District 9

Chapter 1388 Transfer to detention location

Before Kim Tae-soo got into trouble, he had a lot of say in No. 57. You can see this from his ability to privately mobilize the Nanhu 17 team.

If he has the right to speak and is connected to the top, he must be a pivotal figure in the power struggle of No. 57.

If there is a cunning power struggle, there must be dirty and despicable methods, as well as all kinds of under-the-table deals, shady affairs and other things. Kim Tae-soo has been rooted in No. 57 for many years. Whether it is to contain others or to protect himself, he has done enough homework. Not only does he have information about the enemy, but he also knows the weaknesses of a large number of competitors and colleagues. He also knows the dirty deeds of many high-ranking officials and military officers. That's why he dared to play tricks while in custody, making the atmosphere on No. 57 very strange.

And Yu Weiliang knew that he had this ability, so he had no choice but to transfer him to custody. Because there are too many people on No. 57, it is very unsafe to just rely on the investigation team to keep an eye on them. Once someone wants to kill Kim Tae Soo to silence them, or is threatened by Kim Tae Soo, things will become very troublesome.

It was about ten o'clock the next morning.

Li Zhixun called Yu Weiliang and said softly to him: "I'll give you a phone number, and you take Kim Taishu to him."

"Is this person safe?" Yu Weiliang asked.

"He is a businessman in the arms business in Bei City. He has been running errands for me for many years. He is very reliable. I didn't tell him who you wanted to imprison or what you wanted to do, and he didn't ask any questions. You just take the person there, Their people will guard the outside, and the investigation team will keep an eye on it inside." Li Zhixun replied briefly: "As long as the news doesn't leak out, no one can find it."

"I understand, let's do it right away." Yu Weiliang nodded.

"Finalize the shares as soon as possible, and then I will report to the superiors and secretly execute Kim Tae-soo." Li Zhixun replied in a low voice.

"Secret execution?" Yu Weiliang was stunned for a moment.

"He is too dirty, and the people above him don't want to go through the procedures." Li Zhixun replied calmly: "This can also reduce some trouble."

"I understand." When Yu Weiliang heard this, a cold breeze felt on the back of his neck.

This is politics, this is abandonment!

At 11:30, in the office of the No. 57 shooting investigation team, Yu Weiliang said succinctly: "Everyone must hand over all private communication equipment and only use the issued walkie-talkies."

Everyone listened and obeyed.

"I made a road map, and the leaders of each group took it to take a look." Yu Weiliang opened the document bag and said softly: "When setting off, each group paid attention to staffing and firepower, and was prepared to deal with all emergencies. "




Everyone nodded in response.

12 o'clock sharp.

Forty capable members of the investigation team arrived at the parking lot, fully armed.

After waiting for a while, the back door of the detention area was opened, and ten people surrounded Kim Tae-soo from front to back and took him out.

Kim Tae-soo held the shackles in both hands, turned his head and looked around, and suddenly shouted sarcastically to the main building: "Haha, how many people are watching the theater? Are you panicking? My fate will probably be all of you. The end...!"

"Too much talk." Yu Weiliang frowned, dragging Jin Taishu and stuffing him into the car.

Upstairs in the main building, many officers stood at the windows, staring down with complicated emotions.

In fact, Yu Weiliang wanted to send the person away in a low-key manner, but the real environment really did not allow him to do so. First of all, he is not from No. 57, and the members of the investigation team were temporarily transferred. As long as they make a move, they will definitely have to use No. 57's resources, such as cars, equipment and other items. So even though they tried their best to hide it, the news still spread easily.

After Jin Taizhu got in the car, Yu Weiliang immediately waved his hand and said: "Let's go!"

As soon as the words fell, ten armed pickup trucks and two off-road vehicles quickly left the back door of No. 57 and drove towards the street.

In the guest room of the main building, a blond man with blue eyes slowly took out his mobile phone and quickly sent a text message.

About an hour later, near the outskirts of the city.

Twelve military vehicles, with emergency running lights on, ignored all traffic laws, stayed close to the side of the road, and drove quickly.

In a car in the middle of the motorcade, Kim Tae-soo was sitting in the back seat. He turned to look around and suddenly asked with a smile: "Team leader Yu, you handle such a small matter like transferring the place of detention in such a high-profile manner. Are you not afraid of being exposed?" Problem?"

Yu Weiliang turned his head when he heard the sound and looked at Jin Taishu coldly. He rarely shows this expression, which shows that his underlying psychological activities are also very nervous.

"Haha, are you afraid that someone will kill me?" Kim Tae-soo asked, obviously letting himself go.

"Do you think you have any bargaining chips?" Yu Weiliang looked at him and replied: "Don't forget, although your wife is dead, your son is still there, and you still have family members."

"You're right. I love them very much and don't want anything to happen to any of them." Kim Tae-soo smiled and nodded: "But even so, what can I do? Facing cold-blooded, inhumane opponents like you, what can I do? Is there a better way?”

Yu Weiliang was silent.

"If I die, they won't be well; if I don't die, they won't be well either." Kim Tae-soo replied nervously: "Do you think I will still be afraid? Afraid of your threat, ah, Team Leader Yu?! "

"It's two different feelings to live and watch them die, and to watch them die after you die." Yu Weiliang is very good at breaking down people's inner defenses: "The former will collapse, go crazy, and life will be worse than death. You What do you say? Otherwise, we will let you try again and experience the pain of losing a loved one."

Kim Tae-soo clenched his fists, leaned forward with scarlet eyes, and said word by word: "You have no faith, no race, you are a scumbag who only believes in rights! I will see with my own eyes that you will be doomed."

"No problem, but I need you to be quiet now."

When the two were tit-for-tat, constantly testing each other's bottom line, the car had already traveled about five or six kilometers, heading north on a relatively difficult road.

Kim Tae-soo turned to look around and said with a smile: "What a great place, a great place to shoot."

As soon as he finished speaking, the convoy in the front row suddenly came to a halt, and a person shouted with a walkie-talkie: "There is a car accident ahead, two trucks collided together."

When Yu Weiliang heard this, he frowned unconsciously, immediately picked up the intercom and responded: "The convoy retreated and avoided the conflict section."

"Bang, bang bang...!"

As soon as he finished speaking, several extremely dull gunshots suddenly came from the building not far away.


The explosion-proof glass was instantly shattered by the cannon. The driver of Kim Tae-soo's car was beaten into two sections in the car on the spot, and the entire cockpit was sprayed with blood.

"Yo ho! So cool!"

Kim Tae-soo was covered in blood, and he shouted at Yu Weiliang like a madman: "The excitement is coming! Don't let me die, otherwise I won't get the shares."

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