and the wall in the backyard of the government building was shattered row after row, like paper. The defenders in the courtyard looked outside, and all they saw were self-defense troops running around. Most of the soldiers were extremely frightened.

In fact, it was not that the battalion following Yan Ziyu had low combat effectiveness, but that they were in a very passive stage from the beginning of the military conflict.

The initial mission of this battalion was to protect Yan Ziyu when he went to the 111th Division Headquarters to take over the highest military authority, so they brought portable light weapons and equipment.

But what he didn't expect was that just as Yan Ziyu was about to clean up the military backbone of the 111th Division, Xiang Zehao escaped outside the area, and Changji was attacked shortly after. In addition, Yan Ziyu himself is very timid. When he heard the gunfire, his first reaction was to run away. Therefore, this battalion had to take on the defensive task without any defense.

If it were a normal defense, this battalion would definitely choose to join forces with the main force of the division and stick to a certain point. But Yan Ziyu missed Fengbei very much and wanted to return to his old father as soon as possible, so they came to the Government Affairs Building and prepared to take a helicopter back to Fengbei on the helipad here. At this moment, the air force in the World War II zone happened to block the Changji airspace, and he could not escape...

Why didn't Yan Ziyu find Sha Zhongwei's main force? Because he felt that the center of the battlefield would be very dangerous, so it was wise to run first. But he never expected that the two gates would be penetrated so quickly, and the Government Affairs Building would become the center of the battlefield.

They couldn't run away. The strength of this battalion was the kind of escort that only carried guns. They didn't even have the basic equipment to build a military defense zone, so the situation on the scene became what it is now.

Half the troops of the third regiment pounced like wolves, carrying light and heavy siege equipment, blocking the perimeter, and even used cannons to bombard the poor soldiers in the courtyard...

How can we fight this battle?

At the back door of the main building, Yan Ziyu dialed Sha Zhongwei's phone again, but the latter had no time to answer. Then he grabbed the battalion commander's intercom equipment and called him Uncle Sha on the public frequency.

"Uncle Sha, I am Yan Ziyu, please answer if you hear me!"

After shouting four or five times in a row, Sha Zhongwei's urgent voice sounded: "What are you shouting? Don't you know this is a public channel?! This is the channel for issuing battle orders!!"

"Uncle Sha, we have been attacked by a large number of enemy troops here, and we can no longer withstand it..." Yan Ziyu shouted hoarsely: "Requesting support!"

Sha Zhongwei was so anxious that he didn't even bother to say nice things. He scolded him directly: "There is a battalion there, why don't you move?! Move to the center of the battlefield, move to the periphery, who can find you? You look like He's lying there motionless like a bastard, but that fool also knows that there are big fish here! Otherwise, why would there be a battalion stationed there?"

"I can't get out now."

"Then you die!" Sha Zhongwei glared and cursed: "Stop shouting on the public frequency!"

"Uncle Sha, Uncle Sha!" Yan Ziyu was still shouting.

In the center of the battlefield, Sha Zhongwei listened to the voice on the walkie-talkie and cursed irritably: "What the fuck, it's a military matter. Why did you send such a waste here?! It's just adding to the chaos!"

Everyone was speechless.

Sha Zhongwei thought for a moment and immediately ordered: "Order the Second Battalion of the Fourth Regiment to move towards the Government Affairs Building and rescue that little brat."

"The enemy is attacking at multiple points, and their tactical intentions are obvious. They want to penetrate. Our side is now a carrot and a hole. The second battalion is firmly guarding the southern defense area. Once it moves away, the defensive force there will be very weak... "

"Don't I know? Then what can I do? He is Yan Botao's son. If something happens, the party and government will probably blame our military." Sha Zhongwei yelled: "Go, send troops over quickly!"

"Yes!" The staff officer could only bite the bullet and agreed.

Inside the Government Affairs Courtyard.

After Yan Ziyu heard that a battalion was moving towards him, he felt no joy at all. Because the soldiers of the Third Regiment had already entered the courtyard, the sound of gunfire was very close to his position.

"Quickly, go to the basement!" the battalion commander ran back and shouted.

Yan Ziyu called his father while running: "Dad, it's over, I'm blocked. The other party has at least two regiments of troops attacking the backyard of the Government Affairs Building..."

"Where is Sha Zhongwei?" Yan Botao asked with a roar.

"He doesn't care about me!" Yan Ziyu felt a little aggrieved and pitiful.

"Damn it, I'll call their military headquarters. You quickly find a safe place and wait for support."

"Okay, okay, Dad, I listen to you."

After the words fell, the two ended the call.


At this moment, gunfire suddenly sounded in the courtyard.


The stairs at the back of the building were shattered, cracks appeared on the ceiling, rubble, tiles, and chandelier panels were all smashed down.

Before Yan Ziyu could react, he was photographed in the ruins.


The third regiment commander was holding a gun in the courtyard, raising his arms and shouting.

The overwhelming self-defense soldiers rushed towards the main building.

Ten seconds later.

Yan Ziyu struggled to get up from the ruins, covered with dust and shouted: "Defense, go to the basement, go to the basement!"

The light in the corridor was dim, and the battalion commander responsible for protecting Yan Ziyu was pointed at by three men and cursed: "Go to Nima's basement, they have all come in, can't you see it? Why am I so unlucky? I was sent to protect you idiot...!"

Yan Ziyu turned around when he heard the sound and saw forty or fifty soldiers of the Self-Defense Forces rushing in from the corridor.


The third regiment commander shot Yan Ziyu in the leg.


Screams echoed in the corridor.

"You bitch, are you the one who ordered the killing of our officers?" The third regiment commander walked over with his eyes wide open and stepped on Yan Ziyu's head.

North wind outlet.

Qin Yu took the phone and yelled: "How long, I want the exact time! When will the support from the Sha and Shen factions come in?!"

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