District 9

Chapter 1923 Second Attack

In the armaments camp, Daya, He Dachuan, Ai Hao, Meng Xi and others were looking at the neatly stacked combat supplies in various areas.

"Can I take a closer look?" He Dachuan said, pointing to the pile of goods.

"Watch as you like." Da Ya nodded.

He Dachuan climbed up the pile of goods, reached out and opened a few bags, looked at the thermal clothes inside, as well as the gas bottles, ignition guns and other equipment piled next to them, and immediately said: "Are you ready to bring all of these?"

"Yes." Da Ya's adjutant nodded.

"These are useless." He Dachuan shook his head and said in the simplest words: "No matter how thick the warm clothes are, they can't protect you from the cold outdoors. You don't have a tent, and if this person doesn't move around, his body temperature won't be able to rise. Come on, lie down in the snow, your body will be cold from the inside out. With such a thick thermal clothing wrapped inside, you also need to wear a layer of insulating clothing... coupled with a body armor... this is too heavy."

Daya listened and replied: "You continue talking."

"If a person wants to move, he should not have too many armaments on his body. He must lose weight and retain his strength." He Dachuan pointed at the ignition gun and said, "This is useless."

"How to solve the problem of keeping out the cold?" the adjutant asked.

Ai Hao put his hands in his sleeves and said, "Basin lamp."

"What kind of pot lamp?" The adjutant didn't respond for a moment.

"The old-fashioned pot lamp used to bake the fuel tank of a truck outside the area." Aihao explained softly: "A group of eight to ten people with two oil cans, use it to keep warm when not moving around, there is no open flame, and there is no Leaving something to burn solves the problem of keeping out the cold.”

Da Ya nodded.

"I won't bring the compressed military dry food. There are too few calories to supplement this." He Dachuan looked at the pile of food and said: "Only bring beef jerky, preferably air-dried bacon, and soldiers must bring a certain amount of drinking wine. Alcohol. You should take a few sips of this at critical moments, it can save your life. If someone has frostbite, rub it with alcohol, and the effect will be faster than using medicine."

He Dachuan, Ai Hao and others not only often have to go through the woods and run on the road, but after finishing their work, they also have to avoid encirclement and detection by the garrison troops. Therefore, it is true that they are sneaky and cunning. It is incomparable to ordinary people.

"It was very professional." The adjutant praised.

"This is nothing." He Dachuan couldn't help but feel that he was pretending: "There are more than two thousand people in Xingshan who live in an environment of 30 to 40 degrees below zero all day long. If they don't have any survival experience... they won't be... If people are suppressed, they will freeze to death."

"Haha, yes, keep reading." Da Ya replied with a smile.

This operation started with a narrow escape, so Ai Hao and He Dachuan both tried their best. They looked carefully in the warehouse, cleared away a lot of useless military supplies, and added a lot of more practical and lightweight items.

At the door, when Daya was about to leave first, he noticed that Meng Xi had been standing outside the circle without saying a word.

"What's wrong, why are you standing here?" Da Ya asked proactively.

"Commander Wang, I was just about to tell you that I personally think there can be some changes to the planned route you mentioned before." Meng Xi thought for a moment and replied.

Daya knew that Meng Xi had certain military accomplishments, so he took the initiative to ask: "How to change it?"

"The route you chose is indeed relatively close to the destination, but it has to pass through the supply line behind the enemy's rear. If you are not careful, you can easily be exposed." Meng Xi replied softly: "We are not a team of 180 people. There are thousands of people, and no matter how hidden it is, there is no guarantee that problems will arise in any link."

"you mean?"

"Change the road and take Niutoushan." Meng Xi paused and replied.

Da Ya's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"Can I go to your brigade headquarters? I want to point you on the map." Meng Xi said.

"Okay, come with me to the brigade headquarters." At this moment, Daya really felt that the people Qin Yu selected for him were all relatively useful, and each of them had some special skills.

While Daya was making urgent preparations, the command centers of the Pu, Gu, and Sichuan factions also began to issue combat orders to core officers to prepare for a full-scale counterattack.

District 9, Songjiang.

Just when the fighting on the front line was getting tense, an army in Songjiang led by Zheng Kai in the World War II area and a division headed by Sha Zhongwei in the First Theater area had already faced off against the chariots, horses and artillery, and entered a period of military confrontation.

WWII Area Headquarters.

Commander Zhou held the phone, frowned and said to Bureau Wu: "I thought about it, but I still need to try to get the attitude of the Eighth District."

"I don't think it's of much use. Without revitalizing the ninth district, Gu Tai'an will never enter." Director Wu said very decisively: "The more difficult the situation is, the more we need to open up the situation ourselves."

"Even if he doesn't come in, if he supports us from outside, he will still be of critical help." Commander Zhou replied.

"Then you should communicate with them and see what they mean." Director Wu replied.

"Well, I will send people to the Eighth District." Commander Zhou walked to the window and replied: "You should also check the Feng family's intentions over there. It is best to let your people meet with the Feng family before mediating."

Bureau Wu thought for a moment: "I'll let Ma Laoer go."

"Okay, that's it."

After saying that, the two ended the call.

Commander Zhou stood at the window, thought for a while and then shouted: "Ask Liu Weiren to send a staff officer and fly to the Eighth District immediately."

"Yes!" the adjutant called back at the door.

Half an hour later.

Liu Weiren, who had been prepared for a long time, sent staff from his division and flew directly to Yanbei in the eighth district.

Around 12 noon.

While the pre-war meeting was being held at the Pu Department Headquarters, the forward troops of the Northeast Theater District of the Fifth District once again passed through the Naypyitaw area and launched an attack on the withdrawal location of the 56th Army with a very determined attack attitude.

Long-range firepower units, combined with multiple artillery regiments at close range, hit the defense areas of the 56th Army indiscriminately.

In the Pu Department Headquarters, Blind Pu frowned and cursed: "As soon as we made some move here, the other side started attacking again. This is so fucking weird. Did the news leak out?!"

Not only did the Pu Clan suffer a second violent attack, but even the follow-up troops of the Fifth District Northeast Theater near Sanfeng Mountain also began to launch a group charge against the Gu Clan.

In the command camp of the Northwest Advance Army, Gu Yan cursed loudly: "Fuck, the cannon is about to hit my head. Did the two armies opposite have sex? Just as I was about to move, they started Attack, isn’t this right?!”

"Are we going to fight back hard?" Xiao Ke asked.

"Wait a minute, call Qin Yu and see how the situation is in the Hekou area." Gu Yan waved his hand and said, "Damn it, the other side is attacking, we can't attack rashly, the Sichuan army is probably not ready yet. "


Ma Laoer received a call from Bureau Wu and was going to make an appointment with Feng Yunian.

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