District 9

Chapter 1966 Meeting Wu Bureau

In the battalion commander's reception room, Xiao Sang poured a cup of tea for Qin Yu, Bureau Wu, and Secretary Wen, then closed the door and left.

"You are very busy, I know that." Director Wu looked at Qin Yu with a smile: "Let's not talk in circles when we talk."

"Okay." Qin Yu nodded.

"Have you heard about Fengbei?" Bureau Wu intervened and asked.


"Do you have any ideas?" Bureau Wu looked at Qin Yu with interest and asked.

Qin Yu smiled bitterly, sighed and said: "Well, uncle, you know the current situation in the Old Triangle area... I haven't fully understood the matter in front of me, so what ideas can I have?"

"The matters in the Ninth District do not conflict with the matters in Yandao." Bureau Wu said concisely: "As soon as Lao He dies, space and time will all come to an end."

"Keep talking." Qin Yu smiled and nodded.

"As soon as Lao He died, the balance of the military and general administration of the nine districts was broken. All warlords have their own forces, and everyone has the opportunity to claim the highest power." Bureau Wu said with his fingers: "At present, the military and political forces are the largest. The Shen clique, the Sha clique, the Lu clique, and the Feng clique, which have always been at odds with each other, plus a party government and a He clique that has lost its leader, the game of chess in District 9 has been completely revived."

Qin Yu was silent.

"Xiao Yu, no matter what the final outcome of Yandao is, you still have the capital to get involved in this fight between dragons and tigers." Director Wu said with bright eyes: "You have a strong network advantage."

Qin Yu understood what the other party meant, but did not answer.

"You were born in the ninth district, and the current designation of the Sichuan Army is also listed in the World War II district. Plus you and I have this relationship, it is not difficult at all to get the support of the Zhou family. Liu Weiren, Zheng Kai, he was once your boss, and you have never lost contact with them. Every time you go back, you have to sit together." Bureau Wu pointed at Qin Yu and said, "So if you want to move, then No matter from which angle you look at it, it’s a famous example.”

Director Wu paused and continued: "Feng Xi and you also have a certain fate. Feng Yunian and you are old friends. Feng Ji also commanded your troops in the northwest battlefield. There is no communication barrier between you, and there is currently no interest. Conflict... So, if you come forward, they will most likely agree to cooperate. Because currently, the Shen family and the Sha family are the most powerful. If Lao Feng has his heart set on the highest position, then in the future, the relationship between them will be Opposite. Feng Chengzhang needs to integrate his forces, and the currently unified Sichuan government is obviously the best partner."

Qin Yu picked up the tea cup and thought carefully about Wu Ju's words.

"The Lu Clan had conflicts with the Shen Clan and the Sha Clan before due to internal power distribution issues, and you also have no direct conflict of interest with them. Then if the World War II Zone, the Feng Clan, and the Sichuan government are all together, the Lu Clan will The department's position may also be inclined to you." Bureau Wu stared at Qin Yu and concluded very straightforwardly: "As soon as Lao He dies, it is the best time for you to return to your hometown."

"Uncle, the Sichuan government has made very frequent military actions in recent years." Qin Yu frowned and said, "If military forces are sent out to participate in the internal battles in the ninth district... I will be under certain pressure here."

Director Wu intervened and looked at Qin Yu, and said succinctly: "Xiao Yu, not every force has the opportunity to aspire for the highest power. In addition to the resources of the ninth district, there is also the eighth district's Gu system behind you. This natural advantage is something that many people can seek but cannot get."

"Uncle, I have never thought about such a big thing." Qin Yu replied calmly: "I'll tell you the truth, the only possibility for me to send troops is if the Wu family cannot protect themselves in District 9."

Bureau Wu was startled when he heard this.

"This is also the reason why the second child stayed in Songjiang." Qin Yu replied with a calm expression: "For me, the help you and Wu Di have given me is something I will never forget in my lifetime."

Bureau Wu nodded slowly.

"When I helped the Gu clan fight the civil war, I did it out of repayment of gratitude." Qin Yu said with a slight frown: "But the current situation in the ninth district is very different from that in the eighth district. The factions there are too complicated and there are many warlords. Everyone has ambitions and prospects... I entered the market rashly, and once it becomes difficult to get out, it will drain the Sichuan government's economy and bring down the newly established government and the people's ecology."

"Haha, this is really not what you said." Director Wu smiled and shook his head: "I remember that you used to be a master who was not afraid of anything."

"It was different before. When I first came to Sichuan, I was a brigade commander, and the entire army only numbered more than 2,000 people." Qin Yu intervened and replied: "But now there are three or four civil servants in Sichuan. There are tens of millions of people, so every decision I make... must be made with great caution."

Director Wu nodded slowly: "I understand what you mean."

"Uncle, we don't talk in vain, nor do we say evasive and polite words." Qin Yu stared at him and replied seriously: "In the future, whether the Sichuan government will let mercenaries enter the customs depends on Yan. The final result of the Battle of the Island. If I win and my vitality is not damaged, I will give it a try with the World War II zone if conditions permit. But if the outcome of the war is not ideal, I will definitely stay in Sichuan. of."

Bureau Wu nodded slowly.

"Secondly, if the Wu family finds it difficult to escape, I am willing to send troops to welcome you to Sichuan Mansion." Qin Yu said with firm eyes: "And there is no difference between you here and in District 9."

"Ha ha!"

Bureau Wu laughed, reached out and patted Qin Yu on the shoulder and said, "Your words are enough for me, but I will not come to Sichuan Mansion."

Qin Yu looked at him and couldn't help but ask: "I don't understand, why do you have to...?!"

Bureau Wu also looked at Qin Yu. He had a lot to say to him, but in the end he couldn't say it out. He just smiled and replied: "This time, I don't want to lose."

Qin Yu looked at him and didn't know how to persuade him.

"Don't be mentally burdened. I came to you just to tell you where this opportunity lies. Whatever you do is correct." Director Wu stood up slowly: "Master, you are very busy here, so I won't Sorry to disturb you."

"The second battle may start soon, and I won't keep you here." Qin Yu stood up and said, "Let me think about the specific matters."

"Okay, I wish the coalition forces a triumphant victory." Bureau Wu patted Qin Yu's arm and greeted with a smile: "Let's go!"

Director Wu stayed in the camp for less than half an hour in total. After talking about the matter, he led Secretary Wen and others to leave.

Outside the camp, Qin Yu watched Bureau Wu's helicopter take off. The hesitant look on his face was gone, replaced by determination.

On the plane, Secretary Wen said to Director Wu: "I feel that it is unlikely that the Sichuan government will send troops..."

"How could someone whom Gu Tai'an values ​​so much have such an outlook?" Bureau Wu replied calmly: "My little disciple has grown up... and has become proficient in the art of the emperor."

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