District 9

Chapter 1295 The reason is clear

Late at night, in the barracks of the Independent Mixed Brigade, Brother Xiao was sitting on a mobile hospital bed, and his wounds were being treated by military doctors.

"How are the battle losses?" Qin Yu asked Daya urgently.

"Three were seriously injured and a dozen were slightly injured." Da Ya reported truthfully.

Qin Yu clenched his fists and asked with some dissatisfaction: "Just walking around the gate of the distant mountain, can you inflict such battle damage?"

"That's good. The situation inside is much worse than you think." Brother Xiao explained for Da Ya: "They were prepared. We shocked people as soon as we opened fire. In the houses on both sides of the road, the buildings on the Inside, they are all firing cold shots, and there is no way to prevent them! Fortunately, the troops did not go too deep, otherwise they would all be trapped inside."

"Yes." Da Ya also agreed: "I let armored vehicles and off-road vehicles block the buildings on both sides, and used smoke bombs and tear gas to cover the infantry, and did not let the vanguard troops go deep. I led the guard platoon myself. Welcome Brother Xiao, otherwise we will definitely fight to the death."

"How can the regional armed forces have such fighting power?" Qi Lin asked very puzzledly: "It doesn't feel so difficult to defeat Dragon City."

Brother Xiao's friend Lao Qi also suffered some minor injuries. He sat on a chair and explained: "You can't compare the planned areas around the city with Sichuan, Zangyuan, Xinjiang and other areas. The mountains here are as high as the emperor." Far! Among the existing private militia, which one did not grow by cannibalizing others and relying on annexation? No one is suppressing it, and local forces can easily grow. Therefore, although there are few big battles here, there are constant small ones. They Don’t be afraid of soldiers, because they are soldiers too, do you understand what I mean?”

Qin Yu had been on the ground for so many years, and he instantly understood what Lao Qi meant. I think back when Wu Tianyin was pulling up troops in Erlonggang, the garrison was about to be consolidated as soon as it formed a large scale.

Why is this?

Because it is too close to the city, the garrison may not care about a group with hundreds of people who specializes in making money. But if someone like Lao Wu takes a people-friendly route and develops personal armed forces at all costs, then It must be contained, either you will be recruited or opportunities will be found to expel you.

Some people may wonder why the Wang family in Longcheng has grown so big and is not contained? In fact, the reason is very simple. The Wang family mainly focuses on money and industry. Although they also follow the line of being close to the people, the actual meaning is win-win, leading the big guys to make money, and the armed forces are only to protect the business, and do not have the ability to cause trouble, and Deep down, they are willing to be recruited. As long as the superiors are willing to negotiate, they will take sides at any time.

To put it bluntly, this is accumulating "people-friendly energy" and wanting to move to the top. He is of two different natures from Wu Tianyin, and is completely different from Sichuan, Zangyuan, and Xianbian.

After Qin Yu considered this, he frowned and asked, "Does the person you brought have any identity?"

"It should be a small boss." Brother Xiao raised his head and replied: "When Lao Qi defeated him, the people around him didn't catch up."

"His surname is He, which is also a common surname in the southwest of Sichuan." Lao Qi knew the situation here very well and wanted to lick Qin Yu, so he said without hesitation: "In the distant mountains, the Suo family and He One controls the joint defense team and the other controls the security team. They are very powerful."

Qin Yu was slightly relieved after hearing this, and immediately made a plan: "Block the two entrances to the mountain, and change the defense 24 hours a day. As long as someone is found attacking the defense area and carrying weapons, there is no need to fire a gun. Hit me!"

"Yes!" Da Ya replied.

"Damn, this place is quite challenging." Qin Yu is a person with a strong sense of worry. Today he touched the distant mountains and tried out the complexity of this place, so he is also thinking about countermeasures and thinking How to open up the situation.


While several people were chatting, the signal soldier suddenly ran over and shouted.

"Say!" Qin Yu replied.

"The commander-in-chief of the World War II area is calling. Please answer it in person!"

When Qin Yu heard this, his head was buzzing, and he immediately walked into the communication room with his crotch between his legs, while Qi Lin, Li Zhan, Daya and others also followed.

"Hello, Commander!" This was the first time Qin Yu received a call from the Commander of the World War II Zone.

