District 9

Chapter 1936: Changing Pu to Prosper the Nation

Pu Xingbang's 197th Brigade, which belongs to the combat sequence of the 56th Army of the Pu faction, suffered heavy losses in the previous defensive battles. Many of the main regiments and main battalions of the army were disabled, so they were withdrawn from the main battlefield. , returned to the Menghan area for rest.

However, after the Pu clique began to counterattack Fuyang, the front line has been very tight. Pu Xingbang, who was always thinking about the battle situation, temporarily gathered a regiment from the army and followed the large army to perform some covering attacks or Retreat mission.

At this moment, the large army's attack on Fu Yang was not going well, so Pu Xiazi transferred his son up again.

In the trenches of the forward front.

Pu Xingbang led six guard soldiers, bent down to avoid the artillery fire, and got into the underground fortifications in disgrace. After saluting, he shouted: "Commander of the 197th Brigade, Pu Xingbang is here to report!"

Pu Xiazi looked back at his son, and pointed at the temporary composition of the staff with an expressionless face. He clearly introduced the battlefield situation: "The offensive of the large forces did not go smoothly, and the forward artillery regiment position was also destroyed by the enemy's air force. If we attack from the rear again, By improvising heavy firepower, we lost the best opportunity to attack. Therefore, I now need a strong general who can push me to the vicinity of Lingqiu Mountain and defeat the enemy's stubborn defense areas in the center of the mountain and on both sides of the ridgeline."

Pu Xingbang was startled for a moment, then immediately shouted: "I am a warrior!"

As soon as these words came out, all the generals in the room collectively took a step forward. Wu Minsu, the commander-in-chief responsible for commanding the attack on Fuyang, was the first to shout: "Commander, I am willing to lead people to attack, let me go!"

"Commander, let me go!"


All the generals asked for battle one after another. Whether they were older senior generals or new generation officers, they all had a firm attitude and looked straight ahead.

Pu Xiazi didn't look at the others, he just pointed at Pu Xingbang and asked, "Why did I let you come?"

"Because I am your son. If you have to risk your life, I will go first." Pu Xingbang replied simply.

"That's you." Pu Xiazi pointed at his son and said, "I will immediately order the frontline troops to retreat and regroup, giving you an hour and a half to prepare and mobilize. An hour and a half later, we will launch a full-scale counterattack again."

"Yes!" Pu Xingbang stood at attention and saluted.

Balai looked at Pu Xingbang and urged in an urgent tone: "Commander, or let...?!"

"He is a soldier and a brigade commander. He has no special aura on the battlefield." Pu Xiazi replied succinctly: "The 197th Brigade is the bravest unit of our Pu Department. In tough operations, it has experience and experience that other units cannot match. Courage. Since Pu Xingbang leads this unit, he must continue this courage and spirit. The order has been issued and there is no need for further discussion."

"Commander, I'm going to organize the troops." Pu Xingbang stared at his father for two seconds before decisively turning around and leaving.

As soon as he left, the entire headquarters of the Pu faction was inexplicably filled with a feeling of humiliation and tragedy.

Pu Xiazi did not look at the direction in which his son was walking out, but immediately said to the two guards: "You take a detour from the rear, go to the southwest of Fuyang to find the 191st Brigade of Sichuan Province, and tell their commander to postpone the attack and wait for me. The military troops opened the gap in the Fuyang defense area, and then they launched a full-scale attack."

"Yes!" the guard replied after saluting.

About forty minutes later, on the southwest side of Fuyang, in the enemy's outer defense area captured by the 191st Brigade, Xiaobai, wrapped in a military coat, looked up at the sky and cursed: "What are you doing? How can their air force bomb a round?" Just put out the fire?"

"Yeah, I can't understand it either." The chief of staff also said in confusion: "Is their air force going back for supplies?"

"The supplies are not that good." After Xiaobai finished school, he had already added very basic military knowledge: "Their air force destroyed the Pu faction's artillery regiment positions in one round, and also destroyed many air defense units. The basic advantage has been established. Even if we go back to resupply, the enemy aircraft will definitely not leave and should cover the garrison positions in Lingqiu Mountain."

