District 9

Chapter 1952 The tragic retreat

As soon as the 116th Division's artillery fired, all the troops in Fengbei City immediately became nervous.

In the General Administration Building of the Military Headquarters, Commander He stood up calmly and issued an order: "Call to the First Theater Command and order them to assemble the troops in the city and immediately provide support to the north entrance. At the same time, let the city defense garrison at least give me Deploy a regiment to protect the safety of the headquarters."


The chief of staff nodded immediately.

"Call Zhang Jiang and ask him how his progress is. He was the one who made the first move. He can't let these people in the city go out before my eyes." Commander He said with raised eyebrows.

Two minutes later, after Zhang Jiang learned of the fighting at Beiguankou, he immediately gathered all the backbone forces of the Secret Investigation Bureau and rushed to the scene. The troops in the World War II area were at an absolute disadvantage. They did not have the ability to start wars one after another at the other three city gates. In addition, the defenders in the city are either from the party and government, or from the General Administration of Military Affairs and the Shen clique. These three have firmly controlled the air control. It is impossible for helicopters to fly out from here, so Wu Di, Old Dong, And if Guo Xing and others want to escape, they can only rely on the battle at Beiguankou.

North Pass.

The rocket battalion's artillery shells were hitting the North Pass intensively and accurately. Without facing the enemy directly, the defenders inside the pass could only stick to the defense zone and suffer the baptism of artillery fire.

The sound of artillery continued for more than ten minutes, and the garrison at the pass was severely beaten. But this does not mean that the defenders are weak, that the air defense units have no combat capabilities, or that they are poorly prepared, etc. But from the moment the cannon sounds, it means that someone is going to die and be sacrificed. This is the inevitable result of war.

As soon as the sound of artillery stopped, the three forward regiments of the 116th Division pounced directly on and launched an attack into the pass.

Tanks and armored vehicles all launched an attack on the garrison points in the city. Coupled with the pull of the infantry combat units from the outside, they attacked the inside with great momentum.

Three regiments fighting two garrison regiments. Although they have some advantages in terms of strength, they are at an absolute disadvantage in terms of geographical location and combat environment.

The garrison regiment, which had been shelled for more than ten minutes, began to counterattack frantically after the opponent approached.

Under the city wall, gunpowder smoke filled the air, there were bursts of cannon fire, and fierce gunfire. A large number of soldiers died tragically in the impact and defense, and the corpses almost filled the city gate.

Inside the city.

More than twenty cars suddenly appeared on the street, and people from the Military Supervision Bureau arrived, preparing to quickly evacuate Fengbei in the event of a small-scale military war.

In the center of the convoy, Lao Dong looked at the battlefield at Chengguan and said very fast: "Look for a gap in the shelling, and the convoy rushes over, quick!"

The order was issued, and more than 20 vehicles rushed to the defense area.

"Da da da……!"

Soon the soldiers of the garrison near the city gate reacted and began to use machine guns and RPGs to shoot towards this side.


The commander of the combat regiment of the 116th Division took a walkie-talkie and shouted: "Second Battalion Reconnaissance Company, fight through the gap at all costs and cover the people from the Military Supervision Bureau when they come out. Quick!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a reorganized reconnaissance company, wearing combat equipment armed to the teeth, forced their way in through the gap. Their combat mission today is to rush into the defense zone and pick up the evacuees.

on the street.

The convoy of the Military Supervision Bureau, under fire from the opponent's machine guns and attacks from aerial helicopters, was forced to stop the attack, rushed out of the car, and scattered towards the surrounding buildings and areas to find cover.

Old Dong was about the same age as Director Wu. After running fast for a while, he became short of breath and his face was covered with sweat.

"Two people, let Xiaodi get out first." Lao Dong held on to the trunk of a big tree and shouted while panting.

"Let's go together, Uncle Dong!!" Wu Di turned around and supported Old Dong.

"You are the only seedling... you have to rush out no matter what you say..." Lao Dong pushed him and shouted: "I am already this age, if I die, I will die... Hurry, you go first!"

While everyone was attacking through the complex terrain, personnel from the Secret Investigation Bureau operating in the city also arrived at the scene and began to pursue from the rear.

