District 9

Chapter 2067 Street Fighting

In Changji City.

After receiving Xiang Zehao's order, the third regiment leader immediately led his troops and advanced to the backyard of the Government Affairs Building. His mission was to capture Yan Ziyu alive. But the purpose of this mission was not just to avenge Yan Ziyu for killing more than 30 self-defense army officers, but also because he was the son of the second-in-command in the party and government. Capturing him alive would increase the weight of the bargaining chip.

Dozens of military vehicles drove along the wide streets and arrived near the Government Affairs Building. Then the commander of the third regiment ordered to attack from the north to the backyard of the building. And they will also encounter the obstruction of the peripheral sand troops, as well as the troops of the battalion following Yan Ziyu in the backyard.

Changji City, with Shiyuan Avenue as the center and Zhongnan Street and Maguan Street as the periphery, is an area of ​​about five kilometers, which is the main battlefield of this military conflict.

This central area contains a series of administrative agencies such as the Municipal Administration Building, Changji Police Station, Taxation Department, and City Council. Many family members of party and government leaders also live in family courtyards nearby, and the most famous Xingyao Group in Changji is also located here.

To put it simply, this area is the political and commercial center of Changji City, and all of Sha Zhongwei's current main forces are stationed nearby. So the decisive battle to attack Changji is here.

Outside Maguan Street.

A large number of soldiers of the Self-Defense Force launched densely packed small unmanned reconnaissance aircraft into the air. After a large number of pictures in the defense area were fed back, Xiang Zehao began to command the troops according to the actual situation and charge forward.

As soon as the charge began, it entered a fever pitch, and the deafening sound of gunfire spread throughout the city.

The two full regiments of the Self-Defense Forces charged forward twice, ignoring battle losses, but they only advanced less than one kilometer. The overall effect was much worse than expected.

A large number of wounded soldiers were transported back from the front. Xiang Zehao led the soldiers of the guard company and trotted forward. They met the commander of the 1st Regiment of the 111th Division of the Self-Defense Army coming from the south of Changji.

"Commander, enter the bunkers on both sides of the street." The regiment commander rushed over under the gunfire, stretched out his hand to pull Xiang Zehao, and ran into the alley on the street.

"How is the situation?" Xiang Zehao asked: "Is your regiment's attack going well?"

"It didn't go well." The first regiment leader shook his head: "Sha Zhongwei is very good at fighting. He knew that he couldn't defend the two entrances, so he put all the main troops here, as well as the anti-riot team and special operations team of the police system. Help. Their total number is at least 7,000, and they only stick to these five or six kilometers, relying on the favorable terrain for urban operations to block our advancing troops."

"I've told you, we must concentrate the forces of a regiment and attack at one point. Don't scatter." Xiang Zehao roared back: "They have many points to defend, but we don't need to annihilate them all. We only need to destroy their command structure and capture Sha Zhongwei alive. There is no need to move forward according to conventional combat methods."

"That's how I fought." A regimental commander replied in a low voice: "But the effect is the same. Our regiment's strength does not have an advantage when advancing forward. The special operations team of the police system, the riot control team, The equipment is very well-equipped. Going forward, a large number of multi-functional police combat vehicles are blocking the street. If you don't use RPGs to fight, it will have no effect at all. But our ammunition reserves are limited. If we consume it like this, we can't carry it at all. I can't live there. Moreover, there is a difference between fighting inside the city and fighting at the pass. There are almost no civilian buildings and no residential areas, artillery, and aircraft at the pass. We can just pour ammunition into the enemy's defense area. But in the center of the city, we But we can't fight like this. There are residential buildings and civilian buildings all around. When we use small-scale weapons of destruction, we have to consider too many factors. Otherwise, if the shell misses and a building is gone, how many people will die? ?!”

Xiang Zehao was anxious, but he also knew that the regiment commander was not making excuses. The current battle in the city was indeed different from the previous battle at the pass.

