District 9

Chapter 1937 Land and air linkage

On the battlefield of Sanfeng Mountain, the back-order regiment of the Northeast Theater of the Fifth District, with a total of 60,000 people, advanced from three directions.

In the air, bombers and enemy fighter planes dispatched from the two air force bases carried out bombings in batches and on a large scale non-stop towards the main garrison location of the Gu Corps in Sanfeng Mountain.

The land and air teamed up to create a thunderous momentum.

There are about 60,000 people in Gu's northwest advance army. However, after the shortage in the Fuyang area, Teng Fatty's Division and Xiao Ke's Division have been separated from the main battlefield. This means that the main force currently guarding Sanfeng Mountain is only about 40,000. , some of which are logistics supply units.

The Gu system's position in Sanfeng Mountain is spread out along the perimeter of the main peak, and it has an absolute advantage in terms of geographical location. But at this moment, the defense line of the fifth district in the Fuyang area is also suffering from the impact of the Pu clique corps, and is in a worrying situation. Therefore, the back-up troops of the Northeast Theater District responsible for the attack here are all rushing forward as if they were on a chicken blood.

The enemy's first attacking troops were mostly armored regiments and armored divisions. They used the impact of tanks and armored vehicles to tear apart Gu's defense line. Later, in conjunction with the group-type artillery regiment fully loaded with ammunition, the densest artillery shells were used to clean the Gu system's hard defense area.

At the same time, bombers and enemy fighter planes dispatched from the two air force bases also specially selected the air defense units and heavy firepower units of the Gu department for attack.

For a time, the Gu Department's defense area was filled with gunpowder smoke, with artillery pits and bombed-out fortifications everywhere.

The enemy continued to attack for about half an hour. After paying an extremely painful price, the opponent's armored regiments and armored divisions finally reached the front of the Gu system's defense area.

Immediately afterwards, the fully mechanized infantry combat units launched a large-scale group charge before the soldiers in the Gu department had fully recovered.

The soldiers standing on the main peak of Sanfeng Mountain looked around and saw soldiers charging towards them from the enemy. A bloody close-quarters battle was inevitably going to break out.

Behind the main peak, in the command camp of Gu's northwest advance army, Gu Yan held military communication equipment and shouted in a hoarse voice: "How about the No. 5 defense zone on the south side of the main peak? Can it hold on?"

"General Commander, our unit has engaged the opponent's infantry unit. There are about 3,000 people attacking this side. The forward defense area cannot be defended. We have launched a close-range fight with the opponent in the central area. At present...it is still You can hold on." The other party immediately replied.

"Pay attention to the dynamics of the battlefield in real time. Your side is very important. If you have a hunch that you can't hold it, you must say hello in advance and ask the troops in the secondary defense zone next to you to shrink back and provide support to you." Gu Yan said quickly.


"That's it." Gu Yan hung up the communication device and reached out to pick up another one.

"Reporting to the Commander-in-Chief, the 1st Regiment of the New Second Division in the No. 4 Small Defense Zone in the front of the main peak has... been penetrated, and the regiment leader has also died..." The communications officer in charge of wiring next to him looked at Gu with a trembling voice. Yan said.

Gu Yan paused and immediately shouted: "Let the new second fucking division continue to send people to this point!"

"The main force of the new second division is now at the forefront to resist the enemy's main force." A staff officer turned to Gu Yan and said: "He... they were the first to engage the enemy, and now they are mixed with the opponent's attacking troops. , can’t be evacuated.”

Gu Yan forced himself to calm down, lowered his head and thought for two seconds before saying, "Where is the 146th Group? Where are they? Can they get there?"

"They have also engaged the enemy and are holding on to the north side of the main peak." Another major officer stood up and replied.

Gu Yan gritted his teeth and cursed with a livid face: "CNM! I don't believe it. With 40,000 regular troops, relying on such a favorable terrain, how the hell can't they withstand the opponent's attack for several rounds?! Inform the logistics department! , all put on my field equipment and enter the front battlefield to fight."

"Yes!" the staff officer replied.

Gu Yan turned around and looked outside and shouted: "The guard camp is gathered. In addition to the civilian staff, all the other officers at the headquarters are also gathered. Damn it, get your gun, put on your equipment, follow me to the inner No. 4 defense area, block it Kouzi, hurry up!”

"Commander-in-Chief, you... you cannot leave the command post. You have to give orders here."

"The battle has gone so far, why do you still have hundreds of people watching here to give some bullshit orders?! A forward commander, doesn't he even know how to fight basic defensive battles? Huh?!" Gu Yan glared. Zhuzi shouted: "Send someone from the general staff to stay here to dispatch the troops. The others follow me, hurry up!"

Two minutes later, the guard battalion that had been waiting for the battle was assembled. Gu Yan led the officers and generals from the headquarters directly along the mountain road to the main peak, and advanced towards the No. 4 defense position at an extremely fast speed.

Gu Yan personally led the troops to rush forward, not because he had to prove anything, but because the enemy's offensive troops were blind and defeated the No. 4 inner defense zone. This place is less than two kilometers away from the command camp. If it is breached and the opponent passes through along the mountain road, the troops at other defensive points will definitely have to retreat to defend, and the hole will be opened wider and wider by the opponent.

Gu Yan stepped on the muddy mountain road and ran as hard as he could. The battle has reached this point, with more than 100,000 people on both sides fighting together. It is no longer possible to fight according to the offensive and defensive examples in the textbooks. The battlefield is already chaotic and anything can happen. Whether you are a general or a soldier, if you fail to protect all the cannonballs, they will fall on your head.

As long as they don't retreat, there is no absolute safety, and the prince's halo is useless. Only by fighting to the death can we win and defend our position.

The further we ran, the clearer the gunfire sounded. The white snow in the mountains reflected the crystal light, and the dead trees blocked everyone's sight.


Suddenly, a beam of fire spurted out from the left side without warning. The two guards running at the front were instantly ignited. Their bodies were covered in flames, and they screamed and plunged into the snow shell.

"Enemies, there are enemies!!"

"Da da da……!"

Machine gunfire rang out wildly, the two sides encountered each other, and the close-range fighting officially began.

"Da da, da da da...!"

Gu Yan held the gun, hid behind the tree, and started shooting with great accuracy.

"The first company is approaching me and pushing them back from the left!" the first company commander waved his hands and roared, leading more than a hundred soldiers and rushing directly into the woods on the left.

Bliss on the battlefield.

An hour and a half of rest time has passed.

Xiaobai saw a large number of soldiers bending down and pouring out of the trenches of the Pu system's forward position.

"They are about to charge." The chief of staff held a telescope and lay in the snow shell and said: "But... but that's not right. How come they have divided their troops? Each team only has a hundred or so people. What does this mean? Why not Concentrate your forces to attack one point?"

At the Pu Department's forward position, Pu Xingbang stared at the enemy defense area on the left ridgeline of Lingqiu Mountain and said: "No. 1 Company, prepare to attack!"

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