District 9

Chapter 1953 Anti-war!

Inside the headquarters of the 1st Independent Division.

Qin Yu was a little worried about the situation of the Wu family, but at the moment he was on the front line and could not provide direct military support to the Wu Bureau.

Qi Lin sat on the chair and thought for a long time before saying: "The news that Director Wu is not dead probably cannot be hidden. Fengbei has opened fire, and the civil war may start soon. To be honest, I am not optimistic about the World War II zone ...We and the Gu family are now dragged to the old triangle area, without external military support, just relying on...!"

"Now it depends on the choice between Feng Xi and Lu Xi." Qin Yu thought for a long time and said: "I'm hesitant whether to call the teacher."

Qi Lin knew that the teacher Qin Yu was referring to was Feng Yunian, so he slowly shook his head and said, "I don't think he can influence Feng Xi's choice. Calling him will only embarrass you all."

"Alas." Qin Yu sighed: "I want to contact Director Wu, hoping they can delay it for a certain period of time until Lao Sanjia is over."

Qi Lin thought about it for a long time: "It's over. I personally think it's difficult for Governor Gu to get you to intervene."

Qin Yu turned to look at Qi Lin: "Let's help the Wu family and not attack the World War II zone."

Seeing Qin Yu's insistence, Qi Lin shook his head helplessly and did not answer.

At 10 a.m., the General Administration of Military Affairs issued a statement, claiming that the World War II regional headquarters had always been outside the command center. The anti-regional forces headed by Commander Zhou had long formed parties for personal gain, and formed small groups and circles. Most of the military orders are based on pushback and prevarication... Therefore, in order to ensure the stability and stability of the 9th Special Zone and that the unified situation is not broken up, the General Administration of Military Affairs may adopt tough military measures.

The war of words has begun. The people are not too concerned about who is the evil and the white between the two major military and political forces. Instead, they are worried about how to ensure their own safety once the war starts, and whether their industry, property, and family will be affected by the war. , suffered infringement.

It's about two o'clock in the afternoon.

A well-known European military journalist in Fengbei suddenly published an article of more than 20,000 words. The core of the article was to call for an end to the civil war. He used very sharp words and pointedly pointed out that two generations of people in the region have contributed absolutely to the construction and economic development of the region. Everyone hopes for peace and does not want war to happen... He repeatedly questioned the General Administration of the Military Department , as well as the World War II regional headquarters, the taxes paid by the people, and the military expenditures provided for the region, do they only exist to fight the civil war? Is it just to provide supplies and ammunition for the warlords to fight for power? In the event of war, who can guarantee that people's property safety will not be infringed? !

This post quickly spread on media platforms. The General Administration of Military Affairs, as well as the media controlled by the party and government, immediately strangled, refrigerated, and deleted the post, but it still could not stop its fermentation.

Less than half an hour later, a retired professor who had served as a deputy director in a political agency also posted an article online with the title: "Fighting on the front line, fighting in the back!" The congratulatory warlords look too ugly" post.

The content of this post is also very objective and realistic. It lists a series of reactions of the nine districts after the attack on Tianjin Port. This includes the fact that Xiang Zehao was fired as commander after the self-defense counterattack, the objective fact that the current war situation in the Old Triangle area is not conducive to the Gu and Sichuan factions, and the current number of army troops in the ninth district, etc.

In the post, the retired professor repeatedly asked the He regime why the Ninth Special Administrative Region did not increase its troops to the Old Triangle after the attack on Tianjin Port. Why do you have the time to fight the civil war, but don't have the anger and courage that your Chinese compatriots should have? !

These two posts were also fermented on the Eighth District Media and the Seventh District Media respectively. However, the official media in District 7 deleted part of it to control the direction of public opinion, while the official media in District 8 ignored it at all and allowed the public to discuss it.

It was about five o'clock that night.

In Fengbei City, the capital of the ninth district, people began to take to the streets for orderly demonstrations, calling on both sides to stop the civil war and not bring war disasters to the people in the district.

The scale of the demonstration was originally small, but strangely, some students from high-end colleges and universities gradually joined in, and a large-scale protest broke out in the evening.

There are rumors outside that this march was carefully planned by someone to deliberately take advantage of public opinion; others say that it was the people, knowledgeable people, and students who felt that a civil war was about to happen, so they voluntarily took to the streets to appeal and protest... …

In short, after the opening of the northern pass of Fengbei last night and the fermentation throughout the day, the war-weariness of the people reached the extreme!

Who wants to see a war in their hometown? Especially fighting a civil war. When the war breaks out and three urban areas fall, how can people survive? !

Inside Fengbei Military and Political Headquarters.

Listening to the garrison's report, Lao He frowned and said, "Someone is fanning the flames."

"Definitely." The garrison commander nodded and replied: "If no one was involved, the size of the parade would not grow so fast."

"Block on the outside and arrest on the inside." Lao He stood up slowly and said: "Your garrison is responsible for maintaining law and order in the city. Your attitude must be friendly, and you must focus on evacuation and dissuasion. The Secret Military Investigation Bureau will quickly investigate and arrest those who secretly instigated the trouble. One group, one group will be killed."

"Yes!" Zhang Jiang did not receive much accountability for the escape of Wu Di and Deputy Director Dong because he had done a good job. He captured the station commander of Fengbei Station alive, killed Guo Xing, and arrested more than 200 key members of the Military Supervision Bureau. This achievement was enough for him to do his job.

After listening to Lao He's order, the brigade commander of the garrison immediately reminded: "...Commander, a mass incident broke out in the city, and Liu Weiren's division is eyeing it outside. We must fully consider the security issues in the city."

Lao He frowned and walked around the room, then suddenly turned back and asked, "What do you mean?"

"We can allow the First War Zone to mobilize troops into the city to maintain stability."

"...!" Lao He lowered his head and pondered for a few seconds, then waved his hand directly: "There is no need to send troops from the first theater of war. Telegraph Jia Zheng's brigade to let them enter the city."

"Yes!" The staff officer next to him nodded immediately.

"Before this civil war ends, any troops above the battalion level are not allowed to enter the city without permission without receiving an order from the General Administration of Military Affairs." Lao He specifically asked.


Outside Fengbei City, in a very cheap boarding and lodging shop, Director Wu was sitting at the table wearing a shabby military coat with messy hair, eating a bowl of noodles.

After a while, a man walked in and whispered: "Uncle!"

"Sit down and eat some noodles." Director Wu greeted with a smile.

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