District 9

Chapter 1,296 Formal appointment with Fatty Jin

Inside the Yi City Hotel.

Lao Zhou lay on the bed and watched the news leisurely.

"Are you acting too quiet?" Lin Chengdong sat on the sofa, slowly took out his cigarette case and said, "Your family suddenly disappeared from the EU area. Wouldn't the department that sent you be suspicious?"

"What can be done if I doubt it?" Lao Zhou replied lightly: "Now I ask the military intelligence people from the Seventh District to put my family members back into the EU area. What do you think they will do?"

Lin Chengdong frowned when he heard this.

"Give me a cigarette." Lao Zhou said like an uncle.

Lin Chengdong ignored him and remained silent.

"Don't be so nervous. Just take it easy when you get there. The more you panic, the more things will happen." Lao Zhou turned to look at Lin Chengdong and said with a smile: "I have a cooperative relationship with the people in the European Union, and I came to do such a dangerous thing. I secretly arranged for my family to leave, why should they be suspicious? Don't worry, I know it well."

"You're back and you haven't contacted them yet. Isn't that abnormal?" Lin Chengdong asked again.

"Brother, we are engaged in military intelligence work, not sales. If something happens, we report it to the superiors." Zhou Zheng replied very grumpily: "I don't have any discretion. I am sick. I am here to do this." Something dangerous?"

Lin Chengdong didn't say anything more after hearing what he said.

"Give me a cigarette." Zhou Zheng said again.

Lin Chengdong took out a cigarette from the box and threw it to the other party.

Zhou Zheng sat up and lit the light, squinted at Lin Chengdong, and suddenly asked with a smile: "Nearly five million in cash and fifty gold bars. This is quite a fortune. I could go back to Nanhu to live happily, but I was The hard-core guys from above are coming to follow me, are you mentally unbalanced too?"

"What do you want to say?"

"Brother, let me tell you something. In this world, anyone's words can be believed, except politicians' words." Zhou Zheng smoked a cigarette and said seriously: "Don't listen to the promises they make to you, it's of no use at all. . Life and interests are in your own hands, they are yours."

"You don't want to incite rebellion against me, do you? Haha!" Lin Chengdong laughed.

Zhou Zheng stared at him and suddenly asked: "Are you one of theirs? If not, how can you talk about instigating rebellion?"

The two looked at each other for a long time, then laughed slyly.

"We are just grasshoppers on the same rope now. If I die, you won't survive." Zhou Zhengdian said firmly: "You just need to understand."

"Ding dong!"

Just as the two were testing each other, the doorbell suddenly rang.

"Who is it?" Zhou Zheng turned around and shouted.

"Hello Mr. Zhou, I am Mr. Jin's driver." The person outside the door replied.

"Damn it, this fat guy Jin sent someone here without saying hello. He really doesn't believe us." Zhou Zheng raised his head and ordered: "Go and open the door."

Lin Chengdong stood up and walked to the door, stretched out his hand and opened the door.

Outside, two men in suits and ties nodded to Lin Chengdong and said politely: "Mr. Jin would like to treat Mr. Zhou to a meal."

Zhou Zheng didn't ask them why they didn't call beforehand. He just stepped out of bed and said, "Okay, I'll get dressed."

"Okay, Mr. Zhou."

The two men stood at the door and glanced into the room. They suddenly noticed that Lin Chengdong was wearing slippers and his coat was hung on a hanger. The water and ashtrays in the room were all prepared for two people.

After Zhou Zheng and Lin Chengdong put on their clothes and shoes, they walked to the door and left with them.

More than an hour later, in the urban area of ​​Yi City.

Six military off-road vehicles parked at the side entrance of a certain Chao

A group of people entered the hotel, followed the special passage to the second floor, and came to the door of a private room.

Zhou Zheng scanned the surrounding environment and asked with a smile: "There doesn't seem to be anyone here."

"This restaurant basically serves No. 57. You must be a familiar officer to eat here. Outsiders are not allowed in." Kim Tae-soo explained with a smile.

"Oh, that's right." Zhou Zheng nodded slowly.

The sliding door opened, and Kim Tae-soo and Zhou Zheng took off their shoes and entered. The other followers stood on both sides of the corridor, preparing to enter the boxes on the left and right, but Lin Chengdong took off his shoes and went in without even thinking.

Jin Taishu looked back at him, a little surprised.

"Haha, Xiao Zhu is one of our own, so he won't get in the way." Zhou Zheng said with a smile.

"Please sit down, Assistant Zhu." Jin Taizhu smiled and made a gesture of invitation.


After the words fell, the three of them sat down and the sliding door outside was closed.

Near the distant mountains, the headquarters of the independent mixed brigade.

A helicopter landed. Chen Feng, wearing a long woolen coat and black leather gloves, walked down the ladder very energetically.

"Welcome, Chief Chen!" Qin Yu immediately greeted him.

Chen Feng shook hands with Qin Yu and replied with a smile: "How about it, Qin Lu, are you still adapting to the environment here?"

"Oh, I let Brother Jun fool me." Qin Yu sighed: "To be honest, I almost want to run back to Songjiang."

"Ha ha!"

Chen Feng smiled: "It's a bit difficult to open up the situation here, but if you get used to it, I'll give you a golden mountain and you won't even want to leave here."

"I hope so!" Qin Yu made a gesture of invitation: "Prepare some mutton, vegetables, and just eat in a pot."

“The food is good!”

"Hey, haven't we just arrived? The remaining food in our pockets hasn't done all the harm yet. In a few days, I think the cornbread will be choking enough to eat." Qin Yu replied in a teasing tone, leading Chen Feng He and his adjutant entered the brigade barracks.

"Let me introduce to you. This is my chief of staff, Li Zhan. This is deputy brigade commander Qi Lin, who is also the commander of the second regiment. This is Wang Henan..." Qin Yu stood at the door and introduced Chen Feng. own core team.

Outside Yishi Restaurant.

Ma Laoer was wrapped in a military coat, with a cigarette hanging from his mouth. He squinted in the direction of the store and whispered into the headset: "Sir Yao, my people went over to take a look. That store does not accept individual customers, so it is impossible to get through."

"How many people are there?" Yao Jingzhong asked.

"There are six cars of people," Ma Laoer replied truthfully, "nearly thirty people!"

"... Damn it, Fatty Jin is really shocked. He wants to stay in the safe and come out to eat." Yao Jingzhong frowned: "It's a bit troublesome!"

Inside the restaurant.

Kim Tae-soo, Zhou Zheng, and Lin Chengdong chatted about business while eating barbecue and bibimbap.

"Mr. Zhou, although Lao Li was killed, he told me about you before." Kim Taishu wrapped the barbecue with green vegetables and said softly: "The person is gone, but the friendship is still there. Do you need me for anything? Help, just ask.”

Zhou Zheng smiled: "Haha, I'm really troubling you."

"no big deal."

"Have Lao Li ever told you why I came to District Five?" Zhou Zheng asked with a smile still on his face.

Kim Tae Soo was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

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