The pass was fought smoothly because the air troops in the World War II zone concentrated and provided a large amount of air support to the siege troops. But now that the troops have entered the city, even if the air troops in the World War II zone were not entangled by the enemy's air force, that would It is impossible to mindlessly drop bombs into the city and shoot them with machine guns. Doing that would be no different from the Fifth District's attack on Jinmen Port. There would definitely be a large number of civilian casualties, and the number of casualties would even be higher than that of the combat troops.

This type of terrorist attack was not only unacceptable to Xiang Zehao, but even the Shen and Sha factions would not do such a thing to their own people during military operations.

what to do?

The support troops from the Shen and Sand factions will arrive soon. If the situation continues any longer, the situation will not be optimistic.

After Xiang Zehao thought carefully for tens of seconds, he immediately issued an order: "The first regiment and the second regiment will be divided into company-level units and launch attacks on the enemy's defense area on their own. If we can't get through at one point, we will attack more points."

The first regiment commander was stunned: "Aren't we going to attack at one point? If we divide our troops, our troops, without the strength advantage, may all be strangled in the center of the battlefield, unable to attack or withdraw."

"There is only one purpose for dividing the troops, which is to find Sha Zhongwei for me and kill his division headquarters." Xiang Zehao gritted his teeth and said: "If you can't defeat one regiment, then you just gather another regiment, and the result will be the same. Slowly move towards It's too late to push forward. Reinforcements from Shen and Sand elements will arrive at a moment's notice. Therefore, we can only infiltrate with small groups of troops. Try our best to advance towards the center of the battlefield. As long as there are troops that can infiltrate, Sand Center Wei's command will feel unsure, and they have to frequently change command positions to ensure their own safety. As long as they move, we may seize the opportunity."

"I understand," the first regiment leader explained in a simple and easy-to-understand manner: "Forcing him to move?"

"Yes!" Xiang Zehao nodded: "Immediately divide the troops. I will lead the guard company and move forward."


After the two communicated, the two attacking regiments simultaneously issued orders to divide their forces and began to attack the enemy's defense area at multiple points within a five-kilometer range.

The alleys, gardens, and small streets between the buildings were all filled with company-level combat units of the Self-Defense Forces in an instant. Their mission is not to defeat the defenders, but to do everything possible to enter the center of the battlefield, with the main goal of lurking and advancing quickly.

Such a fight would cause heavy losses to the Self-Defense Forces. Because the small force has limited strength, once it hits an enemy's heavily defended area, there is basically no possibility of escaping. It will either surrender or be completely wiped out.

But such a fight also caused complete chaos among the sand defenders within a five-kilometer radius. Because they couldn't radiate their troops to every street, there would always be fish that slipped through the net and would get in, so Sha Zhongwei felt very unsure and kept changing the location of the headquarters in order to protect himself.

The backyard of the government building.

After Yan Ziyu heard the fierce gunfire outside, he also guessed that it might be coming towards him.

"Defend! Defend!" Yan Ziyu hid at the back door of the building. His thin body was protected by more than 20 soldiers, but he still felt insecure and shouted: "Send more people to the back door!"

"Mr. Yan, don't make any noise or give blind orders. The enemy hasn't arrived yet, so we can't expose our firepower." The battalion commander responsible for protecting him replied helplessly.

"The back door, there are too few people at the back door."

"CNM, no one's here yet, what are you shouting for?!" A grumpy company-level officer scolded unaccustomedly: "If you're afraid, go to the basement, don't fucking bother me!"

On the periphery, after the third regiment commander broke through the small group of sand defenders guarding the streets, he immediately waved his hands and shouted: "Enter the backyard, capture Yan Ziyu alive, and avenge the thirty-five comrades who died!"


A large number of soldiers rushed towards the backyard.

District 8, within the headquarters.

"Governor, the EU Corps that assists Region 5 in defending the Old Triangle area has been moving towards our defense zone." A senior officer said to Gu Tai'an.

Gu Tai'an frowned: "This is to help the ninth district, please hold us."

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