District 9

Chapter 1389 Interception

On the street, gunshots rang out. Yu Weiliang lay in the car, holding a walkie-talkie and yelling: "Don't panic, evacuate according to the emergency plan."


The motor roared, and the armed pickup truck behind immediately rushed forward, opened its reflectors, and used its body to block the sniper's shooting angle.

At the same time, a soldier ran over, dragged the dead driver away, got into the car and prepared to drive the vehicle again.

"do not move!"

Yu Weiliang pointed his pistol at Kim Taishu and shouted hysterically: "If you dare to play tricks, I will have your son killed immediately!"

Kim Tae-soo sat motionless in the car.

"Da da da!"

At the same time, masked gangsters rushed out from several intersections and in the courtyard of the community. They were armed with automatic rifles and shot at the convoy with quick movements.

There are three sniper points on the rooftops of the surrounding buildings. The gunman at one of them set up a cannon and said in Korean: "Get ready to shoot!"



The other two points will be answered immediately.

"Bang, bang...!"

Heavy Sniper Barrett roared again, penetrated the reflector, and once again penetrated the windshield of the car where Kim Tae-soo was.

Yu Weiliang bent down to avoid it and shouted: "Find me the opponent's sniper point!"

As soon as he finished speaking, at the other two sniper positions that had not moved, two men wearing European-style military uniforms and triangular scarves used a firearm with a thick barrel, similar to a launcher, and fired it at the convoy. the trigger.

"Boom, boom!"

A gunshot sounded slightly similar to the sound of water hitting, and several cylindrical projectiles visible to the naked eye were fired at the convoy from high altitude.

"Ding Dong!"

Two of the projectiles were fired into the car from outside the punctured windshield.

"Grenade?!" The soldiers in the back row immediately pressed down on Kim Tae-soo's body, opened the explosion-proof shield, and prepared to accept the impact of the explosion.

"Bang bang bang!"

What is unexpected is that the cylindrical projectile did not cause an explosion in the car, but quickly emitted a gray-white gas.

"Smoke bomb?!" Yu Weiliang shouted, reaching out to push the door open and get out of the car.

In the back seat, the soldier held down Kim Tae-soo. He inhaled the gas through his mouth and nose and was startled. His face suddenly changed and he shouted: "It's not a smoke bomb, it's compressed diphosgene...!"


At this time, Yu Weiliang had already jumped out of the car, feeling dizzy. The two soldiers were unprepared and inhaled a large amount of gas in their bodies. However, they still relied on their strong physique to open the car door and dragged Kim Tae-soo to rush out. Go down.

At this moment, at least half of the twelve cars on the road were shot through the bulletproof glass by artillery snipers, and were shot with biphosgene pellets mixed with a lot of chemical gases.

Gray smoke spread on the streets, and many soldiers suddenly fainted on the roadside as they rushed out of their cars.

This diphosgene first appeared during World War I, and it has a history of nearly 200 years. Its main function is to cause changes in ciliary function in the inhaler, causing acute pulmonary edema and changes in the lungs and chest, leading to temporary suffocation in people. Inhalation will cause immediate death.

After more than a hundred years of evolution, this biphosgene is currently used more by military intelligence departments, and has been improved quite perfectly. The gangsters on the roof also use more advanced models, which are slightly softer in lethality, but more targeted and tactical.

on the street.

Yu Weiliang, who also inhaled the gas, pulled his neck and shouted: "Put on the gas mask, hurry up!"

Kim Tae-soo was surrounded by four or five soldiers who rushed over. He turned around and looked around, but still did not resist.


On the street, the gangsters who had been fighting with the soldiers were now pressing forward collectively, shooting wildly as if they didn't want money.

The members of Investigation Team No. 57 were well-equipped. Those who had not been attacked by biphosgene were all wearing gas masks and fighting back with guns.

"Hang, huh...!"

On the roof of the building, three snipers opened fire, using conventional sniper rifles to shoot point-to-point at the soldiers below.

Yu Weiliang's brain was dizzy. He glanced at his watch as he walked unsteadily: "Support, why haven't the backup people arrived yet?!"

For someone as important as Tai Zhu, and knowing that someone in No. 57 might be causing trouble, Yu Weiliang couldn't lay all his cards on the table. He also has a group of people who are arranged to travel on another road, specifically to ensure that effective support can appear when an accident occurs.

"Requesting support, requesting support...!" An officer squatted next to the car with a gun, shouting hysterically.

"Da da da!"

At this moment, twenty or thirty gangsters wearing casual clothes and covering their faces rushed out from two or three buildings behind. They had red ropes tied on their arms and came from behind to kill them.

Originally, Yu Weiliang thought that this group of people was with the gangsters who arrived first, but he did not expect that when this group of people approached, they also exchanged fire with the gangsters who rushed over from the opposite side, and people on both sides died.

"Two groups of people, two groups of people, they are not together. Yu Zu, give up the car and rush out from the side!" the officer turned around and shouted.

"Where's the supporter?!" Yu Weiliang turned around and shouted.

"The supporting convoy was also attacked. It was on the side of the street and could not get over for the time being."

"Bang bang bang!"

Five gunmen not far away raised their arms at a 45-degree angle and threw bright light bombs and smoke bombs at the crowd.


At the same time, the sniper attacked, shooting almost at the same time, killing the soldier holding Kim Tae-soo instantly.

Is this almost one-sided situation because Yu Weiliang was not sufficiently prepared? Did he think too simply about transferring the deposit to Tai Zhu? Not really. It's because the opponent knows too much about No. 57's person and too well about No. 57's way of doing things...

"Whirring whirring!"

Yu Weiliang stood on the street, his face covered with sweat, his brain dizzy, all he saw in his eyes was a vast expanse of white, and his ears were filled with the sound of his own breathing.

"Give...to the people who support...!" After Yu Weiliang said half a sentence, he fell to the ground with a thud. He was the first to inhale diphosgene. At this moment, the gas took effect. No matter how strong his willpower was, he could not resist science.

Some people may wonder that Kim Tae-soo also breathed diphosgene, but why didn't he faint? That was because the old guy was prepared. When he saw the sniper rifle shattering the windshield, he had already held his breath. But even so, when he got out of the car to steal some air, he still inhaled part of it, but it was just a very small amount.


After the soldier was shot by a sniper, Kim Tae-soo held the shackles in both hands and fled to the right in the smoke. He was covered in sweat and his body was shaking.


Just when Kim Tae-soo took advantage of the chaos and ran to the side of the road and was about to dive into the alley, a gun was suddenly pressed against the back of his head.

"Don't move!" a masked gangster said, holding a gun.

"Haha, do you dare to kill me?" Kim Taishu said with a sneer: "The things in my hands can be used even after death. Do you believe it?"

The gunman was silent.

On the street, two groups of gangsters were exchanging fire with the remaining soldiers, but no one noticed that there was actually another wave of people. After coming from the side, they saw that the crowd in the center of the gunfight was dense and too fierce, so they chose to retreat to the left. .

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