District 9

Chapter 113 Responsibility and Inheritance (Additional Update 2)

After being unconscious for several hours, Ma Laoer finally woke up. After Qin Yu fed him some water, he said to Uncle Ma: "You two stay for a while, I will go out to make arrangements."

"Okay." Lao Ma nodded.

Qin Yu closed the door and left, opened his mouth and shouted: "Old cat, Guan Qi, come to this room to study how to do it."


Lao Ma sat next to the bed, licked the cigarette with his chapped lips, lowered his head and said nothing.

Ma Laoer stared blankly at the ceiling and asked in a hoarse voice: "How is Uncle Zi?"

"It's no big deal." Lao Ma responded lightly.

Ma Laoer closed his eyes and said with a trembling voice: "Uncle, I was wrong... Uncle Zi advised me before doing things... I didn't listen... In the end, Zheng Xiaoliu was gone, and Maozi didn't even snatch the corpse. Come back...I...I deserve to die."

Lao Ma smoked a cigarette, sat under the dim light, lowered his head, looked at the ground, and said in a calm tone: "Second brother, our generation is made up of three brothers... I am the youngest and the youngest. I have just entered the ninth district. At that time, our family had nothing, so your father took my second brother to grab food from others, sell guns, and do whatever they could to get food. I was young at that time and couldn't bear the burden at all, so I just worked every day. If you hang around with them, you can save some money while you have nothing to do, and you can also find a girl."

Ma Laoer listened quietly.

"In the fourth year after Songjiang officially released the right of residence to outsiders, my second brother fell seriously ill and the family had no savings... Your father was anxious, so he asked a few brothers to rob Fengbei of supplies for the Songjiang faction. That night, you My second uncle didn't sleep all night, but I didn't feel anything. I spent the whole night playing cards with others on Tuzh Street." Old Ma paused here and his eyes turned red: "Early the next morning, I ran back. People told me... your dad was shot dead, with more than 20 bullets in his body. I was stunned at the time and didn't know what to do... But the amazing thing is that your second uncle was seriously ill and stayed in bed for more than two years. Yue, miraculously survived."

"Didn't you take any medicine?"

"No, I just carried it through." Lao Ma's cloudy eyes were filled with tears, and he continued in a hoarse voice: "Your second uncle came back to life. He gathered the brothers around your father and led the team to continue working. And At that time, I would help deliver some goods to them and run errands.”

"Why did my second uncle die?" Ma Laoer turned his head and asked in a trembling tone: "You never told me."

"I was fighting for a store on Tuzh Street. I was hacked and stabbed seven times." Lao Ma said with a frown on his face while smoking a cigarette: "When I went to the hospital, he told me... I didn't dare to die. , just waiting for you to come."

Ma Laoer was speechless.

"I'm confused again." Lao Ma wiped his tears, lowered his head and narrated: "Your second uncle grabbed my hand, his eyes widened and told me that when our boss went to grab supplies to sell, if he hadn't died , then he will definitely die of illness. But the boss is gone, and he is lying in bed with only one thought in his mind... The backbone of the family is gone, so if he is gone, what will we do as a family... So He didn’t dare to die.”

Ma Laoer listened blankly and said nothing.

"Second brother, do you know what the word "home" means?" Lao Ma slowly raised his head, turned his old cheek to his nephew, and said in a calm voice: "Home is like, you watch the little ones grow up, and then... Watching the old people leave one by one. It is a kind of inheritance, and there are people to succeed!"

"Uncle, stop talking, I know what you mean..."

"Second brother, you have to grow up quickly." Lao Ma said in a teasing tone: "I am already this age, and every day I live is less. And among the next generation of children in our Ma family, you are the oldest... If you can no longer bear the burden, you won’t even be able to close your eyes when I leave.”

"Uncle, I won't let you worry anymore." Ma Laoer gritted his teeth and clenched his fists in response.

Lao Ma stood up and put out the cigarette butt, reached out and patted his shoulder, lowered his head and said, "Don't be afraid if you break it, but you have to know the pain after breaking it. Maozi, Xiaoliu and those children who hang out with you every day are nobody." No matter what, you little mud-legged guy who no one asks about... People call you big brother, support you, do things for you, and let you go to Yongdong with a gun to save face. What is this? This is a kind of responsibility! "

"I understand, uncle."

"Get some sleep." Lao Ma patted his shoulder again, hunched over, turned around, and left the dimly lit room.

Ma Laoer looked up at the empty room, but all he could see was Lao Ma's old back.

In eight hundred miles of no man's land.

A young man wearing a fur coat, dirty and bearded, walked into a tent.

"Coming?" A strong man sat by the fire, cutting the half-cooked mutton with a knife, and asked softly: "Where are you going tomorrow?"

"No, I came here to tell you that I can't go there." The dirty young man sat down cross-legged, reached for the knife and cut the meat, and while eating, he said: "It's a bit urgent, I have to bring People go first.”

"Are you playing?" The strong man suddenly frowned: "You're about to give up the task just halfway through, what should I do?"

"What can I do? Can you find someone to continue doing it?" The dirty young man wiped the grease stains from his mouth: "If you have enough money, why can't you find someone?"

"Fart! The job is so urgent, where can I find the right person?"

"Let's do this. I'll give you a contact number. You call him and ask him to bring someone over." After thinking about it, the young man said without any doubt: "But I have to go."

The strong man thought about it for a long time and said, "Don't leave. I'll give you more money."

"It's not about money." The young man shook his head.


The strong man immediately pulled out the gun from his waist, slapped it on the table and replied: "I can't trust outsiders, you must finish the work."

The young man was stunned, turned around and spat out the mutton in his mouth, and suddenly said with a smile: "What a gun!"

The strong man took a sip of his wine and didn't look up.

The young man reached out and grabbed the opponent's gun, pulled the muzzle to the left, and suddenly pulled the trigger.


Several gunshots rang out, and the strong man suddenly raised his head and asked with a gloomy face: "What do you mean?"

"Isn't this gun calibrated?!" The young man put the gun on the table carelessly and said casually, "You can't play with guns even if you tie three of them together. Don't keep scaring me, do you hear me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, two figures walked in from outside.

The young man turned around, waved his hand, and said to the strong man again in a low voice: "It's an emergency, I have to leave. I'll make up for your mistake next time. I don't want any of the balance this time."

The strong man was stunned for a long time: "Do you have a grudge against Qian?"

"...Some people and some things are more important than money." The young man smiled, put his hands in his sleeves, and turned to leave.

A day and a half later, he was stationed at the training base.

Qin Yu opened the door to the room and said concisely: "Get ready, I'm going to send a text message to the other party."

Within the city.

Yongdong's cell phone rang. He looked down at the message and saw a line of small words written on it.

"I'm already on my way."

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