District 9

Chapter 1130: Anger turns into beauty (lead update)

The day after Coco was arrested, Mr. Yun brought people to Songjiang and has been living in Jiangpan Garden Community.

At about four o'clock in the afternoon, Geng Qiu from the Government Affairs Department, Xin from the Police Department, including Mr. Yun, and Su Yong from the investigation team, and other leaders gathered together and talked softly while eating. The pharmaceutical group sued the Economic Investigation Bureau.

"What is Qin Yu doing? Is his brain flooded?" A leader of the investigation team said very puzzledly: "Yu Jinnian has been arrested, shouldn't he be trying his best to defend Qi Hongli now? ? He made clear the arrangements for the top management of the two bribery companies, let the matter end here, and then think about what to do next. But what does he mean by letting the legal department directly sue the Economic Investigation Department? Yu Jinnian’s criminal facts are so It’s clear, he had the courage to argue, didn’t he take the initiative to let us slap him in the face?”

"Have you noticed? Several private media, as well as media close to the military and political affairs, are now reporting on this case, and some positive images of Yu Jinnian have been shaken out." Director Xin stepped in and replied: "They Maybe they want to use the direction of public opinion to find a turning point in this matter."

"It's useless." Geng Qiu ate the fish and said calmly: "I'll tell the city's Propaganda Department later and release part of Finance Lao Zhang's confession and evidence to the public so that the public can know clearly. Why arrest Yu Jinnian?"

"Yes, if you do this, it will slap Qin Yu in the face instantly." The team leader nodded and replied: "Public opinion will not be affected at all. It will only make the pharmaceutical group darker and darker."

Su Yong hugged his shoulders and refused to eat. He only said with a worried face: "Based on my experience of watching Qin Yu in the past three years, he will never make such a bad move. I always feel like suing the Economic Investigation Department , filing a complaint with the police supervision department is just a cover, and his real purpose is not here."

"Where is that?" Geng Qiu liked Su Yong very much and was willing to listen to his opinion.

"It's hard for me to say. I always feel that things are not that simple." Su Yong couldn't figure out Qin Yu's thoughts for a while.

"I think your thinking is complicated. This time our move to Jinnian was very sudden, and Qin Yu couldn't react." Director Xin said lightly: "It's a mistake to make two bad moves in a hurry. It’s more reasonable.”

Su Yong glanced at him and said nothing.

"No matter what move he makes, there is no way to turn the tables." Mr. Yun said with a smile: "The task force will continue to investigate, starting from Qi Hongli's two companies, and then arrest a few senior executives who are aware of it, so that the case can be advanced quickly. . I will also let the media in Fengbei work hard. Don’t they want to play a war of public opinion? Haha, then our official media has never been afraid of anyone. His speed of washing cocoa will definitely not be as fast as our speed of breaking through dirty water. .”

"Yes." The team leader nodded in agreement.

"Okay, let's all eat." Geng Qiu greeted with a smile: "Let's pay tribute to Team Leader Su's team. Your work in the past three years has been quite effective!"

After the words fell, everyone raised their glasses.

"Dip Lingling!"

At this moment, Director Xin's phone suddenly rang. He glanced at the caller ID and pressed the answer button: "Hello?"

"Director, people from No. 30 or 40 Living Village came outside the police station, holding banners and calling for Yu Jinnian's injustice. Our police officers went to try to dissuade him, but to no avail." The person on the phone said softly: "I After taking a look, it seems that there are media cars around, and we can’t move around..."

"Haha." Xin Shu sneered, shook his head and said, "Qin Yu only has this little money in his stomach. He has nothing else to do but gather the people and hold a sit-in. Don't move around. I'll be back later."


Director Xin hung up the phone and stood up slowly: "You guys eat first. There is a problem at the police station. I will go back first."

"What's wrong?"

"A group of people from the Life Village have come to express their grievances for Yu Jinnian." Director Xin picked up his coat and said, "This is to find material for the media. You eat, I will go back and deal with it."

Geng Qiu frowned: "Old Xin, we must control the public's emotions. Our main direction is not here."

"I know." Director Xin nodded, waved his hand and shouted: "I'll leave first, you can eat."

Half an hour later.

The director's special car parked in front of the police station's compound. Director Xin took a glance while sitting in the car and saw many people gathered at the main entrance.

"Tiancheng Baofeng Pharmaceutical Group donated more than 10 million yuan to the Living Village last year, and Ms. Yu Jinnian personally donated more than 4 million yuan. Why are you arresting the top executives of such a good company?!"

"The medical prices in the entire nine districts were fucking set by Tiancheng. Longxing was forced to follow the price cuts several times, so that everyone got benefits. Why are you messing with them? Didn't they pay you taxes?!"

"Pray for judicial justice and ask the task force to disclose all the details of the case to the public!"

"Let him go!!"


Dozens of people sitting in a sit-in at the door held large banners and shouted excitedly.

In fact, these people are not paid to maliciously come here. Most of them are taken care of by the pharmaceutical group. For example, most of these people are people from Wei Kun's living village.

At first, Lao Mao was setting up a charity foundation for Lao Li and went to their dormitory. Seeing that the people were really in trouble, he took Qin Yu to visit them. The latter not only paid for it himself, but also made a phone call to the pharmaceutical group. Without saying anything, Keke directly brought the senior management to donate.

Later, the people were affected to some extent by the Battle of Dragon City, and it was also the pharmaceutical group that caused a lot of trouble. They set up medical points outside the area, distributed medicines for free, and hired doctors to provide relief.

The people remembered all these things one by one, so this sit-in was not entirely caused by Qin Yu secretly, but a large part of the people volunteered.

Director Xin heard the shouting, immediately opened the door and got out of the car, and shouted loudly: "Everyone, please be quiet. The investigation of the task force is still continuing, and we will make it public soon..."

On the roadside, when Director Xin showed up, Ma Laoer, holding a cigarette in his mouth, shouted with a walkie-talkie: "The real owner is here."

Qin Yu thought for half a second and immediately shouted: "Get him!"

Ma Laoer immediately waved his hand after hearing this.

Among the crowd, Baojun, wearing a military coat, secretly stared at Director Xin and walked over.

"What are you doing? Don't move."

"I want to ask the director, why does your investigation team arrest people?" Baojun squeezed forward and concealed his military c on his right hand.

As soon as the police officer saw the knife, he immediately raised his gun and shouted: "Stand back and put the knife down!"

"Who the hell has a knife? Where can there be a knife?" Baojun pulled his neck and yelled: "Why are you pointing a gun at me?!"

Director Xin did not see the knife, but he must have believed what the police officer said, so he stepped back.

The scene instantly became chaotic. The crowd and Baojun rushed forward. When the policeman blocking the door saw that he could not control the situation, he immediately raised his gun and pulled the trigger.


Gunshots fired.

"The police station opened fire on the people," Bao Jun shouted loudly: "The police station opened fire!"

On the roadside, Ma Laoer walked to the car wearing a windbreaker and banged his feet against the car door.

"Didi, di, di, di...!"

The alarm sounds.

"Damn CNM, the police station is shooting at people for no reason, everyone gather together!" Ma Laoer shouted with his eyes raised, pointing in the direction of the police station and yelled: "The police station is too busy for you, rush in, Give it to me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, thousands of people poured out from both sides of the street. There were people from Radiation Village, hundreds of ring dealers, and a large number of low-level dealers from the pharmaceutical group. They swarmed up and rushed to the police station like a tide.

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