"You caused me trouble as soon as you arrived at the defense zone, didn't you?!" the commander yelled: "Who asked you to enter Life Town and shoot? And kill people? Are you too brave?"

"Report to the Commander, there are causes and consequences to this matter. A squad of soldiers in our brigade was attacked and all were killed. The military building materials purchased from the Eighth District were also robbed, with a loss of more than two million yuan." Qin Yu stood at attention and shouted. : "After careful investigation, we found that the gangsters were in Yuanshan Town, so we organized people to arrest them. However, we did not expect to encounter resistance from the gangsters. We found that there were people in the middle, so we fired two shots and retreated! No harm was done. Large-scale conflict...!"

"Fart! All the military intelligence telegrams have been sent back. Your troops started to rush into the distant mountains. There are at least twenty or thirty people dead in the town of life, and there are dozens of injured people. One of them is called... what is his name? Suo's head was cut off! Doesn't this mean that it didn't cause a large-scale conflict? How big is too big?" The World War II district chief cursed angrily; "Do you know the nature of this?! Ah?"

"Commander, there is nothing to say about the lack of building materials, but if the soldiers are attacked and our brigade does not respond, then the brothers below will not do it!"

"I didn't say I wouldn't let you take revenge, but there must be a method! You have to think of the specific method yourself and weigh it yourself, otherwise why the hell would you be made the brigade commander? Are you bigger than others?" the commander yelled.

"Yes!" Qin Yu stood at attention and replied.

"The gun has been fired. Do you have any?"

"Yes, the gangster who killed the soldiers has been caught. He has already spit in our camp!" Qin Yu replied concisely: "If the other party says that we shot without reason, I can hand this person over to the World War II zone! "

The commander of the World War II area pondered for a long time and then asked: "Does the other party know anything about you?"

"That's not true. Let's be reasonable. I heard that Suo San offended the man on the ground and had his head slapped off." Qin Yu had already thought of his excuse: "He deserved his death, but It has nothing to do with us, if necessary, I can send an elegiac couplet...!"

"Stop fucking talking nonsense!" the commander of the World War II area shouted again: "The person who chopped off the head was the person on the ground. How come the gangster is in your hands?"

"Our people happened to be at the south gate and accidentally robbed Suo San's murderer!" Qin Yu stood at attention and said: "The murderers were all masked so that they could be killed by our soldiers."

"Is there no evidence to prove it?"


"Very good." The World War II district chief was satisfied after hearing this: "But let me tell you, Qin Yu! The environment in the Sichuan area is very complicated. I want you to have achievements and merits, but also to be stable. He Damn it, if you give me eye drops, don’t tell me that I will take off your clothes and send you to grow rice at Beifengkou!”

"Yes!" Qin Yu shouted with sweat on his forehead.

"All soldiers under attack will be treated as martyrs. Just report them and that's it." The commander of the World War II area said this and hung up the phone.

Qin Yu's head twitched, and he took the initiative to say boldly: "Commander, the recruitment of soldiers in our mixed brigade is a big problem. Regarding the establishment of recruitment units, do you think the World War II zone will consider it as appropriate? There are no soldiers here, really. I don’t feel safe!”

"You have caused a big trouble for me, do you still have the nerve to make conditions?!"

"Commander, I just want to face reality now, and don't want to lose face!" Qin Yu replied softly when he needed to give in.

"You...!" The commander was speechless for a long time, and nodded helplessly: "Okay, you are allowed to set up more recruiting units! But you can't cause trouble, and you have to do a good job for me in Sichuan Mansion!"

"Ensure the completion of the garrison mission."


The phone hangs up.

Qin Yu wiped the sweat from his forehead: "I finally understand. This brigade commander is a scolded errand!"

Next to him, Qi Lin finished answering the phone and walked over and said, "Brother Jun just called me and said that his brother Chen Feng flew over and wanted to discuss this distant mountain issue with you."

"It's great that he's here. He's experienced here, and he must know the reason behind it." Qin Yu rubbed his palms and said, "Damn, wait and see first, wait until the other side takes the initiative to find us!"

at the same time.

Kim Tae-soo, who had been hanging out with Lin Chengdong and Zhou Zheng for a few days, suddenly asked people to go to the hotel and wanted to ask them out without a phone call.

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