District 9

Chapter 1985 Attack the Hangar

In Hekou Port, Wang Tianhui's brigade has assembled in the square.

On the sea, two frigates of the Seventh District Navy protected a landing ship on the left and right sides and slowly docked on the shore.

The tail of the landing ship was inserted into the concave berth in the port, and a large number of naval soldiers fixed the boarding deck with chains and made preparations.

Qi Lin walked out of the camp and gave an order with a walkie-talkie: "Tanks and armored vehicles, get on the ship first, hurry up!"

The role of the landing ship is to fight on the beach. It has the ability to carry tanks, armored vehicles, and fighter jets. Its transportation purpose is greater than its combat purpose.

Qi Lin gave an order, and dozens of tanks and armored vehicles were dragged to the main deck of the landing ship on trucks. Then the soldiers who had been waiting for a long time began to board the ship one by one.

At this moment boarding the ship, the Eighth District and Sichuan Mansion had been waiting for several years. The important task of whether they could successfully capture Yandao also fell on Qi Lin.

The navy soldiers and grassroots officers in District 7 are very friendly towards the Sichuan troops. They do not need to consider competing for interests. They have never fought with the Sichuan troops before, so there is no problem of hatred. So they only knew that the troops boarding the ship were from the three major regions, and they were warrior troops who were going to sail to the sea to defend military sovereignty on the sea.

After everything was settled, the large landing ship slowly left the port. Under the protection of two frigates, it penetrated from behind the main force of the Navy in District 7 to the direction of Salt Island.

In Area 5, Military Port No. 1 was filled with the sound of gunfire and artillery. The originally orderly units in the port were all in chaos.

The command center in the port has immediately contacted the surrounding garrison troops and requested support, because they did not know how many troops there were in the sneak attack on the military port and what weapons they carried.

The unknown enemy is the most terrifying.

In the port, No. 1, No. 2, near the aircraft warehouse, Daya led the main force and had already killed them as fast as possible.

In modern warfare, what matters is quick strikes and precise strikes. The tactical goal of Daya and others is to destroy the military units and military supply units in the port to the greatest extent possible, rather than to cause massacres.

The aircraft warehouse in the port has great tactical significance and is obviously the primary target for destruction. This target was already determined by Daya before setting off.

The troops of nearly a thousand people encountered stubborn resistance from the enemy after arriving in the No. 1 and No. 2 aircraft warehouse areas.

The troops left behind in the port are mostly composed of new soldiers, but this does not mean that all combat units are mainly composed of new soldiers. There are still some veterans participating in the garrison. They commanded the newcomers and defended the perimeter of the hangar.

At the same time, the Hong Kong Air Force also assembled immediately after the attack, preparing to enter the hangar and fly the plane first. As long as the plane raises its altitude, safety is guaranteed.

"Da da da……!"

Around the hangar, there were random sounds of gunfire, and there were at least twenty firepower points from observation towers, security towers, infantry fortifications, and around the hangar, frantically blocking the main force in the Big Tooth Belt.

To the left of the hangar runway, Daya and others hid next to a building and attacked three times in a row, but with no effect.

"Fuck!" Da Ya cursed in disgrace, waved his hand and shouted: "Li Kai, Li Kai, come here."

"Here!" An officer ran over from behind.

Da Ya put his hand on the opponent's shoulder, pointed to the runway directly in front of the hangar and said: "See, if we want to rush to the hangar, we have to pass through the runway area. Even if we go diagonally, the target is at least five meters away." One hundred meters. Within these five hundred meters, if there is no obstruction, if you attack at points, you will be hit as a target."

"Yes." The officer nodded.

"Gather five hundred people," Daya said, pointing in the direction of the hangar: "Let me fight forward from this straight line. We rushed into the field from a long distance and did not carry a lot of heavy firepower. RPGs, mortars, want To strike accurately, you have to get close, I need space, do you understand?"

"Understood!" the officer replied decisively.

"Quick, gather the team."

"Yes!" the officer turned and left, waved his hand and shouted: "All the existing personnel of companies 4, 5, 6, and 7 are gathering towards me. They are only allowed to wear body armor, insert steel plates on their legs, and carry combat weapons. All other items are discarded. Drop it, hurry up!”

A large number of soldiers heard the shouting and immediately gathered in the direction of the officer. And the soldier named Xiaohui also shouted to his best comrade: "Pengzi, I'll go to Ang first!"

"Be careful about your fucking safety." Pengzi waved his hand and replied.

"You're so lucky, you can dodge every charge." Xiaohui cursed with some jealousy, and gathered towards the officer's side with his gun in hand.

Behind the building, Daya ordered another officer: "Deploy all RPGs and mortars. After our people launch an attack, you lead people forward and open fire about 200 meters away from the hangar."

"Understood!" The officer nodded.

Two minutes later.

A company-level officer named Li Kai, without a helmet on his head, only wearing a body armor, holding a machine gun, stood on the side of the main building and shouted: "Grandma, kill the hangar, and the radiation radius of their air force on the sea will be gone." . Time is running out, so the pre-war mobilization period is omitted. Damn it, you idiot, come after me!"



Five hundred people instantly poured out of the main building and rushed toward the hangar.

The gunshots that had been sparse just now sounded fiercely again.

These five hundred people are actually death squads, warriors who want to trade their lives for space. The direction they were running was towards the airstrip in front of the hangar, with no obstruction at all.

"Da da da!"




Machine guns and artillery fired simultaneously. People on the back side of the building saw with their own eyes that the hard airstrip was punched with holes by the enemy's firepower. They also saw with their own eyes that the five hundred compatriots who regarded death as if they were home. Like being cut wheat, he fell on the charge road.

Impact, must impact! Otherwise, what's the point of coming here?

When the impact reached a distance of three hundred meters, less than half of the five hundred people were still running.

Daya looked at the situation ahead and shouted with red eyes: "The distance is enough, all the remaining people come to me!! The front troops advance, and the rear troops help me rescue the injured comrades!"

"Come on!"

The remaining five hundred people rushed out from the other side of the building again.

With the soldiers in front blocking the fire, the losses of the main force coming up behind were very small. After people No. 60 and 70 rushed to a distance where they could strike accurately, they immediately set up RPGs and mortars.

"Don't grind, don't concentrate your fire. Whoever sets up first will be beaten by me." Daya shouted as he ran.

“Swish swish swish!”

He fired more than a dozen RPGs first, and the shells passed over the heads of his comrades and went straight to the hangar.

Near the cabin, the anti-aircraft interception units were unable to block the RPGs fired from low altitudes. Before the heads of various machine guns could be turned around, the shells arrived.


The area directly in front of Hangar No. 1 was instantly torn apart by artillery shells.

A few seconds passed, and all the small long-range firepower units on the periphery completed loading ammunition. This attack was a concentrated fire.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang...!"

Mortars, mixed with RPGs, and a concentrated fire directly shattered Hangar No. 1. Fires shot into the sky and thick smoke billowed.

"Hopefully, I'm here, I can get in, come with me!" Big Ya kept roaring, encouraging everyone.

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