District 9

Chapter 112 Internal cracks are spreading (Additional update 1)

The relationship Li Si introduced to Qin Yu was a junior sergeant in a garrison in Fengbei. His position was not high and his income was average. Moreover, this person has been in the army for a long time and has no contact with the gangsters on the ground in Fengbei, so he is quite reliable.

The location arranged by the sergeant was on the outskirts of the city, an abandoned training ground for the army. When everyone arrived, they saw a seal with Chinese and English translations posted outside the door.

In a dilapidated old building, a sergeant dressed in casual clothes whispered: "Don't light open fires, don't make noise, don't go out during the day, do you understand?"

"I know." Qin Yu nodded.

"If you are discovered, you have to say that it was you who hid here when you saw that no one was here, not someone who sent them in." The sergeant continued expressionlessly: "If you talk more, I will help you. People bring trouble.”


"I got some medicine from the army. Let's take a look at your friend's injuries first."

"Okay, trouble."

After the two of them made their words clear, the sergeant led Qin Yu into the room, carrying the medicine box, and waved his hand and said: "Help spread the disinfectant cloth. The people who are here will stay to help, and the others can go out."

"Let me help. I know how to treat trauma." Qin Yu took off his coat.

Lao Ma and others exchanged glances and immediately left quietly.

About two hours later.

The sergeant washed his hands with the water he brought, turned to look at Qin Yu and said, "I'm leaving first."

"How to solve the food problem?" Qin Yu asked.

"It's only two days in total. Are you going to starve to death?" The sergeant replied with a smile, "Just bear with it."

After Qin Yu nodded, he took out the cash that everyone had collected from his pocket, stretched out his hand and handed it to the sergeant, saying, "I'm causing you trouble."

The sergeant was not polite, put the money in his pocket and replied: "When you leave, put everything back to its original place and clean up the traces of your life."


"Let's go." The sergeant left the medicines in the medicine box, turned around and left: "Don't give them away, I can just go out by myself."

Qin Yu stood in the room and watched the other party leave.

In the residence arranged by Longxing Drug Company, Yongdong sat on the sofa with his head lowered and remained silent.

Next to him, seven or eight senior officials who had a very close relationship with Yongdong, as well as the brothers below, were all silent with ugly expressions on their faces.

"Dongzi, Lao Yuan really wants you to change for Xing Zihao?" A middle-aged man crossed his legs and suddenly opened his mouth to ask.

Yongdong nodded: "Yes."

"Fuck!" The middle-aged man touched his bald head and asked with a sullen face, "The bald man, what did Xiao Jiu and the others say?"

Yongdong picked up the cigarette case and responded with a sneer: "Haha, bald man? Xiao Jiu? What do you think they will say?"

Middle-aged silence.

"When you entered the house, Baldy called me." Yongdong lit a cigarette and recounted with a smile: "He told me that it was very difficult for Lao Yuan to make this decision, and he even cried in the house... Everyone knows the danger of this matter, but the company has no choice but to protect Xing Zihao first. So if this matter happened to Bald Man, he would definitely go. And he also believes that everyone can ensure his safety. "

"What a fucking fart!" the middle-aged man scolded with his eyes widened: "Anyone can tell you, but you really want him to die."

Yongdong looked at everyone in the room and responded lightly: "The people who really care about my life and death are already sitting in this room. The other senior officials, either because they don't want to offend Long Xing, secretly support me to stand up to ensure their own safety." Profit; or you just want me to die and wait until I’m gone so you can share the resources I got.”

Everyone was silent again.

After a while, a young man sitting on the left suddenly opened his mouth and said: "Brother Dong, if you can't, please leave!"

Yongdong looked back at him, smoking a cigarette and saying nothing.

"Yes, if it doesn't work, just leave." The middle-aged man said with a very unbalanced heart: "We won't even talk about how much contribution you made to Lao Yuan Li in the past. Let's just talk about the counterfeit medicine this time. Without you at the helm, Lao Yuan would be in control. If the horse is knocked down with two punches, then based on the previous momentum, the opponent will have to seize the entire market in less than half a year at most... And if Lao Yuan Guang loses money, he will lose everything. Also, Xiaoqu's problem should not be your fault in the first place. Come and deal with it, kill him, that is what the lowest level Ma Chai should do. But he left this job to you, and also arranged for a fool like Xing Zihao to help, so that now he has a comprehensive disadvantage situation. In the end And I asked you to carry a thunderbolt and die, is this shit the work of a human being?"

Yongdong still smoked and said nothing.

"Dongzi, we really don't owe Lao Yuan anything anymore." The middle-aged man scolded with a livid face: "Even if the parents let the child die, the child would not necessarily do it, not to mention that he is a person with a ruined character. Where's the boss?! Every time he drinks, he talks about benevolence, justice and morality, and likes to talk about past events, stories, and friendships, but when something goes wrong, his first choice is to betray his brother. For a person like this, he deserves you. Want to give it a try?"

"Haha, I didn't expect him to say that to me." Yongdong smiled.

"Brother, just say a word and we will leave Fengbei tonight." A young man on the opposite side frowned and responded: "I will make a few calls and ask some brothers from Songjiang to come over and I will guarantee that I can deliver it to you."

Yongdong put out the cigarette butt, stood up and replied: "Let's go, where are we going? You can go downstairs and have a look now. There must be not only people from the company, but also people from Longxing."

"Then let's break up." The middle-aged man said with sharp eyes: "If Lao Yuan dares to force you to stay, I will shoot you."

Yongdong turned around when he heard the sound, staring at everyone. After a long silence, he suddenly smiled: "I will carry my own thunder. It would be very despicable to involve you."

"Yongdong...!" The middle-aged man still wanted to speak.

"Stop talking." Yongdong waved his hand, looked at the middle-aged man and replied: "If you really want to help, just ask a few brothers to go to Wenwen's place, pick her up, and settle her down. I will be completely relieved. .”

"Are you really planning to go?" The middle-aged man stood up impatiently and shouted with his eyes wide open: "Old Yuan, Baldy and the others said they would protect you, but that's all nonsense. With Xing Zihao on the other side, they can lead you by the nose. . As long as Lao Ma wants to kill you, you will definitely not be able to hide."

Yongdong looked at the middle-aged man and felt warm in his heart: "I know everything you said, but you may not know what I think. Don't worry about it, just help me settle Wenwen."

In the building of the training ground.

When Qin Yu was lowering his head to fiddle with his new phone, Ma Laoer, who was unconscious on the bed, suddenly murmured: "Water... give me some water."

Qin Yu stood up after hearing the sound, opened the door and shouted: "Bring some water, my second brother is awake."

Half an hour later.

Yongdong stood at the window, lowered his head and dialed a number.

"Hello? What's up, Dongzi?"

"Haha, it's okay, someone just wants to kill me."

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