"Then what's going on?" The chief of staff couldn't figure it out either.

"Damn it, if the air force doesn't show up, I won't dare to attack blindly." Xiaobai cursed a little irritably.

"Report to the brigade commander, someone from the Pu Clan Corps is here." The scout soldier ran over and shouted.

"Quickly, please come here!" Xiaobai stood up.

After a while, two guards were brought to Xiao Bai.

"Ura Corps, Headquarters Guard Battalion, Company and Platoon Commander Moritai are reporting to you!" the guard shouted after saluting.

"Thank you, brother!" Xiaobai patted the other party's shoulder and asked in a low voice: "What instructions does Commander Pu have?"

"Report to Brigadier Bai that the commander of our army has ordered the forward troops to assemble and prepare to attack the enemy's mountain center and the hardest defense areas on both sides of the ridge line. He asked you to order the 191st Brigade after our army penetrates the enemy's defense area. Conduct a general attack." the guard replied.

Xiaobai blinked and immediately asked: "Do you know why the enemy's air force only fought for one round and there was no movement?"

"I don't know about that." The guard shook his head.

Xiaobai thought about it for a long time and immediately replied: "Send a message to Commander Pu for me. We will attack according to the plan he made."

"Yes!" The guard saluted and replied, "Then let's go."

"Brother, have you had dinner tonight?"

"Report sir, not yet!"

"Xiao Liu, get these two brothers two packs of plastic-wrapped beef." Xiao Bai smiled and said to the other guard: "It's not easy to get through from your side. Thank you for your hard work, brother!"

The young guard didn't expect the brigade commander of Chuanfu to be so kind, so he smiled shyly.

After the two guards left, the chief of staff looked at Xiaobai and asked: "The defense area around Lingqiu Mountain is so hard. I think it is unrealistic for Pu Xi to chew it up in one round."

"It's hard to say." Xiaobai shook his head and immediately replied: "Instruct all troops to stay still for now. The brigade headquarters will move forward five hundred meters. I want to see for myself how the Pu faction fights this critical battle."


The Pu system's forward position is in the trench closest to the direction of Lingqiu Mountain.

Pu Xingbang put down the military binoculars and whispered to the regimental deputy next to him: "Let all the soldiers in the regiment assemble in company units, and all battalion-level officers will be transferred to the combat companies, and they will personally lead the attack later."

"Yes!" The regimental deputy nodded without hesitation.

Pu Xingbang squinted in the direction of Lingqiu Mountain: "The opponent's defense area is very densely arranged. The reason why we couldn't penetrate before was because our troops have never penetrated the defense areas on both sides of the ridge line head-on. The enemy can attack while attacking. Mobilize troops within the defense zone and strengthen the combat capabilities of the defense zone. Therefore, we only have one chance, and we must penetrate them in one go, otherwise once we retreat and they continue to add troops to the defense zone, the advantage we have gained will disappear."

"Yes." The regimental deputy nodded and asked: "But our artillery regiment position has been destroyed. We currently have no heavy fire support. If we want to attack this defense area..."

"Distribute all the weapons in the regiment that are capable of directional blasting and area-of-effect destruction to the soldiers on a per-person basis. If there are not enough weapons, let other regiments borrow them." Pu Xingbang said expressionlessly: "The cannon is gone, but the explosives are still there. I'll take them." Send people into the opponent's defense zone!"

The back side of Lingqiu Mountain.

Jiang Hanshan couldn't hear the news of the attack for a long time, and he felt restless for no reason.

Just when the Fuyang area was in a stalemate, the Sanfeng Mountain battlefield also ushered in a very brutal positional battle. The follow-up troops in the Northeast Theater of District Five burst out all their energy and wanted to capture this place...

Gu's northwest advance army, which is at a disadvantage in terms of military strength, has already been shaken by various defense zones...

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