Near the city pass, the battlefield was extremely chaotic at the moment. The troops of the 116th Division, regardless of the battle losses, had already invaded many small-scale troops, disrupting the defense area of ​​the garrison. On the street side of the city, the backbone of the Military Supervision Bureau was also taking advantage of the complex surrounding terrain to attack outwards, so there were gunshots and artillery sounds everywhere.

At the gap where the city wall was penetrated by artillery shells, the reconnaissance company that came to respond was crippled by the defenders and forced to withdraw from the battlefield after forcibly advancing less than 500 meters.

Immediately afterwards, two more companies attacked from this point, seamlessly connecting the reconnaissance company's combat area and continuing to advance.

In this way, after grinding one hundred meters and one hundred meters, attacking at multiple points and angles, two troops finally got rid of the defenders in some areas and picked up Wu Di and others.

But at this time, a large number of military intelligence personnel from the Secret Investigation Bureau had also arrived at the scene. They pursued, arrested, and killed many key personnel of the Military Supervision Bureau who were responsible for covering.

During this breakout, the commander of the Fengbei Station of the Military Supervision Bureau was shot by a gunman and captured alive. In order to save him, almost all other core members of the Fengbei Station died in battle...

Near the gap in the city wall, Wu Di first pushed the exhausted old Dong and sent him out, then turned around and shouted: "Uncle Guo, Uncle Guo...!"

Behind him, Guo Xing, who was running, raised his head and shouted: "Come out... come out."


There was a sound of breaking through the air, and Guo Xingben turned his head and looked to the back.


A mortar shell fell and directly broke the tree trunk. With his ears roaring, Guo Xing's abdomen was ripped apart by the shrapnel from the explosion, and he fell on the spot.

People like Guo Xing and Old Dong are all old friends who have worked with Bureau Wu for many years. They all watched Wu Di grow up. They are not related by blood, but they all have an uncle-nephew relationship.

"Uncle Guo!!"

Wu Di glared and was about to rush over.

"Xiao Di, let's go... let's go...!" Guo Xing lay on the ground, vomiting blood and roared: "If you fail, you will bring the fire from the Military Supervision Bureau to Sichuan Mansion..."

Wu Di refused to listen to his dissuasion and tried to run back, but was grabbed by the soldiers who rushed in and dragged him away.

Guo Xing died under a broken tree, only one step away from the city wall where he could escape. The remaining core members of the Military Supervision Bureau also lost nearly half when they evacuated. Some high-level officials were arrested, while others were shot dead on the scene...

The three combat regiments of the 116th Division began a large-scale evacuation after receiving their core members. The Rocket Battalion, which had already moved forward, bombarded the North Pass twice and carried out cover bombing.

Early morning.

In the Feng Family Villa on Maple Leaf Avenue in Songjiang, Feng Chengzhang said with some surprise: "Why did Lao Zhou suddenly order the troops to open fire at this time? What confidence does he have? Didn't Lao Wu...?!"

In the early morning of that night, all the major factions in District Nine were mobilizing their troops, ready to go into battle at any time.

Early on the next morning, at around 7 o'clock, the official media of the World War II Zone informed the people of the region through the public media platform and the media platforms of the Seventh and Eighth Districts. The general content is as follows.

"Since the He clique warlords took over the supreme military power, they have been wooing other military and political forces to isolate and use despicable tactics to suppress troops and command units with different opinions. The Ninth District World War II District Headquarters has always been based on the security of the region. , protecting people's property and rights is the ultimate goal, but he is considered by the He government to be a disobedient military and political enemy who constantly mediates. In this case of the assassination of the director of the Military Supervision Bureau in Songjiang, everyone knows the culprit. Last night In the early morning, many military units led by the He clique warlords arrested and killed generals and staff of the Military Supervision Bureau without any legal basis. This was an extremely despicable and powerful approach... For this reason The World War II Regional Command officially announced today that it will not recognize the leadership of the He clique warlords and may use military means to ensure that the rights and interests of the region are not infringed."

In this announcement, the World War II Regional Command detailed the military expenditures and supplies it should have received from the General Administration of Military Affairs in recent years, and also listed the amount withheld by the other party.

As soon as the announcement came out, all walks of life in the nine districts were in an uproar. The day when the civil war officially begins is obviously not far away.

Estuary area.

Qin Yu looked at the reports in the major media and sighed: "Alas, Bureau Wu and Commander Zhou still haven't suppressed it... the civil war is probably going to break out in advance."

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