District 9

Chapter 1986 Unit 2 Attacks

In the port, the helicopter formations responsible for security and reconnaissance had already taken off, but they were always in a situation of being attacked and pulled away.

Daya only led a thousand men to storm the hangar, but there were another thousand men on the outside, launching free attacks near other military units. Along the way, a large number of Sichuan soldiers, carrying RPGs, were always paying attention to the movements in the air. As long as a helicopter lowered its altitude, they would fire immediately.

The terrain in the port is not a plain. It has a large number of building units, which can block the terrifying land combat capabilities of helicopters. Moreover, there were a large number of our own staff running around in the port. They had concerns, so the beating was naturally very frustrating. At present, we can only use the advantage of precision strikes to shoot and kill the Sichuan government in densely populated areas.

Near the runway of the hangar, the soldiers brought by Daya were either dead or injured and fell to the ground, wailing and screaming.

Pengzi, who rushed up after the large army, panicked and looked for his best comrade Xiaohui in the crowd.

"Xiao Hui, Xiao Hui, shout when you hear it!" Pengzi shouted while running.

In this way, Pengzi rushed for more than a hundred meters along the way, and was about to give up the search. When he followed the large troops into the front of the hangar, he suddenly heard someone behind him shouting: "Here it is!"

Pengzi turned his head overjoyed and immediately rushed over in the opposite direction. He saw Xiaohui next to a shell crater and asked, "Are you all right?"

Xiaohui wiped his dark cheeks, with a smile that showed the aftermath of a disaster: "Damn it, I was lucky. I was stunned by the shot and fell into the pit."

"Fuck, get up!" Pengzi stretched out his left hand, preparing to pull the other person up.

"Oh, it's all over the place this time. A brother just now..." Xiaohui muttered, grabbing Pengzi's palm and trying to get up.


In the sky, several helicopters flew by.


An airborne missile was shot down without warning, and the two young soldiers turned around suddenly when they heard the explosion.


With the sound of the explosion, the hard runway ground was instantly blown open, and gravel, soil, and corpses mixed with them flew around.

The cold wind blew slowly, and the dust after the explosion returned to the ground. The two young men seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. Next to where they were just now, there was a dark pit. There were two severed arms, and their hands were still pulling each other...

The two young men disappeared without causing any impact on the battlefield. The charge continued, and the shouts of killing were still loud.

After Hangar No. 1 was bombarded by RPGs, mortars and other weapons in turn, an explosion occurred inside, and the stagnant aircraft was instantly destroyed in a sea of ​​flames.


Continuous internal explosions directly opened the roof of Hangar No. 1, and the fire burned around, and soon implicated the side of Hangar No. 2.

Around the hangar, Daya found a bunker, turned around and shouted: "The long-range attack units in the rear, adjust their positions for me. Stop attacking No. 1 and concentrate fire on No. 2. Hurry!"

In the command room of Military Port No. 1, the current top military commander shouted hysterically and asked: "How many people are there in the sneak attack force? Why is there no accurate number yet?!"

"The approximate number is about two thousand. They are currently concentrated near the hangar..." An officer took off his headset, stood up and replied: "Hangar No. 1... has been destroyed..."

"Helicopter formation, don't worry about the battle losses, all move to this side." The top military commander pointed to the location of Hangar No. 1 and said: "The rest of the garrison troops also advance to this side, using the fastest helicopters. Quickly clear out the sneak attack troops here."


In the chaotic command room, noisy shouts could be heard constantly. At this moment, the main officers here have figured out the approximate number of the sneak attack troops, so they don't feel so guilty. There are only about 2,000 enemy troops, and a large number of troops were lost during the attack on Hangar No. 1. So as long as we know their target location, it is not difficult to completely encircle and annihilate them.

But what these people didn't know was that the two thousand people led by Daya were just the leading attacking troops.

To the north of Military Port No. 1.

Ou Xiaobin held a military telescope and looked at the smoke-filled inner harbor. He immediately asked Meng Xi, "What do you think?"

After getting along with each other for several days, Ou Xiaobin discovered that Meng Xi was indeed very talented. This march route was the one he proposed to adjust many times, and the effect was visible to the naked eye. It not only reduced the march time, but also greatly reduced the possibility of exposure.

Meng Xi looked at the harbor and replied succinctly: "I think it's okay. Let Brigadier Wang attract the enemy's troops. With their number, they may not be able to get out. We enter now, the time is right."

Ou Xiaobin thought for a moment, immediately put down the military telescope, turned around and shouted: "Command at all levels, rush!"

The soldiers along the line immediately passed the combat orders one by one after receiving the order.

The two thousand people led by Ou Xiaobin stood up like waves near the hill.

"Our combat missions are different from those of Brigadier Wang and others. We don't want to divide our troops. After entering the port, two thousand people will form a group and attack the preset location." Ou Xiaobin shouted with his real arms: "The fate of Sichuan is determined by this battle. Come with me!!"


The order was issued, and more than two thousand people quickly rushed to the hinterland of the harbor.

Two minutes later.

In the port headquarters, an officer immediately stood up and shouted: "A large number of enemy troops have been detected from the north direction. The number is unknown."


The supreme commander punched the table, glared and shouted: "Why didn't the investigation unit expand the search area just now?!"

"Helicopter formations are all operating in the harbor... Our troops are limited..." the staff officer replied.

"Send an order to the nearest garrison unit on the north side to stop this enemy force."


North side of the harbor.

After the soldiers cut off the power grid, they began to advance crazily with Ou Xiaobin.

From behind, Meng Xi said to seven or eight communication soldiers: "Assemble the communication equipment immediately, quickly!"

Seven or eight soldiers spread out the equipment parts they carried on their backs and began to assemble them. There were more than 20 people beside them for personal protection.

A few minutes later, the equipment was assembled. The signal corps sent a string of digital codes to the division headquarters in Hekou Port for equipment testing, and received a reply quickly.

The signal soldier stood up and said to Meng Xi: "Sir, you can talk on the phone now."

Meng Xi took the communication device and said urgently: "Is it Master Qin?"

"Yes, I am Qin Yu, how is the situation over there?!"

"Our Unit 2 has entered the port and is advancing towards the target location." Meng Xi said succinctly: "Please contact the division headquarters immediately to contact the maritime fleet and prepare to provide air support here."

"No problem, what else do you need?"

"The ships that will assist us in leaving must also move to this side in advance." Meng Xi paused and said, "If Port No. 1 falls, the enemy will definitely launch a suicidal counterattack. If we want to evacuate safely, we must have Surface forces provide cover….”

"Okay, I understand. Please be safe."

"Yes, I will continue to report to you later!" Meng Xi hung up the communication device and said to several soldiers: "Just follow me, don't leave, and you don't need to participate in the battle."


The soldiers nodded.

A few minutes later.

In the Seventh District Naval Command, a senior general frowned and said: "In order to have only four thousand troops, we have to send two of our warships to the shore to take the risk. This...this tactic...isn't the cost-effectiveness too low?"

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