District 9

Chapter 1965 Sorting out the chaos

Lao He died, but left behind a messy Fengbei City.

The protests have turned into riots. Memorial Square, train stations, and airports have been turned into a mess. The troops are maintaining stability and suppressing, but they cannot hold back the huge number of people. Moreover, the evil nature of many people was fully revealed at this moment, and they took advantage of the chaos to smash, loot, and cause the chaos to escalate again.

At the same time, several groups of troops in the city also became subtle at this moment. The party and government's self-defense forces dispatched the main force to immediately protect the government affairs building and surrounding offices. Many party and government leaders also took their relatives to heavily guarded units, for fear that something would go wrong. .

On the other end, the city defense garrison, Jia Zheng Brigade, also responded to the call of Huai Li, the Chief of Staff of the Military Department, and stationed all its troops near the General Administration Building and the Family Courtyard to clean up the fleeing military intelligence agents.

The most interesting thing is that the two regiments of the First Theater Command did not suppress the riots, and secondly they did not continue to help the General Administration of the Military Department to garrison. Instead, they withdrew with all their strength to protect the First Theater Command.

In the city, there were three groups of troops managed and led by different units. After Lao He's death, everyone seemed to be in danger...

Inside the First Theater Command.

Shen Wanzhou had already started his personal performance. He immediately dialed the phone number of the party and government leader Xiang, and said politely: "Old Xiang, congratulations on the death of the commander, and the whole region is sad... But the current behavior of Fengbei is also... It’s very serious.”

"Yes, the riot problem must be solved immediately." Chief Xiang frowned and asked, "Do you have any good ideas?"

"Move troops into the city and quickly maintain stability." Shen Wanzhou said eight words.

Mr. Xiang immediately understood what Shen Wanzhou meant, thought for a moment and said, "How many people are going to enter the city?"

"Add two divisions."

"Well, okay." Commander-in-Chief Xiang immediately replied: "The Self-Defense Army will fully support the troops entering the city to maintain stability. I also ask you, Old Shen, to work hard to quickly stabilize the military and political situation after Commander He is killed...!"

"I'll do my best." Shen Wanzhou replied politely.

"Okay, that's it."

After the words fell, the two ended the call.

Shen Wanzhou, an old fox, had two meanings in making this call to Director Xiang.

First, Lao He is dead, and the situation in Fengbei must be controlled, but how to control it? It's very simple, we need to mobilize troops into the city immediately. But there is not only the First Theater Command in the city, but also party and government units, and the General Administration of the Military Department. So I am calling you to respect you. I am politely greeting you, asking for your opinion, and asking you not to do anything. Think more.

Since ancient times, the city where the emperor is located has generally strictly prohibited heavy troops from entering the city.


Because no matter what direct lineage you transfer in, there is a possibility that it will rebel at any time. If heavy troops enter the pass and something happens, the consequences will be disastrous.

This is why there are three troops in Fengbei City led by completely different departments. The self-defense forces of the party and government, the two garrison regiments of the First Theater Command, and the two brigades of the military headquarters.

To put it bluntly, these three top leadership institutions also maintain a balance and restrict each other.

Second, if Lao He is dead, does the previous alliance still exist? Shen Wanzhou must know clearly what Mr. Xiang meant at this time. So when he mobilized troops into the city, he was also indirectly expressing his stance to Lao Xiang: No matter how the situation outside changes, our alliance will remain unchanged.

Mr. Xiang understood what Shen Wanzhou meant, so he chose to agree.

And there are also his own considerations in this: First, Lao He is dead. The largest force in the military and political side of the ninth district is undoubtedly the Shen family. They have a death grip with the Sand Clan and have 90,000 army troops that can be mobilized at any time, so Lao Shen is capable of controlling the situation. Second, the original proposal to unite with the party and government was proposed by Shen Wanzhou. Both parties had a basis of trust, so Lao Xiang made his position clear in a short period of time.

The dialogue between the two old foxes seems simple and unpretentious, but in fact it contains many political metaphors. They have already acquiesced that if Lao He dies, the next step will be to help Shen Wanzhou gain the highest military power.

After Shen Wanzhou finished the phone call with Commander-in-Chief Xiang, he immediately ordered the two divisions under the First Theater Command to quickly enter the city to quell the chaos.

In the office, the chief of staff looked at Shen Wanzhou and asked: "Lu Xi, where is Feng Xi...?"

"Let's talk about Lu Xi first." Shen Wanzhou thought for a moment and said, "I'm going to see Lu Bosen and talk to him personally."

"Feng's troops are approaching Fengbei." the chief of staff reminded.

Shen Wanzhou thought for a moment: "You can camp there, but you can't enter the city."

"I don't think Lao Feng will enter the city. This is too reckless." The chief of staff said in a low voice: "But what he has in mind is already obvious."

"Talk to him later." Shen Wanzhou replied calmly.

"Commander!" At this moment, an officer came over and said quickly: "General Staff Xue Huaili of the Military Department has just sent a telegram to the 218th and 219th Divisions on the south side of Changji to march towards Changji. Move and prepare to enter the city and garrison."

The chief of staff of the First Theater Command heard this and replied: "I don't plan to enter Fengbei. This is a sign of goodwill. I think we can talk to Lao Xue first. The old master is dead and the young master is weak...Old Xue should...!"

"No need to talk." Shen Wanzhou shook his head: "Xue Huaili will definitely reorganize the He family and help young He to succeed. His relationship with Lao He is the same as that between you and me."

The chief of staff was silent.

"Let's talk about the Lu family first." Shen Wanzhou looked at the chief of staff and said, "You make the arrangements."

Fengbei was in turmoil all night, and it didn't end until the early morning of the next day.

At 9:30 in the morning, two divisions under the First Theater Command entered the city to maintain stability, and the Self-Defense Forces clearly expressed their support. The General Administration of the Military Ministry, where Lao He was dead, also ordered the garrison regiment of the garrison to let him go without any obstruction.

The troops entered the city and the chaos was quickly suppressed. The Fengbei capital, which was in a mess, looked very depressed. Factories, shops, companies... are all closed, and there are few pedestrians on the streets. It looks like the end of the region has ushered in.

It’s around four o’clock in the afternoon, in the old triangle area, Hekou Port.

When Qin Yu was about to discuss with Pu Xi about the garrison in the Fuyang area, Xiao Sang suddenly entered the camp and shouted: "Commander, Director Wu Yuanshan is here."

Qin Yu was startled for a moment and immediately replied: "I'll pick him up."

A few minutes later, outside the camp, Qin Yu reached out to Director Wu and said, "Uncle, why didn't you say hello to me before you came."

"...I'm afraid you'll be too busy and won't see me, haha." Bureau Wu smiled and shook hands with Qin Yu.

"How is that possible?" Qin Yu immediately made a gesture of invitation: "Sit in the room, sit in the room."

Bureau Wu, who took a helicopter all the way from District 9 to the mouth of the river, showed no signs of fatigue on his face, and entered the camp with Qin Yu in high spirits.

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