District 9

Chapter 1922 A narrow escape from death

At around eight o'clock in the morning, He Dachuan and Meng Xi arrived at the Hekou Camp in the Old Triangle Area with thirty old bandits who had lived outside the area for a long time.

Within the division.

Xiao Sang entered Qin Yu's office, saluted and shouted: "Sir, He Dachuan, Meng Xi reports."

"Let them come in." Qin Yu waved his hand.


About five or six minutes later, He Dachuan and Meng Xi entered the room together.

"Hello, sir!" Meng Xi saluted.

"Sir, long time no see, I really miss me so much...!" He Dachuan didn't mind being numb. After saluting, he immediately bent down and stretched out his hand forward.

Qin Yu had become accustomed to his way of talking, shook hands with him and said: "After research by the division headquarters, the organization has decided to give you an important task..."

"We will fight wherever the division commander points." He Dachuan immediately answered: "I have called all the people who used to run on the road and mountains with me in the past. No matter what tasks the division headquarters assigns to us, we will resolutely complete them and fight. To the last person.”

"Don't stop fighting to the last man." Qin Yu replied speechlessly: "The mission must be completed and the people must come back."

"Yes, yes, that's what the teacher said." He Dachuan nodded.


Qin Yu said hello and picked up the cigarette case. Seeing He Dachuan looking at the cigarette eagerly, he asked with a smile: "What's wrong, you can't smoke normally?"

"We belong to a company that strictly controls recruits and we are not allowed to be beaten." He Dachuan bared his teeth and replied.

"Do you know why I asked you to go to the Qi Yuhang Group?" Qin Yu asked.

"I didn't understand it at first, but later I understood it." He Dachuan replied with a bow and a nod.

Qin Yu reached out and handed He Dachuan a cigarette, and replied softly: "I am paying attention to your performance in the 421st Regiment. You have led the company well."

"I'm also learning and teaching at the same time. I hope I won't cause any trouble to the upper management." He Dachuan replied with a smile.

Qin Yu reached out to help He Dachuan light the cigarette and said softly: "This combat mission needs to be kept strictly confidential. Brigadier Wang Henan will discuss the specific matters with you in detail. Your main task is to assist him in executing the plan..." "

Meng Xi listened carefully to Qin Yu's words and rarely interrupted, but He Dachuan took the initiative to ask a lot of questions.

After the three of them talked in the room for about seven or eight minutes, He Dachuan and Meng Xi figured out that they had probably received another extremely risky job.

After Qin Yu finished speaking, he looked at the two of them with his hands behind his back: "I still say the same thing, the mission must be completed, but the people must also come back. You soldiers... can't compare with others. The situation when you first entered Sichuan Mansion was very... It’s been difficult. Now that we have finally integrated, you all need to be more confident. When you come back safely, I will give you a separate unit number."


The two saluted.

Qin Yu took out half a cigarette from the drawer and threw it to He Dachuan: "Okay, let Xiao Sang take you to the First Field Brigade."

ten minutes later.

In the courtyard of the division headquarters, my uncle Ai Hao put his hands in his sleeves, sniffed and asked He Dachuan: "What job did you get?"

"Alas, I took on a job where I had a near-death experience." He Dachuan replied solemnly.

"No, how miserable are you?!" Ai Hao heard the sound and yelled: "Why do you narrowly escape death as soon as you take the job? I am looking for excitement with you every day?!"

"I want excitement?" He Dachuan glanced at him: "The task given by the division headquarters, what can I do?"

"This division is really taking our group of people for granted," a middle-aged man said in a low voice, "We will do all the dirty work for us."

"Yeah, it sounds so depressing to have narrow escapes from death every time." Ai Hao also started to complain: "You don't care about eight deaths and two lives, I can accept it!"

"Don't be so careless." Meng Xi frowned and added: "Not only are we going, this mission is led by the division commander's own brother, and no one is specially sent to go to mines."

When everyone heard this, they had nothing to say. Because they were really angry just now. They felt that they had been doing life-threatening work continuously not long after joining the Sichuan Army. This was because the division headquarters intended to use them as cannon fodder. But as soon as everyone heard that Da Ya was leading the team, their previous thoughts were obviously untenable.

Everyone in the Sichuan Army knows about the relationship between Daya and Qin Yu. He has already gone, so what else can others say?

But everyone was a little irritated. After all, no one could stand the narrow escape of these old guys. So everyone finally summed it up and collectively thought that He Dachuan was more miserable... He had a head that was close to death.

The bandits didn't have much quality. After boarding the transport helicopter, they cursed and bombarded He Dachuan all the way, and arrived at the garrison location of the 1st Field Brigade before ten o'clock.

Under the guidance of the guards, everyone entered the camp, and He Dachuan, Meng Xi, and Ai Hao were called to the brigade headquarters by Daya.

"Please sit down." Daya greeted everyone.

"Hey, hey!" He Dachuan and others immediately bent down and took their seats.

"Guys, don't be formal." Although Da Ya is not very old, he has participated in many regiment wars. He has already shown his general aura, and he said with great style: "Actually, many officers and soldiers in the Sichuan government think that I am a member of the academy. I was born in the military and have been studying in the Army University, but in fact, like you, I used to make a living outside the district."

"Really?" He Dachuan was a little surprised.

"Yes, when I was outside the district, I was only a teenager. It was much harder than you. I slept in snow shells and picked up food in garbage dumps." Daya waved his hand and said, "So, we are all the same Damn it, let’s work together this time, let’s not be official, just say whatever you want.”

When He Dachuan and Ai Hao heard this, they both relaxed a lot and chatted with Daya about things outside the area.

After a brief exchange of greetings, the few of them got closer, and then Daya softly introduced the core and main process of this time.

After the three of them listened, Ai Hao sighed with a pale face: "It's really a damn escape from a narrow escape."

"The work is indeed difficult, but there is still room for maneuver." Da Ya said softly: "Besides, I called you here not to let you directly participate in combat missions, but because you all have long-term extreme cold conditions. environment, so I hope you can provide some suggestions and help to the troops."

"That's no problem. We are all experts at running on the road, walking on the snow, drilling in the woods, and occupying the hills." He Dachuan replied with a smile.

"Okay, let's go to the preparation warehouse and see if there is anything else to add." Daya stood up.


The three of them also stood up, and at this moment Meng Xi, who had just listened to Daya's plan, inexplicably glanced at the battle map hanging on the wall...

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